Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I agree with BOTH Morel and Bee.

Communion is a act of obedience between a person and God. I believe that the importance of that act needs to be made VERY VERY clear to people, but ultimately it is an individuals choice as to whether or not they should be partaking at this time. Likewise that is the person that will be held accountable for that choice.

Some churches seem to have "traditional sins" as opposed to Biblical ones. Now don't get me wrong - sin is very real and very well defined in the Bible and needs to be avoided for our own sake as well as for our relationship to God. The "traditional sins" that I see are like dancing, consuming alcohol and gambling.

Some of the very conservative churches that I have attended in the past consider all dancing to be a "sin", even when there are multiple examples of people in the Bible dancing without such designations (one David even danced in his underwear! 2 Samuel 6:14). I did not give my heart to Christ until I was about 15 years old. I was in to the occult before that time and was not raised in a church, so all of this stuff was new to me. When I research ANY subject I always go to the primary source documents first if at all possible. So I read about all the happy sin free dancing in the Bible and then asked my Christian MIL (who was raised Plymouth Brothern BTW) and she explained that modern dances tend to put young people in "bad situations". Places where there is too much alcohol, bodies are held too close and temptation is much too great. THAT is why she believes that dancing is a sin. As a lover of dancing I refer back to that primary source document. :cool:

Alcohol is the same way. It says in the Bible that Christians should not consume so much strong drink that they are drunk and that church leaders, such as deacons, elders and pastors (that need to always have their wits about them) should not consume strong drink at all. So a glass of wine with a meal or a beer in the evening is considered OK for the average church member drinking to excess is NOT. Yet some churches consider even touching a glass of alcohol a "sin". Same goes with gambling. Playing a game of poker with some friends should not be a "sin" and some churches won't even let there members OWN a deck of cards or use a dice when the kids are playing Candyland! REAL gambling, like my dad losing almost all he had at the River Boat ... no doubt a sin of excess.

That rant said, I will cover the other part of this question. YES, the members of the church should be watching out for each other and be willing to confront a brother or sister that they see involved in a real (with verses to back it up) Bible sin. HOW they do that can make all of the difference.

In the past at this VERY VERY conservative church that I first went to with my now hubby. Such a problem arose that changed lives - forever. Several of the young people in the church were pot smokers. They often got together and had this special sort of good time on non-church nights. One of the young men got caught by his mom partaking (or preparing to partake) and when questioned did a Ralphy (you know from Christmas Story) and started naming names and swearing that he had never done this before. Some of the names given were my hubby (who hadn't partaken at all in about two years at this point), his brother and his cousin amongst other people. Instead of the mom going privately to each of the named young people and being kind and Biblical with her concerns, she wagged her tongue to just about everyone in the church. The parties were convicted without even an interview! The first they heard of it was when it "was decided" that they could no longer take part in communion! (This decision did NOT include the original tattling guy.) Hubby who was a very mature Christian even back then objected to the "charges" and the delivery of "consequences", he went on without missing a beat. As for the others. At a time when they VERY desperately needed love and support and to be in the Word of God, they felt a cold shoulder and a slap in the face. Several have never entered a church since that day. I often wonder how different their lives would have been if this situation had been handled as God had intended.

If a sinner is found in your church, (Thank goodness - since we are ALL sinners and church is WHERE we need to be) that person needs to be lovingly educated. They need to know - not your judgement, but your concern. They need to be shown - from the Bible - why there is a problem. They need to be educated again about communion. They may need their services, put on hold for a while. If what they are doing is illegal or hurting others - they need reported to proper authorities after you have your talk with them. If this is a sin against God, but not illegal or hurting others, you need to back up and wait. Let God do his part of the Work. Ultimately the person in question will answer to God for the sin - not you and not the church.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Awesome post Farmfresh, your explanation on all these points is right on the mark! Thank You!

When I was about 15 i also reached a turnng point in my life, and the church was a big part of it. I knew, at that time that I needed to get grounded in the church, or I was going to end up out in the world, and I decided that I really wanted some responsibility within the church to help keep me accountable. So I asked if I could be one of the counsellors at Bible camp that summer...and was told that I was not 'living up to standards for that' Up to that point I had done nothing, but our church thought that "all youth must be into something wicked" and my father continually sat at the head of the table each evening for dinner and ranted on about drugs and what not.
I ended up both rejected by the church and accused by my father at about the same time...which set me off inot a tailspin of rebellion...BIG rebellion. I started experimenting with pot shortly after and going to parties...places I would not have gone at all if I had had the right guidance and just a little bit of trust!
I hated God during those very confusing years...claimed into the occult...I spun out of control until I met my husband, who gave me the confidance and trust that I needed, even though he was a non Christian.
At about 30, God opened my eyes in a big way, and I have never looked back since...I belong to Him, and He has given me all that I need day to day. (not to say that I stil get confused at times...but I AM very happy that I did have the plymouth background because when things started getting very shaky with where I was at with the occult I fell to my knees and knew to claim the Blood of Jesus. My trouble left instantaniously...and that is the ROCK of my faith. I know how quickly Jesus can come in and clean up big messes that are made if we only repent, trust, and believe, and start living for Him.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Blackbird said:
I was surprised to read about the concern regarding the couple accepting communion, having been taught that under no circumstances should you refuse it! Wow!
It goes to show that denominations can play a huge part, doesn't it? Here I had no idea about that!

Just wanted to say hello to all my Christian friends! :frow
The difference here is church doctrine.

The Catholic church believes that confessing to a priest will absolve the sin. They also believe that taking communion will bond you closer to God.

The churches that I have attended believes that the ONLY way to be absolved of a sin is to confess it directly to Jesus Christ. All other parties (deacons, elders, pastors, priests etc...) are of no importance. It is very personal. Just you and God.

The communion cup is a symbol of the body of Christ being broken on the cross and the blood of Christ being shed. One church I attended actually tore a loaf apart at the beginning of communion. Very symbolic of his body being broken. The same church also had a communal glass of wine. Very representative of the church united by the blood of Christ. Eating the bread and drinking the wine is an obedient act of remembrance, thankfulness and worship. It is a personal experience between God and the Christian and should only be done after your sins are confessed and your soul is pure and open.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 15, 2011
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Thank you Bee, Morel and FarmFresh, I wanted to respond and even started to then stopped and prayed about this current subject and happy that I did for I could not have said it better.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I missed church tonight and want to complain about it for a minute :( I had a flat on the way to get our fingerprinting done so we can get these foster kids. There was no lug wrench, no spare :barnie It was a mess, we BARELY made our appointment, but thankfully we did. Then we had to go back to the car 10 miles one way, then back to the tire shop with the rim, then back to the car, then hubs left stuff in moms car, so we had to chase them down at the Dr. office, you guessed it, 10 miles away *sigh* THEN we got the stuff, and went home....30 miles away and did not have time to go to church...35 miles away. I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLLLLY don't like living so far from EVERYTHING sometimes :/

Okay, I'm done. :lol: God must have had a reason for us to miss....I sure wish I knew what it was/is.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I missed church tonight too. And, I really wanted to go-we had one of our missionaries there. But, my knee is really hurting tonight, so I stayed home, and off of it. I'm planning on calling the doctor next week, and may be having my operation sooner rather than later. :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
BarredBuff said:
Wannabefree said:
BarredBuff said:
Im sorry you missed church!!
Me too. It's visitation night :( I was really looking forward to it.
Whats that?
It is a night we set aside monthly to go out into the community to those who have visited our church and left cards with their info so we could contact them. It's usually really nice. Some of us stay at the church and pray, others go out, and then others make up some cards to send out to those who have missed due to illness in the past few weeks. We usually have several elders who have missed, and they LOVE getting cards, ya know, just to say we missed them, and are praying for them. It's really cute how they get so much out of it :) It makes us all closer.

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