Mountain Sage
Can I tell you all something? God has been putting something in my mind and it has settled in my heart as something that I need to work upon. I think He wants me to have the courage to witness to my family(who have always disliked me anyway)about Christ...and not just my family but to others as well. I can talk about the Lord but I don't believe I've ever told someone how to accept Christ as their Savior.
But I'm a coward. There...I said it. Me, who prides herself(now there's a real sign of something wrong..pride)on being tough and not scared of much of anything is too scared to witness to her own family and friends. I can talk to strangers better than I can talk to my family, so it seems harder. I've been making all kinds of excuses to God in my mind as to why this won't work, why they won't listen, why I shouldn't, why I can't.
Then God puts a certain sermon in my ear by a pastor, then I happen to read a certain book that hits that nail again, then in my daily devotion I'm looking for a new place to start reading and I just open to the book of Jeremiah, then someone(not a Christian)sends this to me in an ya think God is tryin' to tell me somethin'?????? I put my toe in the water and tried to open a door to this subject with a close family member and I got the reaction that I thought I would get...anger and subsequent avoidance.
The hardest people to witness to are those who profess belief in God but are the ones that you kinda get the feeling that maybe they haven't really taken that next step but you don't want to offend them by asking or even implying but you just get a feeling, from watching their lives and behavior, that they maybe don't have that certainty of a life with the Holy Spirit and Jesus indwelling their hearts but you hate to ask because they will get mad and state emphatically they DO or they get mad that you even thought they weren't actually saved and how dare you, you judgemental idiot? And the only reason you want to ask is because you fear that you will have lived with these people all your lives and had a feeling about this subject and about them and you never had the cahones to act upon it and they could perish because you didn't.....
After watching this man and his courage and his complete conviction and devotion to the Lord, I feel so cowardly and ashamed. And I also feel encouraged and uplifted by his testimony and his example....and I feel like I should learn from him, that I was supposed to get this video.
But I'm a coward. There...I said it. Me, who prides herself(now there's a real sign of something wrong..pride)on being tough and not scared of much of anything is too scared to witness to her own family and friends. I can talk to strangers better than I can talk to my family, so it seems harder. I've been making all kinds of excuses to God in my mind as to why this won't work, why they won't listen, why I shouldn't, why I can't.
Then God puts a certain sermon in my ear by a pastor, then I happen to read a certain book that hits that nail again, then in my daily devotion I'm looking for a new place to start reading and I just open to the book of Jeremiah, then someone(not a Christian)sends this to me in an ya think God is tryin' to tell me somethin'?????? I put my toe in the water and tried to open a door to this subject with a close family member and I got the reaction that I thought I would get...anger and subsequent avoidance.
The hardest people to witness to are those who profess belief in God but are the ones that you kinda get the feeling that maybe they haven't really taken that next step but you don't want to offend them by asking or even implying but you just get a feeling, from watching their lives and behavior, that they maybe don't have that certainty of a life with the Holy Spirit and Jesus indwelling their hearts but you hate to ask because they will get mad and state emphatically they DO or they get mad that you even thought they weren't actually saved and how dare you, you judgemental idiot? And the only reason you want to ask is because you fear that you will have lived with these people all your lives and had a feeling about this subject and about them and you never had the cahones to act upon it and they could perish because you didn't.....
After watching this man and his courage and his complete conviction and devotion to the Lord, I feel so cowardly and ashamed. And I also feel encouraged and uplifted by his testimony and his example....and I feel like I should learn from him, that I was supposed to get this video.