Solar Storms and the 2012 Prophecy


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
There has been a prediction of an "end times" since the beginning of time itself.
I don't believe we will see the "end times" during our lifetime.
That's what the last generation on Earth will be saying right before it happens! :D :lol:

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
:frow I would like to add my 2 c also, my favorite subject is Bible prophecy which I have been studying for the past 25+ yrs. I spend several hrs. a week as it is my favorite pastime. (Yes I'm a nerd :frow and proud of my tin foil hat.:ya) Puts on said hat and card board sign that says: The End is Near! :old

However I have not spent very much time considering the ancient mayan prophecy or calendar. I did just see the Sci-Fi movie 2012 :gig so that I could understand the reference.

The Bible does pre-date the mayans, and also has the distinction of already having many prophecies that were accurately fulfilled. Therefore, I also believe what it says about the end times.

I do know this, any event that fulfills those end time prophecies will be on a global scale, and that nobody knows the day or the hour so that eliminates one part of the mayan theory, because they have come up with 12/21/12 as a specific date.

If there was a specific date given then nobody would prep, they will all wait til 12/20/12 at 11:00PM and then go to Wal-Mart. :he
That is why a very wise man said this: Luke 12:39,40 " But know this, that if the householder had known at what hour the thief would come, he would have kept watching and not have let his house be broken into. YOU also, keep ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think likely the Son of man is coming.

On the other hand there is this:
Ecclesiastes 1:4 (King James Version)
"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever."

Ecclesiastes 1:4 (Today's New International Version)
Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.

And also this: Revelation 11:18 (Today's New International Version)
The nations were angry,
and your wrath has come.
The time has come for judging the dead,
and for rewarding your servants the prophets
and your people who revere your name,
both great and small
and for destroying those who destroy the earth."

As far as prophecy goes I like these because they kind of leave no room for solar storms that can actually destroy the earth or bring a cataclysm that would lead to the situation in the 2012 movie.

The Bible records several times that "fire" was called out of, or came down out of the heavens, but these incidents were more descriptive of a controlled nuclear or ? other kind of energy blast. Did'nt sound like solar storms to me, which are quite random and unpredictable. We have some discomfort from them, but I do not see them as any specific fulfillment of prophecy.

There are a lot more interesting things going on out there, that is if you are 'keeping on the watch'! :lol:


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Beekissed said:
There has been a prediction of an "end times" since the beginning of time itself.
I don't believe we will see the "end times" during our lifetime.
That's what the last generation on Earth will be saying right before it happens! :D :lol:


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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Solar storms absolutely true. Scientific FACT. Don't know how accurate the predicting is but the fact there is solar activity has been filmed.

End of times Mayan or otherwise? Nope. No doubt that the human race will kill itself off. Maybe even get hit by an asteroid that will put up so much dirt the sun can't get through like what killed the dinosaurs. Influenced by some supernatural being or beings, nope.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
Old Sew'n'Sew said:
As far as prophecy goes I like these because they kind of leave no room for solar storms that can actually destroy the earth or bring a cataclysm that would lead to the situation in the 2012 movie.
Forgive my ignorance, but aren't solar storms "only" supposed to knock out the power grid...? (Plus fry electronics in cars, appliances, etc.) I didn't think they actually could cause physical devastation to the earth...? :/


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
i_am2bz said:
Old Sew'n'Sew said:
As far as prophecy goes I like these because they kind of leave no room for solar storms that can actually destroy the earth or bring a cataclysm that would lead to the situation in the 2012 movie.
Forgive my ignorance, but aren't solar storms "only" supposed to knock out the power grid...? (Plus fry electronics in cars, appliances, etc.) I didn't think they actually could cause physical devastation to the earth...? :/
The major problem with solar storms is the "frying" of all things electronic. There are scenarios where a monster solar storm, or a series of storms, could damage the magnetosphere to the point that would allow a large amount of solar radiation to reach earth. This could very well kill much of the life on earth. However, doing the type of physical damage seen in the trailers of the 2012 movie (I didn't see the movie), is not a realistic idea.

There are a few scientists that say you could get severe global seismic activity during a pole shift event (which has happened in the distant past). There are actually signs that a pole shift is currently in the works. However, most scientists seem to think that these events take many years (decades to centuries) to occur and that the effects would be distributed over that time and thus not cause a major upheaval. Solar storms cannot cause pole shifts.

We do indeed live in interesting times.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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I saw a great movie with Nicholas Cage. He got hold of some code that when deciphered spelled out dates for major disasters. It was foreseen by an alien race and they came to earth and took select children away to keep the race going. Adam and Eves all over the Galaxy.

The final disaster was a solar flare that annihilated the Earth. Good movie if a bit depressing at the end.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Scientist have figured out that solar activity is cyclic and increases in 11 year cycles...

The thing that makes this one more of concern is that we now have a huge huge hole in our magnetic sphere surrounding the earth, It is said to be 10 times bigger than normal.

It is this magnetic grid that defects much of solar flare impact.

The difference between Mayan and bible prophecy is that Mayan is based upon highly accurate astronomy. (not astrology)
They have been counting things for ages much longer than their civilization existed and we know this because the counts are so long that a 1500 year civilization could have never had the continuity of perception or opportunity to figure things out.. They likely had previous information.

It is believed that the Mayans actually received the knowledge to do astronomy from a pre-culture. Their accuracy is astounding and it is unknown how they ever figured out what they did figure out... and is most likely they received it from somewhere else... and Egypt is a guess that many make due to similiarites in language, especially around religious words and the pyramid link with Egypt. .... so that would predate bible if it did come from Egypt

I do not know how it is that all this could cause draught, or other types of physical damage.... but I guess it is uncertain what the impact would be without protection from the magnetic sheilds that surround the world. We would have enought to contend with if only the power went out for several months.

Recently, this year, a bill went through congress to promote funding of utilities to upgrade infrastructure for this exact event. The bill failed.

Perhaps it is time to write to your congress and senate?


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
Mackay said:
Scientist have figured out that solar activity is cyclic and increases in 11 year cycles...

The thing that makes this one more of concern is that we now have a huge huge hole in our magnetic sphere surrounding the earth, It is said to be 10 times bigger than normal.

It is this magnetic grid that defects much of solar flare impact.

The difference between Mayan and bible prophecy is that Mayan is based upon highly accurate astronomy. (not astrology)
They have been counting things for ages much longer than their civilization existed and we know this because the counts are so long that a 1500 year civilization could have never had the continuity of perception or opportunity to figure things out.. They likely had previous information.

It is believed that the Mayans actually received the knowledge to do astronomy from a pre-culture. Their accuracy is astounding and it is unknown how they ever figured out what they did figure out... and is most likely they received it from somewhere else... and Egypt is a guess that many make due to similiarites in language, especially around religious words and the pyramid link with Egypt. .... so that would predate bible if it did come from Egypt

I do not know how it is that all this could cause draught, or other types of physical damage.... but I guess it is uncertain what the impact would be without protection from the magnetic sheilds that surround the world. We would have enought to contend with if only the power went out for several months.

Recently, this year, a bill went through congress to promote funding of utilities to upgrade infrastructure for this exact event. The bill failed.

Perhaps it is time to write to your congress and senate?
The hole in the magnetosphere that I believe to which you are referring occurred in 2007 and it is not ongoing. It was four times the diameter of the earth and was special because it was caused by a solar magnetism that was north polarized, something that up until that time was thought not to be possible.

It is true, that if a hole were to form and then a CME were to strike during that time, the consequences for electronics would be severe. However, there is no way to predict such an event years in advance. Also, there are still quite a few things that can be done to help mitigate the consequences. Another worry about such an event would be a spike in skin cancers and other problems brought about by the solar radiation.

As for the impact of a CME or solar storm on the earth without our magnetosphere protecting it, geologically there would be none. A good example is that of the moon. It has no magnetosphere, and is not affected geologically by the solar storms that strike it's unprotected surface. Also Mars, even though it has a very weak magnetosphere, is not affected and the solar winds do impact its' surface from time to time.

In reference to the bible, I must beg to differ. Whatever your thoughts regarding it's accuracy, it is not based on astrology.

I do however think that writing congress and telling them to get off their duffs and harden the grid is a great idea. Though I do also believe that the chances of getting them to actually do anything is remote, at best.

Waiting for the peak of Solar Cycle 24 with eager anticipation, from a RF point of view.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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Congress is scared to death to sign any bill that requires money. Our infrastructure is in bad shape. You can't raise taxes when unemployment is almost 10% and the people that have jobs are working longer hours without raises or even wage reductions. Then their homes are worth 70% of what they used to be.

They need to get some money to small businesses. Of course paying for an upgrade on our power grid would create some jobs. If only the fed could figure out how to get the money to be spent where it is intended to be spent.