Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For looking stuff up, pressing flowers, or both? :p


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Both! Granny likes to dry four leaf clovers in her multiple Bibes, except the one she reads. She said she has been reading back through her Bible from begginig to End.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I like the second chapter better than the first....he finally spits out what he has learned by all his doings and thinkings. It holds a valuable lesson for this forum.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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On another note, I wanted to say "thank you" for all of you participating in this conversation and journey. I'm not going to go into details about the "why" and "what"s, but I'll just say that this experience is changing me and my family for the better.

I thought I was a "pretty good" Christian, but you all have shown me how far I have to go.

Thank you everyone and may 2011 be a wonderful year for us all!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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FarmerJamie said:
On another note, I wanted to say "thank you" for all of you participating in this conversation and journey. I'm not going to go into details about the "why" and "what"s, but I'll just say that this experience is changing me and my family for the better.

I thought I was a "pretty good" Christian, but you all have shown me how far I have to go.

Thank you everyone and may 2011 be a wonderful year for us all!
We are all a LONNNNGGG way from where we need to be ;) He's not finished with any of us :) :hugs

SO Glad you're getting so much out of this Jamie!! I think we all are growing together.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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As far as versions, I know there are lots of opinions out there. I just started looking into some scholarly friends' notes on what original texts were found where, from when, and translated into what version of the Bible. Like I said, there are a lot of opinions. :)

My very favorite Bible is a KJV/Amplified parallel. I don't usually use it as a "reading" Bible, but I do like to look things up and read it in those two versions at least. The King James I like because I'm familiar with it, I don't have any problems with the language, and it's what I've memorized. The Amplified is not one that flows well, but I just LOVE the expanded language. I like to read that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Jesus shall have everlasting life, instead of just who "believeth" on Him. I think that is a better understanding of John 3:16 anyway, since Jesus Himself said the demons believe. Doesn't mean they are saved!

OK, sorry, enough of that. :)

Eccl. 2

I like this one better than chapter 1 also. Maybe because I'm in a better mood today? I don't know. But what strikes me (and this is just me) is that he built gardens, orchards, pools, had all kinds of livestock .... and it didn't make him happy. That is kind of ironic to me, since it's what I'm working toward in an earthly sense at least, and I DO get a lot of joy from just watching my critters and spending time with them and there is a lot of satisfaction from producing for yourself.

(I'm with BeeKissed that I'm not too worried about prepping for a me-against-the-world disaster ... I want to eat healthier food and I need to save money, but I've been doing some of this for a while and it's a way to get by is all .... but when it comes right down to it, it's GOD we trust to see us through whatever happens. Prepare, sure, be wise, but, well anyway).

Did I need to go that far around to say this? Sorry, y'all. :) It brought to mind verses about laying up treasure in heaven, vs. on earth. And about your heart being where your treasure is. New Testament stuff, but ... it seems appropriate here. Solomon was ABLE to accomplish all he wanted, he was rich and wise, he had it all ... but in the end, looking to that stuff for happiness is nothing. Kind of a "money doesn't buy happiness" sort of thing.

I was taken off guard by verse 26. I guess I had forgotten that. Wasn't it Rebbetzin who said her husband warned not to look for solid doctrine in Eccl? I don't believe God necessarily blesses good people and sends trials to sinners. We can look around and easily see that is not the case. I think God uses what happens in our lives for our benefit and growth, but .... it certainly isn't true that Christians never suffer or want.

And doesn't Solomon say again (in Proverbs?) that the rain falls on the just as well as the unjust?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
On another note, I wanted to say "thank you" for all of you participating in this conversation and journey. I'm not going to go into details about the "why" and "what"s, but I'll just say that this experience is changing me and my family for the better.

I thought I was a "pretty good" Christian, but you all have shown me how far I have to go.

Thank you everyone and may 2011 be a wonderful year for us all!
We are all a LONNNNGGG way from where we need to be ;) He's not finished with any of us :) :hugs

SO Glad you're getting so much out of this Jamie!! I think we all are growing together.
There is no way he is finished with me either! But Im VERY GLAD you are getting touched Jamie. And I need to read Eccl. 2 tonight, I havent yet :hide.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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SA, I thought about that too. But, there's a difference. Chapter 2 deals w/lusts, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, in other words, the pursuit of pleasure (lust of the flesh), pursuit of possessions (lust of the eyes) and the pursuit of position (pride of life) These are not of the Father, but are of the world. And, the world passesth away, and the lust of it; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. So, it all comes down to WHY you have what you have.

Do you have it because you think you need it to be happy, or do you have it because God has provided it for you? Are you content w/what you have? Paul tells us that no matter what state he's in, he's learned to be content. (Phil 4:11) He also tells us that godliness w/contentment is great gain. (1 Tim 6:6) In contrast, the love of money is the root of all evil. If money is your god, then you're going to lust after the things of this world.

I'm also reminded of the parable about the man who had a really good year in farming. And, he didn't have room to store it all. So he thought he'd pull down all his barns, take it easy and eat, drink and be merry. But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. (Luke 12:20) So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. Job tells us that naked he came into the world, and naked he's going to leave it. In other words, we can't take it w/us.

And even if we could, what good would it really do us? I'm reminded of a joke I heard one time. This man made a deal w/God. He could bring one suitcase w/him of whatever he wanted when he died. He thought long and hard about it, and finally decided to bring gold. In the course of time, he died. He was met at the gates by St. Peter. He tells Pete that he had a deal w/God, and he was allowed to bring 1 suitcase w/him. So Pete says, all right, let's see what you have. The man opens it up, and shows him the gold. Peter looks at it, puzzled, then asks, why'd you bring pavement?

I never watched it, just heard about this. There used to be a show on TV called Life Styles of the Rich and Famous. In one episode, they were showing these rich people that were spending thousands of dollars everyday to maintain their life style. The narrator made the comment, you notice, no one is smiling.

In contrast, the Bible tells us that God won't withhold any good thing from the man that will walk uprightly, and to delight our self in God, and He will give us the desires of our heart. So, if I have something because I covet it, and have done what I can to get it, it's not going to really make me happy. It will for awhile-until I see something that's newer, bigger, better. But, if God provides something for me as a blessing, my whole outlook is going to be different because it's something a loving Father has provided for me because He WANTS me to have it.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Just wanted to quickly say thanks, DD. I read your post this am and really thought you did a great job of explaining that. TY. :)