SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
I don't know if the habaneros got hotter or not - they were pretty rough when I dried them last year :p I thought drying halted all processes - is that not true?

DH and DS test any peppers I plan to use in anything. I give them each a slice, if it begins to sting and burn immediately when it touches their tongue, it passes muster and can be used. A mild tingle or slight burn gets a pass. The extreme sauce was plenty hot enough for me when I canned it, so I knew it would get 'worse' as it sat. DH is VERY picky when it comes to sauce: It must be thick, but not too thick, and there is no such thing as too hot for him. Unfortunately, DS has become his clone. I can't believe the pair of them don't have huge holes burned in their stomachs from some of the stuff they eat! :lol:
I think the drying process concentrates the oils containing the "hot". I had gall bladder trouble years ago and spicy food cleaned me up!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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lazyday said:
SSDreamin said:
I made carnita's for dinner yesterday and, man, were they spicy! I used 4 of my dried habenaro's from last years garden, plus a jalapeno, Thai and Super chili that I went out and picked from the big garden yesterday :D The guys loved them, but I had to eat a slice of bread after, to take the heat away! Also made a new loaf of bread for DH's lunch - the bread I made last night fell. I have been having lots of trouble with my bread falling lately :hu I should probably look it up on the bread site I bookmarked for troubleshooting. DS is inhaling the bread that fell because, although it is only half as tall as it should be, it is very light and fluffy. Weird. I ended up miserable - it hit 98 yesterday, and I spent the hottest part of the day in the kitchen! The carnita's took 3 hours on the stove in my cast iron dutch oven, and then there was the oven going for the bread. Ugh.

Little Man is not totally better yet, but he did come running to me yesterday when I stepped in to the pasture, which made me so happy! I taught hubby how to give a calf a pill and how to administer electrolytes (the calf was a bit dehydrated, so we went ahead and electrolyted him). He thought it was pointless, because he's out of town all the time :rolleyes: I told him to stop being such a sissy city boy and get out there and learn! :lol:
SSDreamin, I find that if the bread rises to much it will fall when baked. This is just my experience
This had only just reached the top of the pan, then fell :/ I punched it down, and let it rise again. Just above top of pan, I put it in the oven. Checked it half way through, and it had fell again! So, made a whole new loaf, let it rise to just above pan, and half way through baking it fell a little too!! I have made this bread many times before, without any problems, so this is confusing the daylights out of me :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Are you using new yeast? Or is your yeast getting old? My problem is mine rises too long and falls sometimes when I forget about it.

Jamie :lol: Share I must NOT Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
Are you using new yeast? Or is your yeast getting old? My problem is mine rises too long and falls sometimes when I forget about it.

Jamie :lol: Share I must NOT Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!
That was my first thought too (the yeast was old), so I opened a new one we bought on Saturday for the 2nd loaf. It didn't fall as much, but still fell. It's really bugging me! Have made this for weeks with no issues, didn't change a thing, and now issues! :he DH says it's because we seem to show signs of incompetency with all our endeavors - I told him to speak for himself! :p I'm not incompetent, I just have a VERY big learning curve! :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The humidity effects the outcome too. When it's really humid, I can't let mine rise as long. :hu


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Several checks on Little Man tell me he's not getting better yet :/ If he keeps on like this, I'm going to call the vet tomorrow. Four days (out of 8) on meds, I would think he should be showing signs of recovering. In all the time I've spent around calves, in my youth and now, I have never seen one like Little Man. I walk into the pasture with the pill/syringe, and he walks right up to me. Lets me straddle him, force down the pill (or force down the electrolyte solution), then follows me around, looking for his lovin's for being a good boy! :love Such a sweet, easygoing little guy. This is tearing me to shreds! :hit

I managed to get enough out of the garden for dinner again last night, but that's it. :( Got a big handful of wax beans, 2 cucumbers, a tomato, 3 pickles and a Thai pepper. Used the cukes and tomato in a salad, and cooked up the wax beans to go with. The rest is waiting for more to come, so I can dry/can them up :/ Since I was so good about eating a healthy dinner, I scarfed down butter pecan ice cream for dessert :hide

My energy level has been off lately. The hospital has insisted I be off my OTC drugs for 10 days before surgery, and I am surprised at just how much those suppliments were 'propping me up'. I had begun to feel almost normal, once I got the thyroid drug regulated. Now, I am dragging butt again. Not AS bad as before, but not good either.

I've been working on a plan for taking care of the animals after surgery. I have begged DH to only take off 2 days, as we need any and all money he can make for the upcoming taxes/insurance payments. I wouldn't be able to do anything for two weeks, at least, so I have been trying to make things easier so DS can do them alone. I have been putting Little Man in to the barn proper when it's treat time. That way, he can eat his as slow as he wants, and Ice Cream, who gets hers outside, won't be able to steal it after she inhales hers. DH and I can keep them separate, but DS doesn't have the confidence he needs to control Ice Cream, and she just rolls right over him! DS just needs to learn to STAY PUT until he puts Little Man back into the pasture - the barn proper houses their feed and hay, with no barriers. DS seems most concerned about Little Man 'doing his business' and needing to clean it up :rolleyes: I have told him that he will need to clean the pens/feed area at LEAST twice a day anyway. I just don't see the issue :idunno We have already made the necessary changes to the chickens - putting in waterers that are much easier to deal with, along with moving their feed into the coop, so he won't have to 'go anywhere' to fill their feeder. I'm just worried about him being careless/letting animals out. I have insisted on him helping me out, so he can get used to the routine (not to mention, he SHOULD be helping!), but he tends to be...careless? flighty? He was put in charge of the chickens last year, briefly, as a paid chore. I frequently found them without water and food, so I put a stop to that. My father suggested strategically placed lawn chairs - where I can sit and monitor his work :lol: I do have 2 people as back ups, just in case I need them. I keep thinking that, if it's this bad and I'll be here, I can't imagine ever going on vacation, even for the weekend!!

I have been attempting to clean up my house. I'm not a slob, exactly, but I tend to have a very 'lived in' looking house. Always. I have cleaned, top to bottom, and had the guys trash it within a day, so I have stopped putting a lot of effort into cleaning. You won't catch any diseases at my house, and my kitchen and bathroom are always kept above average, but clean freaks hate my house. There-in lays the problem. My father and stepmother have threatened to show up here before my surgery, to 'see my menagerie' :rolleyes: and drop off my birthday present early. They are both clean freaks. Neither of them are comfortable in my home, and they make it obvious. They are strongly opposed to allowing animals in the house, and I have a huge constantly shedding horse-dog and a cat. We allow the dog on the furniture, which is a huge no-no to them. The carpet in this house is nasty looking. I have steam cleaned it, and continue to, so I know it's as clean as it can be (we just can't afford to replace just under 1300 sf of carpet any time soon - that's not all the carpet, thats just the main areas), but it does look rough. I vacuum daily, although there are always tuffs of dog hair all over :rolleyes: The point is, their visits are extremely stressful, despite my attempts of 'cleaning more than normal' when I've been forewarned of their visit. Funny thing is, my brother had two shedding German Shepards, and nasty looking kitchen floors, but the father and stepmother never acted like THAT was a problem for them :somad Ugh. Family. Do I gotta love em?! :lol:


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
SSDreamin said:
Ugh. Family. Do I gotta love em?! :lol:
Not in my opinion, LOL. They're just people that happen to be related by blood. No reason to like or dislike them any more than the next person. Blood really doesn't mean anything is owed, though people sure like to try to make it out that way!
What an annoying situation. I feel for you!
My house is never as clean as I want it, sometimes the vaccuming is left undone for two weeks. And I won't even mention the last time the sheets were washed :hide At least I sort of have an excuse for that, what with the power going half out and I never know when it is going to happen so I don't know if I can run a whole load of if the powers going to go out and the load sit there with soap and water for lord knows how many hours....
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Had to call the vet :( He recommends keeping up with the electrolytes and giving him kaopectate twice a day). That goofy calf thinks the electrolyte is an extra special treat! He licks the bottle when I'm done :lol: Glad he's such an easy going little guy!

Got heavy rains overnight. 1.6" in SFG and 1.45" in big garden. Forecast is for pop up thunderstorms through today, tonight and tomorrow. Meanwhile, the sun is scorching! Temp is lower, but the sun is HOT! Weird.

Clipped all my herbs down and have them in grocery sacks, lined up along the wall in my kitchen, drying. Will probably have to do it at least one more time, as they are (all but the thyme, which is slow and steady) growing like weeds! I'll have dried thyme, italian basil, sweet basil, sage, lemon balm and oregano for this winter! Checked on my flavored oils too. They have gotten slightly cloudy in the past 2 days :hu Hope they clear up. Still no real flavor or smell. Wish I'd planted some rosemary and dill, darn it.

I have gathered 6 tomatoes so far! Almost enough to drag out the strainer and get started! :lol: Waiting for my plants to produce feels a lot like watching the pot, waiting for water to boil :lol: GROW would ya already?!!! :p


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I hope this calf gets better! I didnt get any herbs out this year... :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Little Man is looking SO much better! Everything finally started working, so he doesn't look like skin and bones anymore :weee I'm sorry - I just adore my animals, spoil them rotten, and worry over them like a big old momma hen! :lol: I am really glad to note that it wasn't just illness that made Little Man act so sweet, it appears to be his nature. Of-course, I am well aware that his disposition could quickly change once the hormones kick in :p

I made it through surgery. I am certain that my Dr. is not very pleased with me, but I'm still here, so that's good! The doc wanted me to spend the night in the hospital (for out patient surgery?!?), which I vetoed. I am already upset with our 'portion' of the surgery cost, tacking on more will put us straight into the poor house! I got the nurse to cooperate with me, she found out what I had to do to leave, I did it, and was told I could finish my recovery at home under close observation. I think the nurse was willing to go along with me because she saw DH, hovering over me :lol: The man wouldn't stop pestering! I groan, he jumps up and pesters, I wince, he stands over me 'trying to help' :lol: He tried to take me in to the ER 3 TIMES over the first 24 hours at home! :rolleyes: I am the type of person who will work through the pain, to do things myself (after all, I will have to eventually) and I hate drugs, so I go with the bare minimum to get by. Neither of these seems agreeable to the hubby though :lol:
At first, it was all I could do to make my way to the bathroom (I forgot to take the obvious difference in distance into account when I calculated my capabilities.) The bathroom in my PRIVATE ROOM in the hospital ( :ya I was early, and got rewarded with the only private room! :D ) was only 4 foot from the end of my bed. To get to the potty from anywhere I could be in this house, is 20-30 feet! So, I got plenty of exercise as all the IV fluids passed out of my system :lol:
I also HAD to hobble outside yesterday to say hello to Ice Cream and Little Man. DH followed me out there with a chair, so I could sit down where ever I gave out :lol: Made it to the fence, and my cows came over and hung out with me a while. I think they were a bit disappointed that I didn't bring them a treat! I could also watch the chickens from where I sat. Watching my animals is so relaxing to me, I think it helps!

Also had some excitement here. On Monday night, just after I got home, we had a bad storm, and lost power until late last night! That was fun! DH finally decided we should hook up the generator last night, so we didn't lose everything in the frig/freezers. Found out we need to give the genny a tune up :p Obviously, we need to run it once or twice a year, for an hour or two, to keep it good for when we REALLY need it too. So, despite it's terrible timing, the storm helped us figure out a few bugs we had in our plans ;)

Today I need to push myself a little harder. DH was SUPPOSED to go back to work today, per MY plan, but we both realized last night that I wasn't ready. :/ I am also on restrictions - no driving for 2 weeks (don't see how thats going to work, but I'll try), no lifting more than 20# for 6 weeks (that will be tough - the animals gotta eat!). I am happy to finally have this behind me though! Now, all that's left is the stupid biopsy, and I should be right as rain - for a while anyway :D

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