Almost Self-Reliant
These would be 4 EEs and one barnyard mix 
Post their photos! Can’t hurt to try. I can often sex my backyard mixes by 3-4 weeks, but it really depends what they’re a mixture of. Pea comb chicks can be the hardest, unless they have cockerel color patterns.Adorable @Hinotori
Anyone good at sexing chicks? I will have 4 week olds this weekend. I can wait a week or two to find out, but the sooner I know the sooner I can prepare my daughter as to which we are keeping and which are eventually going to the freezer
Alrighty, I have 5. I can post side pics and combs. Let me know what you thinkPost their photos! Can’t hurt to try. I can often sex my backyard mixes by 3-4 weeks, but it really depends what they’re a mixture of. Pea comb chicks can be the hardest, unless they have cockerel color patterns.
Ok, fingers crossed that I’m wrong!Alrighty, I have 5. I can post side pics and combs. Let me know what you thinkthey are 3 weeks in these pics, I can post at 4, 5 or 6 weeks if needed. Grey has black/grey legs with orange toes, EEs have mix of yellow or green legs. Combs seem to vary as well.
Will do!!!!Oh post them here- we can keep this thread alive for @MeanCheek
Super cute!Here's another chick. Little over 5 weeks. 3/4 silkie 1/4 bantam cochin. This one is a pullet.
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