Quilting Extraordinaire
Just popping in to say hello!
and so glad to see this thread! Haven't been around here in a while...
As far as sharing my faith...well the Lord leads in that area...I don't always share my faith openly, but when He calls me too I sure do know it.
The hardest one I think was a few months ago with one of my old neighbors. But I went down there anyway, not knowing what to say but handed him a bunch of pages that had wonderful prayers he could say for the predicament he was in...and told him that I was praying for him too
He lovingly calls me his preacher
LOL! But he also never stops me when I start.
A few weeks ago the Lord called me to make a quilt for a parapelligic native man here in my city. I didn't know the guy at all...had no idea where to start...but it poured out of my hands like no tomorrow and was complete in 8 days. It was an eagle...and on the tag behind it was the verse "and we shall fly with wings like eagles..."
That quilt was much more of a Blessing to that man than I ever anticipated...and ONLY because it was commissioned by God at the right time. It was also a great blessing to me
I will post pics on my quilt thread
Anyway, you all don't be shy to preach it your doesn't always have to be words...many times it is actions...many times it is just silence. The Lord leads! are and always have been an inspiration to me as well! I love ya!

As far as sharing my faith...well the Lord leads in that area...I don't always share my faith openly, but when He calls me too I sure do know it.
The hardest one I think was a few months ago with one of my old neighbors. But I went down there anyway, not knowing what to say but handed him a bunch of pages that had wonderful prayers he could say for the predicament he was in...and told him that I was praying for him too
He lovingly calls me his preacher
A few weeks ago the Lord called me to make a quilt for a parapelligic native man here in my city. I didn't know the guy at all...had no idea where to start...but it poured out of my hands like no tomorrow and was complete in 8 days. It was an eagle...and on the tag behind it was the verse "and we shall fly with wings like eagles..."
That quilt was much more of a Blessing to that man than I ever anticipated...and ONLY because it was commissioned by God at the right time. It was also a great blessing to me
Anyway, you all don't be shy to preach it your doesn't always have to be words...many times it is actions...many times it is just silence. The Lord leads! are and always have been an inspiration to me as well! I love ya!