Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
BeeKissed wrote
Rest in Me, My child. Give your mind a break from planning and trying to anticipate what will happen. Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of this day. Remember that you are on a journey with Me. When you try to peer into the future and plan for every possibility, you ignore your constant Companion who sustains you moment by moment. As you gaze anxiously into the distance, you don't even feel the strong grip of My hand holding yours. How foolish you are, My child!

Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline. Never lose sight of My Presence with you. This will keep you resting in Me all day, every day!

1 Thessalonians 5:17; Psalm 62:5
Wow...needed this one! I am copying and clipping to put to memory. Thanks Bee!

I sure am feeling high maintenance right about now...for a usually very independant and strong woman who usually can handle almost everything. In the middle of all this menopausal issue and faith crisis, my dd is preggo again with a psychopaths kid...and giving it up for adoption...added stress. Don't even ask me how i feel about it cause i really don't know, I kind of feel like i'm losing something like Lolaa maybe...not sure...but afraid for my dd and grandchildren, both of them...and I do know it is adding to all this tension. Having a really hard time of it lately. Thanks so much for your prayers Quail, Bee, and Farmer

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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MorelCabin said:
*They will, not mine* is one of the scariest parts of the whole thing for me...I seem to fight that one alot..."But Lord, that means you can do what you will with me and that scares me to death!'
x2 A huge struggle for me. I always feel like if I were on the boat during the storm, I'd be panicking and trying to figure out how to fix the problem and shouting orders and blustering about rather than just curling up next to the Lord and taking a snooze. I read John when I'm feeling unlovable and unworthy.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
MorelCabin said:
*They will, not mine* is one of the scariest parts of the whole thing for me...I seem to fight that one alot..."But Lord, that means you can do what you will with me and that scares me to death!'
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
I have been spiraling into God's will for me in the last few years and I can tell you that it IS a little scary...and exciting...and when you finally let go and fall back into it with your arms flung wide and just float, it is the best feeling in the whole world!!! There is this overwhelming sense of peaceful satisfaction and the knowledge that the weight of the world no longer resides on your shoulders because, no matter what happens next, I can trust it was meant to be and that I'm not supposed to effect change, manage it, work to change it, strive to better my circumstances in any way~I can just BE.

Morel, I heard a preacher the other day say that the obedience required by the Christian faith is the single biggest deterrent to the secular one likes to be told what to do. But obedience to God seems to be different than it is to an authoritative least to me it seems different. Obedience to God seems to yield way more blessings and feelings of security and peace than yielding to the authority of a parent who just says, "Because I told you so, that's why!" God makes promises in His Word that really do come true in an immediate sense, so then I know the promises of a more distant nature will also be Heaven, eternal life, peace and joy in a place of beauty and safety.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow Morel you do have alot on your plate. No wonder your emotions are flying all around. I don't think you are not meant to have any of these emotions....I would think you just have to work thru them.

Only thing I can truly say is 'everyone lives their lives' and you can't go insane over what your daughter decides to do with her life. Yes, very hard to boil it down to being less emotional (and with the menapause stuff kicking in it sure does not add up in your favor.)n But I truly think at some point you must let it go. You have to say--what she does is what she decides to do. She is an adult making decisions. As much as I 'hate it/despise it/want to cry over it/etc. you must let your mind accept the fact it is her life. Her decisions and you can not let those absorb into you to take your life and sanity away. You have to protect yourself.

Hang in there Morel, you will get thru all this.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aw, Morel....I'm so sorry! :( I can't imagine how you must feel about that. It is one of the hardest things in the world to turn a loved one over to God and trust that God will take care of them and that their life will play out like it was meant to, no matter what. Especially when it's one of your kids...I have to keep reminding myself that I have no control over my kids and only God does and that should be sufficient. But one still worries, don't they? :hugs


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
framing fowl said:
MorelCabin said:
*They will, not mine* is one of the scariest parts of the whole thing for me...I seem to fight that one alot..."But Lord, that means you can do what you will with me and that scares me to death!'
x2 A huge struggle for me. I always feel like if I were on the boat during the storm, I'd be panicking and trying to figure out how to fix the problem and shouting orders and blustering about rather than just curling up next to the Lord and taking a snooze. I read John when I'm feeling unlovable and unworthy.
you are so right! I used to read John when i started feeling this way. thanks so much for the reminder!!!


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
The adoption doesn't really worry me so much...It's funny, but through all this I have faith that the Lord has a plan for this baby and that a wonderful Christian family is going to be happy to have the baby and raise him/her. I do trust that God will send them our way in His time. I don't know why of all things I am believing that, but I guess it is God speaking to my spirit and saying "Don't worry about the family I choose"
The problem here is the psychopath...he has rights too, and will fight...already said he will fight...but at the same time the police are trying to put him away for a few years over what he did to my daughter and grandaughter. (thank the Lord they didn't get hurt beyond small bruises, it was supposed to be much worse but they were protected by God) Now the psychopaths family wants to adopt the baby and care for it while he is in prison...and I am assuming put the child in his care once he gets out. The guy has already spent 2 years in a high security prison for the crimminally insane. I just don't know what to expect from him in years to come. DD is afraid if she gives the baby to any other family, he will "get" her eventually because he has really made claims on this baby. And we all know that even dangerous crimminals have rights to thier children...
And the real clicker...He comes from a good churchgoing Christian family... people that I really do like


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Can she just deny that he is the father and refuse a DNA test? Why, oh, why do some women (ME) pick those types of men??? Just like bum magnets! :barnie I'm so glad God saved me from myself during my dumb years!

I was just thanking my son and my God that the girl Joel has chosen to marry is normal, clean cut and lovable. It really is a scary thing to see what your children find under a rock to bring home and fall in love with, isn't it? My youngest is prone to fall for the same kind of women that your DD's psycho man seems to be....I try to turn all that over to God because it will drive me crazy mad if I think about it too much.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
You are right, of course. I did this when I was younger but I doubt if I would lie about it now....of course, I wouldn't be pregnant out of wedlock right now either. :p I did it to save my children from having to go to a stranger's house every weekend and be taken care of~not~by the latest stripper drug addict their father was mooching off of or to keep them from having to sleep in the back seat of the car while he was in the bar getting drunk~which is what his other young son was doing at the time we met.

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