Mountain Sage
Any good scripture references for when you are at the end of your rope with a person and want so badly to tie it around their neck and strangle them with it? :/
I know we should be slow to wrath and I has taken me all year to cook up a good head of steam over something that is ongoing and would drive a saint to murder.
I've tried praying for this individual, praying for guidance in how to deal with this person and prayed for peace about having to deal with this person.....finally I am down to praying that I won't strike her so hard her head falls off and I have to repaint my office.
Anybody in the scriptures dealing with anger and justified wrath? What does God say about it? I know there is a verse that says we are to get along with others as much as it is in our power to do so......I think today I just lost the power to do so. I've been biting my tongue so hard all year that I think it's a third shorter than it used to be!
I know we should be slow to wrath and I has taken me all year to cook up a good head of steam over something that is ongoing and would drive a saint to murder.
I've tried praying for this individual, praying for guidance in how to deal with this person and prayed for peace about having to deal with this person.....finally I am down to praying that I won't strike her so hard her head falls off and I have to repaint my office.
Anybody in the scriptures dealing with anger and justified wrath? What does God say about it? I know there is a verse that says we are to get along with others as much as it is in our power to do so......I think today I just lost the power to do so. I've been biting my tongue so hard all year that I think it's a third shorter than it used to be!