Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Beekissed said:
You are right, of course. I did this when I was younger but I doubt if I would lie about it now....of course, I wouldn't be pregnant out of wedlock right now either. :p I did it to save my children from having to go to a stranger's house every weekend and be taken care of~not~by the latest stripper drug addict their father was mooching off of or to keep them from having to sleep in the back seat of the car while he was in the bar getting drunk~which is what his other young son was doing at the time we met.
Oh I TOTALLY hear you there Bee...I really do. I did something very similar, with my kids, and then later stopped Kat from involving Lolaa's father for the same reason, but in a different way...LOL! Sneaky, but no's the preachers kid in me...couldn't tell a lie if my life depended on it. took alot of bruises to teach me that as a kid, but I never forgot it!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Hey I need some prayers now, its publicly private ( :p ) but deals with our school system, we really need some prayers!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow Morel. That is scary when you described him. I truly understand your concerns about the future. ugh
I hope it all works out best any way this all pans out for you and your DD.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
So many people going through so much tough stuff right now that the stuff that has me tied in knots these days seems so insignificant. I'm having bouts of anxiety that are so out of the norm for me. I think some could be hormonal, but I just don't know. Finding that calm place to retreat, read the Word, and just trust God is so hard when my whole body is in some sort of flight mode.

Praying for you, Morel. I just can't imagine the stress of trying to decide what you can best do for your DD and grandchildren. :hugs

Prayers for you and your school, BB.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
MorelCabin said:
Beekissed said:
You are right, of course. I did this when I was younger but I doubt if I would lie about it now....of course, I wouldn't be pregnant out of wedlock right now either. :p I did it to save my children from having to go to a stranger's house every weekend and be taken care of~not~by the latest stripper drug addict their father was mooching off of or to keep them from having to sleep in the back seat of the car while he was in the bar getting drunk~which is what his other young son was doing at the time we met.
Oh I TOTALLY hear you there Bee...I really do. I did something very similar, with my kids, and then later stopped Kat from involving Lolaa's father for the same reason, but in a different way...LOL! Sneaky, but no's the preachers kid in me...couldn't tell a lie if my life depended on it. took alot of bruises to teach me that as a kid, but I never forgot it!
I have been following along with your worries Morel. :hugs I just want you to keep the faith. My middle daughter got mad at hubby and I because we objected to the bad choices that she was making in her life and did not SPEAK to her immediate family for the next 3 years!! We had no idea where she was or how she was and she has life threatening wheat allergies that made it even more stressful. Still deep inside she knew right from wrong. She was raised in a caring Christian home and is a Christian herself accepting the Lord as a small child. In many ways the rebellion is against God more than us. Finally Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it" began to start happening for us. Our family has a lot of scars and broken trust, but we are finally coming together once again.

The worst part of the whole thing is the watching and the waiting. When our children are adults they must make their own mistakes. There is nothing that we can do ... outside of totally breaking the law ... to help them. I've been there. It is scary and painful. Feel free to email me if you need to talk. I am always home... and usually awake... day and night.

I also wanted to say a bit about God's love. My MIL was raised in a "hell and brimstone" type of church. Her entire life she went around feeling fearful of doing the wrong thing and like she was not important. The partial (and messed up) verse that was pounded into her was "All our works are like filthy rags." The actual verse is Isaiah 64:6 But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away. The verse is talking about the fact that people NEED a savior - not the worth of someone already saved. After all - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son... John 3:16! The reason for the rules is that HE LOVES us, the reason for the sometimes painful lessons is that HE LOVES us. HE delights in the love we give HIM and HE is pleased when we do what we should do. The Bible is a book full of verses that show God's love. Try to believe those verses are just as true as the "thou shall nots" :hugs


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
BeccaOH said:
So many people going through so much tough stuff right now that the stuff that has me tied in knots these days seems so insignificant. I'm having bouts of anxiety that are so out of the norm for me. I think some could be hormonal, but I just don't know. Finding that calm place to retreat, read the Word, and just trust God is so hard when my whole body is in some sort of flight mode.

Praying for you, Morel. I just can't imagine the stress of trying to decide what you can best do for your DD and grandchildren. :hugs

Prayers for you and your school, BB.
Becca...I so totally hear you when you say that reading the Word and trusting God is soooo hard when your body is i that flight mode. I feel exactly the same way...and often in that mode I am AFRAID to pick up the Word because if I read the wrong thing, or my eyes fall apon the wrong verse, it makes everything 10 times worse...or I get totally spooked and then have to literally leave the house and go do something to try and get my mind is a hard thing to have anxiety.
Will keep you in my prayers as well Becca


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Morel you have sensory emotional overload happening. Try not to 'try so hard'
maybe it is time to just do for yourself. something for you to just let your mind relax.
too much thinking can certainly throw someone into bigger anxiety. been there also :p


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Kind of switching gears on ya'll, but I wanted to know how you all feel about accountability within the church?

It's been a passion of mine for awhile - I believe if we're part of a body of worship (since we're the church, not the building) and either we are guilty of or we see someone in the whole guilty of sin, then we are responsible to help them be accountable for that sin. The Bible is very black and white on this issue (let me find the verse and I'll share it).

I think as a whole, we should want to encourage and pull up our fellow Christians, and encourage them to live it and not just warm a pew on Sundays. We need to work together, to ensure we all get to Heaven.

How would we feel if we get there and God asks us, "You saw this happening in your own congregation and did nothing. Why?"

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