Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Dace said:
Denim Deb said:
How true! And, while I'm sure most of us on here that are professing Christians aren't ashamed of Jesus, I'm sure we all, in one way or another, deny Him. How often do we let a chance for witnessing go by, or not object when someone uses the Lord's name in vain. I'm guilty of this myself, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I guess because I am a newer Christian and not as well versed in the bible as so many of you I do have a hard time broaching the subject of God and my personal walk with Jesus. In my area (probably most of the US) it is not openly talked about unless it is with members of your church family or close friends who are also of Christian faith.....I guess you really don't know where someone is unless you open up the conversation....I am just not sure how.

I used to be that way, Dace. I could only really feel comfortable discussing my faith with my friends, family and fellow church members. But then I came to know Jesus more closely than ever before, lost my anger and hurt I had carried for years.

Now, I just mention Him like I do anyone else I love and cherish. I speak about what He has done for me and continues to do in casual conversation like I would if I were talking about any other loved one.

I don't really give it a second thought anymore and I don't limit myself around certain people but talk freely to anyone about my God. He loves me, I love Him....He's my best friend! Why wouldn't I talk about Him? :) After all, He is the most important thing in this world to me!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If you leave yourself open to the Holy Spirit's guiding, you'll be amazed at the opportunities that arise for witnessing. If someone says, God bless you, say He has. That can be an opening.

One thing that I've found that helps me witness to people is my horse. I got my 1st horse as a direct result of prayer. I prayed 1x for a chestnut, Arabian mare. God answered that prayer, and I have shared that story w/several people. And, even losing her and getting Misty is a way that I can share my faith w/people.

Remember too, you may not see the results of your witnessing. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says, I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.

And as has been stated, just your day to day living. Read and study the Bible as much as you can. When the opportunity arises to witness, send up a silent prayer for help, then let God lead you.


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 23, 2010
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Beekissed said:
Now, I just mention Him like I do anyone else I love and cherish. I speak about what He has done for me and continues to do in casual conversation like I would if I were talking about any other loved one.

I don't really give it a second thought anymore and I don't limit myself around certain people but talk freely to anyone about my God. He loves me, I love Him....He's my best friend! Why wouldn't I talk about Him? :) After all, He is the most important thing in this world to me!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Bee, I think that is a wonderful way to look at it! That is easy because my heart just bursts with joy because of my love for Jesus, but I guess as usual I am over thinking. I always worry that I will either say the wrong thing or not be able to answer a question....but I do not want to claim to be anything or know anything special....just display my love of the Lord.

Thank you :hugs


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I know what you mean, Dace. I am not learned about the scriptures and probably couldn't answer direct questions about what exactly the Bible states about this or that. All I have is the knowledge of my own experience with the Lord and this is something I could talk about all day.

One of my co-workers asked me once why I was so happy all the time when she knew I was poor and that my job was stressful. I told her that God loves me and keeps me close in his arms, so I have plenty to be happy about.

She then stated, "Well, I think a person can just be good and live right and go to Heaven. Do you believe that?" I told her that I didn't believe that and that Jesus was the only has to repent of their sins and ask Jesus to be their Saviour before they can enter into Heaven.

She asked me how I knew for sure. I told her that God promised me so and the certainty of redemption was so deep in my heart that I know that I know that I know....and there was no other way to say it. I guess I could have shown her the scriptures and that would have been the proper way to witness but I've never been good at that. When I think back, I should have done or said more.....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Bee, my guess is that you said just enough. If you felt that that was what God wanted you to say, then anything that you added would have been too much. You've planted a seed, and that's important.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Bee plants a lot of seeds :)

I just wanted to share a quick story....Bee had posted a very touching story here about a difficult time in her life when nothing seemed to be working. With tears in her eyes and out of frustration said that she gave it all up to God, she stopped fighting to be the one in charge. From there things turned around, her life changed.

As you all know Bee is very eloquent and I am not.....her story brought tears to my eyes and I thought about it all the time. I prayed for God to step into my life and intervene. Things were going horribly for my husband and I, he was out of work and we were coming to the end of borrowed money. I showed him Bee's story and while he has never really said much about it, things began to take a turn for the better and we started going to church. No matter how much or how hard I had prayed, it was not until my husband opened up his heart to the Lord that things turned around.

Now we are regular attendees of a church that we absolutely love, our 8 yr old wants to be baptized and goes to the AWANA program mid week, DH and I belong to a small group where we have made wonderful friends, we tithe as God has instructed, and we are planning a missions trip to Haiti this summer. All because Bee shared her story.

Those little seeds can grow into great vines that bear fruit for others :thumbsup

I will work on planting more seeds.

Bee needs some prayers, as she listens to God to find out what her next step is. Please pray that God reveals a plan for her soon.