Solar Storms and the 2012 Prophecy


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
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Scott County, IL
MorelCabin said:
There is a movie about it...I can't remember what it was called, but I saw it a few years ago.
The movie is "Knowing"
but I dont think it was hugely popular...


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
dipence71 said:
MorelCabin said:
There is a movie about it...I can't remember what it was called, but I saw it a few years ago.
The movie is "Knowing"
but I dont think it was hugely popular...
No, there was another one, done a few years back...but since I am not a movie watcher I have forgotten the name of may have been a documentary but I am sure it was more of a movie.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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dipence71 said:
MorelCabin said:
There is a movie about it...I can't remember what it was called, but I saw it a few years ago.
The movie is "Knowing"
but I dont think it was hugely popular...
That's the one. Like most movies these days it topped the box office for 2 days and was in the dollar theaters 2 weeks later. Remember when theaters had one screen and movies would stay there for months? Like when Jaws or Star Wars came out. These days you gotta be quick if you want to see it in a semi decent theater. As usual I digress.

If you haven't seen it you should watch it on Netflix. It was good.

I think the drought has been determined to be caused by global warming. No reason to debate the causes. It's there and it's real. That's what is causing the droughts though. They say we should get used to it. Buy stock in AC companies. Places that never needed AC are needing them now.

Remember when the only people that had AC in their houses were rich people and people that lived in the South?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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k0xxx said:
In reference to the bible, I must beg to differ. Whatever your thoughts regarding it's accuracy, it is not based on astrology.

I certainly did not say the bible was based on astrology. You misinterpeted what I wrote. I was emphisizing that Mayan calender and their sciences was based on astronomy not astrology as some people tend to think. Perhaps my statement was not clear enough.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
I misinterpreted what you wrote. I'm sure that it was written clear enough, but it had already been a long day, my allergies were/are wearing me out, and I wasn't as attentive as I should have been. My apologies.

As for the Mayan calendar, it is truly one of the marvels of the ancient world. So many of the ancient feats of mathematics and engineering are astounding and would defy repeating without the aid of our technology.

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
:frow Hi I'm back.
Macay wrote: They have been counting things for ages much longer than their civilization existed and we know this because the counts are so long that a 1500 year civilization could have never had the continuity of perception or opportunity to figure things out.. They likely had previous information.....It is believed that the Mayans actually received the knowledge to do astronomy from a pre-culture. Their accuracy is astounding and it is unknown how they ever figured out what they did figure out... and is most likely they received it from somewhere else... and Egypt is a guess that many make due to similiarites in language, especially around religious words and the pyramid link with Egypt. .... so that would predate bible if it did come from Egypt
K0-3x wrote: There are a few scientists that say you could get severe global seismic activity during a pole shift event (which has happened in the distant past).
You are correct and correct again, the Noachian Deluge was not just a childrens story. The physical evidence has been well documentented in archeology, and also all cultures have a flood legend that describes the same, or nearly the same scenario, therefore, " the continuity of perception Please Google: Mayan Flood legends.

It was ancient Babylonia not Egypt, The Mayan pyramids are more closely designed like the Ziggurats ., the most famous one being the Tower of Babel described in the Bible.

The builders were trying to prep, just in case God sent another Flood. The ziggurats were tower temples, not tombs like the Egyptians pyramids. The Bible gives the most details and covers more than 6000 yrs. of mankinds history and pre-dates the Mayan culture.
Continued in next post..

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
Around the Arctic Ocean there is a great swath of permanently frozen land, the greater part of which is covered with a frozen muck composed of sand, silt and earth. In an article entitled Riddle of the Frozen Giants, The Saturday Evening Post of January 16, 1960, observes:
The list of animals that have been thawed out of this mess would cover several pages. . . . They are all in the muck. These facts indicated water as the agency which engulfed the creatures. . . . many of these animals were perfectly fresh, whole and undamaged, and still either standing or at least kneeling upright. . . .

Here is a really shockingto our previous way of thinkingpicture. Vast herds of enormous, well-fed beasts not specifically designed for extreme cold, placidly feeding in sunny pastures, delicately plucking flowering buttercups at a temperature in which we would probably not even have needed a coat. Suddenly they were all killed without any visible sign of violence and before they could so much as swallow a last mouthful of food, and then were quick-frozen so rapidly that every cell of their bodies is perfectly preserved, despite their great bulk and their high temperature. What, we may well ask, could possibly do this?

The logical answer is that it came with the rapid change that occurred at the time of the Flood. With the removal of the insulating watery canopy, the polar regions were suddenly plunged into a deep freeze, trapping animals that then lived far north of their present habitat. The proof that this was a sudden event, and not something that occurred over a long period of time, is the fact that even the green grass they were eating was quickly deepfrozen in their mouths and stomachs, where it has been discovered in modern times. How consistent this evidence is with what the Bible says about the Noachian flood!

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
What tremendous changes occurred in earths surface with the fall of this vast canopy of water! This immense weight of water apparently caused a shifting and buckling of earths relatively thin crust. Thus, new mountains were thrust upward, old mountains rose to new heights, shallow sea basins were deepened and new shorelines were established.

And, too, the sudden fall of this canopy and the tremendous upheavals of earth would create great waves of rushing wateraccomplishing in a matter of days what many scientists believe took millenniums of time to occur by slow processes of erosion. Mighty torrents of water carved out deep valleys and huge canyons. Monstrous boulders were smashed together and moved great distances from their native setting, like so many pebbles.

Think of the great destruction of animal life this would cause. Then consider this report by Byron C. Nelson in his book The Deluge Story in Stone:
The way fishes by the millions are entombed in the rocks of England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Switzerland, the American Rockies; the way elephants and rhinoceroses are buried by the millions in Alaska, Siberia, England, Italy, Greece; the way hippopotami are buried by the thousands in Sicily; the way reptiles are buried by the millions in western Canada, the United States, South America, Africa, Australia, to mention only a portion of such instances, absolutely require the explanation of great catastrophes for their elucidation.

In this connection, William J. Miller, Emeritus Professor of Geology at the University of California at Los Angeles, notes in An Introduction to Historical Geology (1952): Comparatively few remains of organisms now inhabiting the earth are being deposited under conditions favorable for their preservation as fossils. . . . It is, nevertheless, remarkable that so vast a number of fossils are embedded in the rocks. A catastrophe such as the Noachian flood could account for this.

Just a few old articles that I was able to find.... I told you this was my favorite pastime. :lol: :rolleyes:

P.S. I forgot to add the specific prophecy that I wanted to show you. :/

Its:Matthew 24:36-39 Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
k0xxx said:
It is true, that if a hole were to form and then a CME were to strike during that time, the consequences for electronics would be severe. However, there is no way to predict such an event years in advance. Also, there are still quite a few things that can be done to help mitigate the consequences.
Aside from writing (probably useless) letters to Congress, what can the average person do to protect their own electronics? If anything? I've read about putting small things (radios, e.g.) in old ammo cans, that sort of thing. But considering there are electronics in large appliances & cars...or is it pointless to even worry about it? :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Nope. Nobody knew. But Noah had an inkling didn't he? direct contact with the master of the universe.

Why should we think that it could not be possible again.

Now if such research is your cup of tea here is something I would think to be of significant controversy.... try to keep an open mind. It has some very good historical evidence

I am not saying one way or another if it is true but I think some of it is.

I found it very difficult to read on this link site so I downloaded it and then the pages hold still for you.


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