SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Gah! Cheese! Milk is taking over my frig, and I need to make cheese, AGAIN! I'm not really griping, I'm just having trouble keeping up with Ice Cream's production. I want to make regular cheddar first, then try American cheese, then cream cheese - so I can make a nice big cheese cake. I have six gallons of milk right now, with more coming every day - we can't drink it fast enough :p

Hauled five more wheel barrows of horse poo out of the pastures. Part of the manure in Jim's pasture still has a big sheet of ice under it. Once that all melts off, I think 6 or so more loads will put me on top of things.

I canned up 13 more quarts of taco sauce. The guys burn through it (they're averaging a quart a week!). I added more ghost peppers to this batch. It is a slow heat - it starts out warm and gradually heats up until your mouth is on fire. Perfect for the guys!

Also spent a bunch of time raking up dog bombs in the yard. Ugh!

DS#2, the dog and I also went for a long walk on the State land across the road - it was so nice to get out and explore, although it wore me down quite a bit. I bought the dog a neat halter type thing at the craft fair last fall and I have to say it worked better than I could've hoped! He behaved on the main road, and was easy to control the whole time we were out!

Have been currying the horses at least twice a day lately. Jim is shedding something fierce, but April is just starting to. I switched over to using a shedding blade/comb thing I'd bought for the dog, and it's working wonders on Jim! He stands as still as a statue for his grooming, which tells me all the shedding is driving him up a wall! He even greets me at his gate, which floors me! He's a pretty skiddish guy normally.

We have got Flank trained to a halter and lead, and he will even lift his feet when you ask - just touch his 'ankle' and say 'foot up' and he lifts it! Miniature cattle need to have their feet done. Ferdi, thankfully, only needed his done once. It may be the same way with Flank, but best to train him now anyway. Ice Cream needs hers done twice a year, as she's not heavy enough to wear down hers hooves, nor will she ever be.

Today I baked bread, made some granola (I am addicted - love the simple recipe, and I change things up with it every time so it's 'new') and am getting ready to make some english muffins. Nice to have quick easy stuff I can grab and go with for breakfast.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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What a good problem to have! I have an extra fridge but even so still have problems storing milk. But, with the bottle baby we're using it up more quickly. Got room for a pig? They are great at going through milk!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Sounds lovely! I always laugh when I see the big gray spots from the horses laying down in the dirt.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Well, Ferdi is 'gone'. I cried a bit, because I thought he might suffer, but it was quick. I went out to the barn last night and spent some time with him. Gave him a treat, scratched his head & neck like he liked and thanked him for helping make Flank, and for what he was about to give us. Being able to say goodbye is helping me a lot. I realize I sound corny and sappy. He was an annoying pain in my backside, but this part is always so hard for me.
Our goofy Buffalo Head:

Sorry it's sideways!

The girl came out and butchered the chickens yesterday. Never again! It took her 10 HOURS to butcher 15 meaties and 6 Buff's!! She said it was 'very important that they are calm before they go' - so she spent 10-15 minutes talking and petting EACH ONE before she dispatched it o_O We always skin our chickens, so we told her to go ahead and skin them - she scalded, plucked, THEN skinned each one! :th Once they were finally done and in coolers, DH & I cut them up, then I vacuum sealed the breasts, freezer bagged the leg quarters, and freezer bagged the carcasses. I had to do them a little differently than usual, because my Dad wanted to get some leg quarters off us and wanted them in smaller bags. DH said cutting them up was his least favorite job. I told him I didn't mind - my Dad used to cut meat at a processing plant for a living way back when, and he taught me the proper/easy way to cut up a chicken quickly. So, DH has 'decided' that, from now on, he will do the butchering and I will do the cutting up. I bet, start to finish, it will only be a fraction of 10 hours!
On the up side of yesterday's long ordeal, the girl saw me go out and milk Ice Cream and asked if we would be willing to barter for raw milk - she offered several options that were interesting. We explained that raw milk could NOT be used for human consumption here, but we may be able to work something out so she could get some as animal feed ;) I sent some home with her, for her *animals* to test out (apparently, her animals really like homemade cheese :lol: ).
I have begun clicker training April and she's doing very well. I can now say 'walk on' and click, and she walks forward. I can cup her nose, say 'back', click and she steps backwards. I am still working with her on lifting her feet - she has just one back one that she gets nervous about now. I am leaving her alone today though - all the 'excitement' has left her pretty agitated.
Today we are cleaning out the meatie pen for the ducklings. They need their own space and the isolation pen is too crowded with them and 7 pullets in it together. They will have lots of room in the 'new' pen, plus a heat lamp in case they get chilly.
I finished planting all the potatoes and surveying the damage in the garden. I covered the strawberries with straw last fall instead of leaves. The heavy snow pack wiped out 3/4 of the strawberries :( I also strawed the oregano and mint - the oregano is already growing like mad and one of the two mints survived. I count 11 rhubarb pushing through the poo I piled up last fall! We all love rhubarb, so :celebrate The blueberries, blackberries and grapes all look rough. I don't think even one in five survived. Just one of my lilac bushes made it, and several of the fruit trees didn't. Several trees have animal damage as well - I wrapped the trunks, but this damage is over 3 foot up! The deer ate several branches clean off the tops of a couple trees!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You are busy, busy these days huh? Milking has it's rewards and challenges...but it's all good in my book. Sorry about Ferdi :hugs It's always hard, but it is easier when you know they've had a good life.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's always hard to do one in that you've raised. But, it helps you appreciate it all the more.

I cannot imagine it taking 10 hours for that many birds-unless it was a first time butchering! I'm not as quick at it as I want to be, but it still doesn't take me that long!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Glad you took care of ferdi. I can't imagine how hard it will be but it is worth it too.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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The barn is SOOOO quiet now! I do miss Ferdi, but it's really peaceful. Ice Cream's milk production has increased some now - I guess she enjoys the peace & quiet too. At the end he was beating on the gates, the barn itself and the water trough,so it was probably really upsetting her.
Today I am still very sick. I went to the Dr. yesterday and got another B-12 shot, and - by last night - my stomach was torn up! I hugged the toilet all night and am not better yet. Made this morning's chores a real treat! The last shot made my stomach upset, but otherwise worked wonders. Right now I just want to sleep all day, curled up into a ball :\
The only things on my to-do list today is waxing the most recent cheddar cheese I made and baking bread. It is warm out, but dreary with rain on and off, so I'm not really losing outside time I guess. Think I'll take another nap before I get started.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hope you feel better soon! No fun to do chores in between 'hurls'.... don't ask me how I know this...

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