Tatter - please post instruction on how to make these. Thanks.
I have been totally missing all the post on this thread. Shame on me but been so busy.
I never thought about mincing the onion and leaving it in. I bet that would actually work well as you would get more of the onion. Next batch will be minced onion.
My daughter just moved to a different state. She lived with her SO's mom for a couple of weeks. She took a batch of the honey onion with her plus took a jar of local honey from here for just in case until she can find a local source. She called me crying after her 3rd day there. Apparently her SO's mom thought the honey onion mixture was nonsense and poured it out, washed the jar and told my daughter that if they got sick they could go to the Dr. like normal people. Having only been there for a few days my DD let it go. But on the fourth day when the honey got poured down the drain and the empty jar handed back to her she lost it. Needless to say things went downhill from there. At any rate mom got a first hand look at the honey onion cure. DD found a local source, made the mixture and dared anyone to touch it. A few days later my granddaughter started getting the sniffles. DD started giving her the mixture. The next day the NORMAL MOM's grown grandson started getting sick. So DD talked him into taking the mixture. Later that afternoon the MOM started with the same cough, sniffle stuff but refused to take any Witch Doctor/Old Wives Tale nasty medicine. DD's crying turned to laughter when it turned out that the MOM was the only one who got really sick and ended up with a Dr. bill.
Sometimes things just work out the way they are suppose to.
1/4-1/2 C. dried horehound leaves and/or flowers
1 C. water
2 C. honey
1 Tbs. lemon juice or cider vinegar (optional)
Boil horehound in the water for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow it to sit for 5 more minutes. Strain out the horehound using cheesecloth or a very fine strainer. (you don't want particles left in the syrup). Add honey and lemon and stir until it is combined. Pour into a glass jar and cover. Use one tablespoon as needed.
Also, there is a lot of info on the herbcompanion.com magazine web site. I get nearly all my herbal recipes from this magazine alone.
As to my horehound cough drops...recipe found online also
For the recipe of horehound cough drops, I obtained the recipe from here:
I found a recipe for onion candies on a German website today, which made me think of this thread. Here it is, freely translated by me. In parentheses are my editorial comments
500 g (about a pound, a little over) brown sugar (I would use raw sugar, or experiment with honey)
2 Tbls. vinegar (I don't think it matters what kind; rice wine vinegar is relatively mild; ACV would be fine, but with the cooking it would lose much of its healthful properties))
2 Tbls water
100 g (about 3 oz) onion, very finely grated or chopped
1 Tbls butter
Melt the sugar in the water and vinegar over medium heat.
Mix in the onion, and, stirring constantly, cook until thickened and caramelized (be careful not to let it burn!)
Spread the butter over a cookie sheet, and pour the onion mixture onto it. Let it cool and harden a bit, and cut it into pieces (or spread it out thinly, and break it into pieces when cool)
When it is completely cool, spread the pieces out on a clean surface, and let them dry thoroughly.
"These bonbons are, like onion juice, an old time remedy against coughing and hoarseness. Children especially love them, as they also taste deliciously sweet."
There was some discussion, on the site where I found this, about how long these might last. Some said only for a few weeks; others said that, kept in a tightly closed jar, they should keep for longer. Final consensus was that only enough for the cold/cough season should probably be made at any one time. Though I would think that with that much sugar they would be perfectly fine for longer.
I made the onion/honey remedy a couple of weeks ago when DH had a hanger-on cold and cough. He took it several times and said he thought it helped. Then Thursday I felt like I was coming down with something. Sore throat, achey all over, just "off." I started taking spoonfuls of honey and onion Thursday night. Took it Friday about 4 times, and today (Saturday) I feel fine. I chopped up the onion and swallowed some with the honey. Yesterday I decided to add garlic to the mixture, so I added 4 chopped up cloves of garlic. I have it in the fridge, ready for the next sore throat!
We always gargle with a few drops of tea tree oil in water for saw throats. Works a treat but tastes awful. Also don't swallow the tea tree oil, just gargle. I don't think it would be much good for hay fever though.
This stuff really works!! My 89 year old Mom just moved in with us. She listed her house, it sold in 2 weeks. She signed the contract August 6th, closed on August 17th and we handed the new owners the keys on August 24th. And had a 4 man crew in our house remodeling the master bedroom and bathroom for Mom. So naturally she got run down, tired, and caught a cold. She was coughing all night, her nose dripped like a leaky faucet and she felt terrible. I remembered this thread and minced up some onion, covered it with honey and dosed her with it. She slept all night, no coughing, and it stopped the constant drip. Awesome! I love SS and all my SS friends!!!!!