SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Funny Farm, I steer clear of anything with horns :p When I was little, our big horned goat penned me to the house, forever cementing my 'I'm not too keen on goats' attitude :lol: While we had Holsteins, my Dad got a Holstein bull who was horrid - his parting shot on the way to the butcher was to rip a gaping hole in our truck bed cattle hauler, then smash out the back window of Dad's truck with his big horns! Nobody was sad to be eating King - barnyard chores were WAY easier too! ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Spent the remainder of this Holiday week searching for relief from the heat (never found it :/ ), DH put up all the 'tomato cages' in my SFG and cleaned out his garage (it was in desperate need of it! :p ). We also hung out and watched the fireworks over the trees behind our house. The local fireworks were on Friday, and they happen to be on the lake that is directly behind our house (well, about a half mile, as the crow flies), so we sat out in our yard and caught glimpses of stuff - so much nicer than being stuck in traffic!

DH also finished up my clothesline, and I got to use it :ya

I also got into a bit of a tiff with someone about my choice of lifestyle, again :rolleyes: It was pointed out to me that my animals - the cows and the chickens - and even my garden, cost me much more money than if I just went to the store and bought everything, and I am foolish to think otherwise. :rolleyes: I just smiled and pointed out that I can tell where my food came from, what it was fed, how it was raised, and that there are NO added anything I don't want in it. I am growing very tired of having to constantly justify my decisions to others! You don't want to grow your own fruits and vegetables, or raise your own animals for food and milk? Fine. I'm not judging you, it's your choice. This is MY choice, MY life, so stop judging me! :barnie

Lastly, we were sitting in our back yard, hanging out, when we overheard a LOUD conversation coming from the neighbor's yard. Tell me how you'd feel if you heard this: In raised voices heard over their radio, two guys were having an 'animated' discussion. They were arguing whether, if one of them decided to kill somebody, and the other helped dispose of the body/evidence, and they were caught, would they fry equally? The conversation then morphed into how each could kill someone for the other, basically making a 'mutually assured destruction' pact :th These are the same neighbors that stand out in their yard and watch EVERYTHING that comes in or goes out of our house, glare at us when we wave or say hello, and began talking loudly about 'people who have too much money' when DH showed up this past weekend with a boat (which belonged to a family member. He borrowed it so he and DS could have some good male bonding time). DH became very freaked out by all this, even telling me I needed some form of protection! The other neighbors, with the horses, refuse to acknowledge us, and now the others seem to be plotting our demise?!! What has happened to this area since we've been away?!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
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SSDreamin said:
Spent the remainder of this Holiday week searching for relief from the heat (never found it :/ ), DH put up all the 'tomato cages' in my SFG and cleaned out his garage (it was in desperate need of it! :p ). We also hung out and watched the fireworks over the trees behind our house. The local fireworks were on Friday, and they happen to be on the lake that is directly behind our house (well, about a half mile, as the crow flies), so we sat out in our yard and caught glimpses of stuff - so much nicer than being stuck in traffic!

DH also finished up my clothesline, and I got to use it :ya

I also got into a bit of a tiff with someone about my choice of lifestyle, again :rolleyes: It was pointed out to me that my animals - the cows and the chickens - and even my garden, cost me much more money than if I just went to the store and bought everything, and I am foolish to think otherwise. :rolleyes: I just smiled and pointed out that I can tell where my food came from, what it was fed, how it was raised, and that there are NO added anything I don't want in it. I am growing very tired of having to constantly justify my decisions to others! You don't want to grow your own fruits and vegetables, or raise your own animals for food and milk? Fine. I'm not judging you, it's your choice. This is MY choice, MY life, so stop judging me! :barnie

Lastly, we were sitting in our back yard, hanging out, when we overheard a LOUD conversation coming from the neighbor's yard. Tell me how you'd feel if you heard this: In raised voices heard over their radio, two guys were having an 'animated' discussion. They were arguing whether, if one of them decided to kill somebody, and the other helped dispose of the body/evidence, and they were caught, would they fry equally? The conversation then morphed into how each could kill someone for the other, basically making a 'mutually assured destruction' pact :th These are the same neighbors that stand out in their yard and watch EVERYTHING that comes in or goes out of our house, glare at us when we wave or say hello, and began talking loudly about 'people who have too much money' when DH showed up this past weekend with a boat (which belonged to a family member. He borrowed it so he and DS could have some good male bonding time). DH became very freaked out by all this, even telling me I needed some form of protection! The other neighbors, with the horses, refuse to acknowledge us, and now the others seem to be plotting our demise?!! What has happened to this area since we've been away?!!!

you know the old saying treat others the way you want to be treated

bend that just a lil

you have treated them the way you want to be treated

ok and it didnt work

obviously they wanted to be treated the way they are treating you

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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SSDreamin said:
Spent the remainder of this Holiday week searching for relief from the heat (never found it :/ ), DH put up all the 'tomato cages' in my SFG and cleaned out his garage (it was in desperate need of it! :p ). We also hung out and watched the fireworks over the trees behind our house. The local fireworks were on Friday, and they happen to be on the lake that is directly behind our house (well, about a half mile, as the crow flies), so we sat out in our yard and caught glimpses of stuff - so much nicer than being stuck in traffic!

DH also finished up my clothesline, and I got to use it :ya

I also got into a bit of a tiff with someone about my choice of lifestyle, again :rolleyes: It was pointed out to me that my animals - the cows and the chickens - and even my garden, cost me much more money than if I just went to the store and bought everything, and I am foolish to think otherwise. :rolleyes: I just smiled and pointed out that I can tell where my food came from, what it was fed, how it was raised, and that there are NO added anything I don't want in it. I am growing very tired of having to constantly justify my decisions to others! You don't want to grow your own fruits and vegetables, or raise your own animals for food and milk? Fine. I'm not judging you, it's your choice. This is MY choice, MY life, so stop judging me! :barnie

Lastly, we were sitting in our back yard, hanging out, when we overheard a LOUD conversation coming from the neighbor's yard. Tell me how you'd feel if you heard this: In raised voices heard over their radio, two guys were having an 'animated' discussion. They were arguing whether, if one of them decided to kill somebody, and the other helped dispose of the body/evidence, and they were caught, would they fry equally? The conversation then morphed into how each could kill someone for the other, basically making a 'mutually assured destruction' pact :th These are the same neighbors that stand out in their yard and watch EVERYTHING that comes in or goes out of our house, glare at us when we wave or say hello, and began talking loudly about 'people who have too much money' when DH showed up this past weekend with a boat (which belonged to a family member. He borrowed it so he and DS could have some good male bonding time). DH became very freaked out by all this, even telling me I needed some form of protection! The other neighbors, with the horses, refuse to acknowledge us, and now the others seem to be plotting our demise?!! What has happened to this area since we've been away?!!!
yikes!!!!! do you have a big mean dog?
this is why i hate neighbors. the few we have- i dont like, but they arnt plotting my demise.

(i dont think anyway....)


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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You need to start bringing large guns and huge boxes of ammo into the house, and tell them to stick that in their pipe and smoke it! We don't have neighbors that are in our face, we just see there houses. I don't even like that...and a German Shepherd would probably help as well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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BarredBuff said:
You need to start bringing large guns and huge boxes of ammo into the house, and tell them to stick that in their pipe and smoke it! We don't have neighbors that are in our face, we just see there houses. I don't even like that...and a German Shepherd would probably help as well.
BB, you're so funny! Two pages ago, in this journal, is a picture of my 'big and mean' German Shepard :p It is painfully obvious to anybody watching him for more than 5 minutes that he's just a spoiled rotten baby :rolleyes: DH says we need to build a nice practice spot on their side of our property and begin FREQUENT shooting practice sessions :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Elijahboy, I can't really start a full out feud with these people, as DH works out of town all week long and that just leaves me and DS. DH thinks they are having money issues (the wife stood on the property line the other day, talking to her friend on her cellphone about not being sure which bills she'd pay this month - FYI - DH then ran across her at the convenience store, buying dinner from the store's deli counter :rolleyes: ) and the boat showing up here might've pushed the husband over the edge :idunno A quick 'how ya doin and gee, that's a nice boat' visit would've told the guy it wasn't ours.

Funny Farm, Big dog, check. Mean dog, ummm...more like big baby :p When we lived here (right around the corner) before, it was nothing like this! Our nieghbor's were 'live and let live' people. I would LOVE to have enough property so that I can't see my neighbor's and they can't see me, but I haven't won the lotto yet. DH points out that I never will either, because I can't bring myself to throw the money away on a ticket :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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My 'little' brother called me last night. He starts out talking about how he has come up with a pretty clever way to make a second income (*legal - I asked. With my family, you never know ;) ). He had even gone so far with it as to find a nonprofit in a town near him that helps people determine if their ideas will work. Unfortunately, he stopped there, because his wife and 12 yr. old daughter laughed at him and said it was a stupid idea (I thought it was a great idea: He loves to fish, and has been 'playing around' with smoking what he catches. His coworkers and others that have sampled his end results are in love with the stuff and encouraged him to sell it on a larger scale). I told him it was a great idea, but he definitely needed to check on what the regulations were, since it was food related, and maybe that nonprofit could help him sort all that out. I also pointed out that Mrs. Field's started out the same way, and look at her now! ;)

The conversation turned to my purchase of a bull for Ice Cream, and my kid brother, who didn't like getting slammed by family, began to slam the crude out of me! :barnie He said we (DH and I) were flat out stupid for keeping animals, the cost of corn was going up so we couldn't afford to feed them soon enough, I was high if I thought I'd be able to eat anything I'd spoiled rotten for 18 months (may have a point there) and then - the same kid that grew up on the SAME farm I did - said who'd want milk fresh from a cow anyways, it tastes gross! :ep I thought he was messing with me, but he was serious! I asked what part was 'gross'. He said that all that cream sitting on top, which not only hardens arteries, but makes the milk taste nasty :th I mentioned our plan to skim the cream for butter and stuff. He noted that there will still be a bit of that nasty stuff on top, better to just buy it from the store, where they get that junk out of there first :rolleyes: Then he started in on my chickens! How foolish raising chickens are, how can I possibly afford to feed them ( ranging, scratch grains????) if things get much worse, blah, blah, blah. The whole time he's on his tirade, I'm wondering what the *bleep* is wrong with him - he doesn't want to be slammed, but doesn't give a second thought to passing on his negative opinion on MY choices :barnie Who decided it was 'Pile On Cindi's Choice's Week' ????? I bit my tongue, told him that - if nothing else - my animals were worth their weight in gold as stress reliever's so :tongue After I hung up the phone, I went out and sat watching my animals until it was too dark to see them anymore. :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
:hugs :hugs :hugs and more :hugs !!!

BB, you're so funny! Two pages ago, in this journal, is a picture of my 'big and mean' German Shepard It is painfully obvious to anybody watching him for more than 5 minutes that he's just a spoiled rotten baby
But would that BIG spoiled rotten baby be such a baby if someone was to threaten you? I seriously doubt it! ;)

DH says we need to build a nice practice spot on their side of our property and begin FREQUENT shooting practice sessions
I'm in total agreement with your hubby on this one! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I'd have to exercise a lot of patience to not cut him off and say,"Oh wait a minute.... I changed my mind. I think your smoked fish idea is stupid. Happy now? See ya Bro." He has gotta be thinking too much, too fast. I want someone to tell me I"m not doing good with my farming projects. My chickens made $50 for me this weekend. True I can go days without making anything, but when I do...I do and I only need to fill up all my 4 bins with grains about every 7 weeks, which costs me $140. He must have just needed to bring someone down to his level of humility.

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