Sustainability Master
My doctor wants me to reduce my caffeine drinking because I had slightly elevate nitrogen levels in my urine. Apparently the caffeine, being a diuretic, exacerbates that. So I'm drinking Red Zinger today.
I'm trying to start a habit of drinking tea several ties a day with the addition of some fresh ginger and turmeric. It's quite tasty and hopefully a healthy addition to my lifestyle. But, I can't give up my coffee - nor do I want to!
Need to go pick up some panels today - but the weather is crappy. May or may not make today an inside day. House could use it...laundry calls. DH is recovering from an overnight hypoglycemic episode but he's got a list of errands to tackle for his mom after he's feeling better. Maybe I can give him my list too...
My garlic is sprouting! Yay - now I want to plant some more!
Good thing you haven't needed that board stretcher. I hate waste in a good building project. When we put the roof on the chicken coop, we found that half of the screws had the heads on the wrong ends. We were throwing those away (what a lot of waste!) until DH figured out that we could use all those "head on the wrong end" screws on the other side of the roof. I love that man. He's smarter than the average bear.
I put an other slug of fire wood in this afternoon. Slowly, but surely, the wood pile is getting smaller, while the racks are filling up. Freezing slop due tomorrow. A good 3 more sessions should see the job finished.
Head on the wrong end: If you take it out of the box, and find that the point is sticking up, that's a "wrong ender" the screw bit on the screwdriver won't fit it right. You have to throw that one away, or use it on the other side of the building, and keep pulling them out of the box until you get one with the wide end sticking up.