Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Wannabefree said:
By church name/title... Southern Baptist. Realistically...I'm just a blood bought bible taught born again child of God. I don't really care much for labels. If it's peanut butter just say it's peanut butter for cryin out loud! :lol:
You're right, but denominations give us some idea of what others believe, really...and they are good indicators. If we didn't have denominations we would never know if we were walking into the kind of church we would feel comfortable in. And others we would be very uncomfortable in:) So they are kind of like a guideline to me. ALL churches believe they are following the and I both know which churches we would avoid, simply by denominational standards. Yours, for example, I would be right at home in.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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I was surprised to read about the concern regarding the couple accepting communion, having been taught that under no circumstances should you refuse it! Wow!
It goes to show that denominations can play a huge part, doesn't it? Here I had no idea about that!

Just wanted to say hello to all my Christian friends! :frow

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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:frow Hi Blackbird!

How have you been?

It really disturbs me to see someone in a position of leadership doing things that we know to be wrong. I have also left a couple of churches because of it.

But now I think I should really pray for the person first before I were to take any action like leaving or speaking to the pastor although if the person didn't get

right I would still do something. I also think the things we take as less sinful though should be dealt with more though like gossiping etc.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
We need to work together, to ensure we all get to Heaven.
Getting to Heaven is as simple as choosing to worship Jesus Christ as the Son of God and accepting His gift of atonement for our sins....working together or separately is never going to ensure anyone gets to Heaven. We will be judged by our works as Christians when we get there but our salvation from sin and into eternal life is assured with our faith and belief in Christ's sacrifice for our sin.

Pointing out other people's sin is a sticky widget...I do believe Christ dealt with that issue a couple of times with the whole "ye who is without sin, cast the first stone" and again with the one about pointing out the moat in another's eye when you have a beam in your own. Judgement and discernment and the difference between the two is an oft argued point in the Bible. Rather than focus on another's sin we are to edify one another in our good works performed in Christ's name.

As for communion, I don't know that I've ever seen anywhere that it says that people who are out of the will of God in their lives could not take does mention that it is to be taken in rememberance of Christ and His sacrifice for us and that we should be doing this with all reverance. Is there a verse stating that they should not partake?

Many a church have split over such issues as who is doing what in their lives and serving in the church....and the Satan wins that battle each and every time. Sin is sin, folks, with no sin being more or less weighty than another in God's eyes. All our righteousness is as filthy rags as was stated earlier from Isaiah. I believe that means that it is very hard for one christian to point to another's sin and state that mine is less and his is more, God, so why is he allowed to serve in your house? God does not appoint these people to these stations, man does.

I have never seen anywhere in the Bible that states that gambling leads to sin or that gambling is thought of as a sin, though I have been taught all my life that it was sinful. I do remember where it states that drunkeness is not desirable because it leads to sinful doings but I've only ever heard mention of gambling when the Roman soldiers cast lots for Christ's clothing prior to the crucifixion.

I know the Bible states clearly who should or should not be serving as elders or deacons in a church and that is pretty clear, to be sure. Is it our job to monitor their lives? I think we are to be careful of fellowshipping with those who are doing these things and pray for them.

Would I leave a church because the pastor condones open sinfulness in the church leaders? Maybe not for that thing in particular but eventually....because that sort of thing starts at the top and works it's way down and shows up in all aspects and doctrines of the church by the time it is done. It is hard to fellowship with those who are living out of the will of God and it shouldn't be hard work to fellowship with other believers. It should be joyful and uplifting to learn and worship with those who are united in their spiritual goals. I just left a church after 5 years because I kept waiting to see the love of God in those people and it never really transpired....and yes, the deacons weren't anyone that I would elect as a deacon, according to the Scriptural guidelines.

I don't condone the sin of those who are doing it and I try to avoid fellowship with those actively sinning in the sight of God, as it states in the Word that we are to be careful that we don't get pulled into that lifestyle by simply being so close to it.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Blackbird said:
I was surprised to read about the concern regarding the couple accepting communion, having been taught that under no circumstances should you refuse it! Wow!
It goes to show that denominations can play a huge part, doesn't it? Here I had no idea about that!

Just wanted to say hello to all my Christian friends! :frow
Intersting, BB! I was taught that you should only partake of communion if you've accepted Christ as savior, and then baptized in water.

Then when I read the Gospels for myself, I couldn't find where it says that in the Bible. I can only find where at the last supper, they drank the wine and ate unleaven bread, and Jesus said each time you eat the bread or drink the wine, remember me.

He didn't state that it had to be a special dinner, or a special day, etc. Each time. To me, that means if you're just sipping wine or munching on some unleven bread in your home, Christians should remember :)


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
1Chorinthians 27-34 mentions drinking condemnation on yourself if you take communion in an unworthy manner.
It is a little confusing because this does NOT mean you have to be perfect in your life to partake...but it does mean that you must partake and KNOW WHY you are partaking.
27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.

Which means that the poor guy walking in off the street to experience church for the first time might bring condemnation on himself with out even knowing it because he may partake, and not understand the reason for it. Those who take it simply because it is tradition...or even those who are not Christians who go to church for special occasions and take it if it is offered. (like Christmas or a wedding) And yes, many churches offer communion at these times.

Now in my church, if you have an issue with your brother or sister, you shouldn't partake if you are angry with someone until you have resolved the issue you have with them. Not sure where the bible reference is to that one though.

And interestingly enough...1Chor 10:17 has a direct reference to communion being from one loaf, not so many churches are serving today...
"Because there is one loaf, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of one loaf..."


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Funny, Morel! because I almost put in my post that crackers aren't bread! LOL


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Hey Blackbird! :frow

Communion is a touchy subject. I believe like others have said you have to be "right" to partake, but I also believe those who aren't aware of the seriousness of partaking can still be forgiven for their ignorance of partaking flippantly. Those who are truly lost that partake are taking in the judgement upon themselves, moreso because they are lost in the first place, than because they unintentionally sinned. Those who are saved are safe from judgement, and wouldn't partake in an unworthy manner to begin with, because we have the understanding not to. Kind of like if a small child curses, I don't believe they can be held accountable if they had "just learned a new word" but if they knew it was wrong, then they're guilty of the sin. A child is still a child, and full of mistakes waiting to happen, much like lost folks are without salvation. Well, that's my opinion anyway, if it even makes sense lol!

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