Mountain Sage
BarredBuff said:I have a few questions to ask, that I'd like a few opinions on. Lets not make this a flame fest, but an intelligent argument
1. What do you all think about overpopulation? God is in full control of all life on Earth. That's enough for me to know and I don't lose anymore sleep over it.
2. What do you all think about children per family or perhaps none at all? (Eluding to the Duggars) Same as above...God creates each and every individual for a purpose, places them where He would have them be in life....who am I to question that master design or plan?
3. What about Global Warming (I just want this personally for a speech I am preparing for a contest)?Same as answers 1 & 2.... the globe wouldn't be warming unless it was in God's plan for this world, so I leave all the worrying about it to the Lord as I have not one iota of control over the ocean's tides, the atmosphere, the season's, etc. I just do what is right as much as possible, take care of what God has given me stewardship of and He is the only one to whom I will answer for these items. Good 'nuff for me!