Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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miss_thenorth said:
Two OT (sorta) points i want to make. i found Youngs Literal translation Bible which I thought was cool, and i will probably use it alot. and I found a glossary of the symbols in Revelation. So now I am not as intimidated. I'm going to get to wrok on the starting next week.
I took a glance at that glossary of symbols, be careful how you apply it to the scripture. There are some generalizations in there that I and others probably won't agree with. Overall it gives a good idea, but some of the internet pages are pretty biased. Just keep that in mind. I ran across SEVERAL during my Revelation study that were WAYYYY off base, and some were just a bit off on a few things. Just be selective and work out the meanings for yourself through Gods guidance and you should get the gist of it. Sorry, not trying to be bossy...I just have a bit of experience with some of these pages. Glad you didn't happen up on a really wacked out one, they are there.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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FarmerJamie said:
miss_thenorth said:
I've tried to post my thoughts on that all day, and I keep deleting, b/c my words in print don't come close to the thoughts in my mind--

Basically it boils down--for me at least--it is doesn't matter what you do in the day, as long as it is to the glory of God. You can have the most important job (in your mind) or the lowliest, but to God it doesn't matter as long as you are serving and glorifying Him in doing that job. And you need to have a thankful attitude while doing that job. It is becasue of God that you are even here on earth.
:lol: I'm with you.

hmm, I think this may be what was eating at me. I used to think that nature of the job didn't matter, it was how it was approached like you described. I agree with Wanna, but for me, as a young man, I walked away from the rural and blue collar lifestyles in which I was raised - mostly due to my father's divorcing of my mother as I turned 21. I took a lot of teasing in my late 20s about when I was going to get a "real" job.

I like my career, but I repect the more simple labors too. I'm one of the few employees on our floor that actually know the cleaning lady's name and how many kids and grandkids she has.

Maybe I'm going through the mid-life crisis - I'm trying to figure it out. :barnie
Sounds like you're just a nice guy who enjoy his job :hu I always know the cleaning lady's name and thank them matter what MY title is or isn't.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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miss_thenorth said:
do you have a better one?
I have a half a favorites list of Revelation/bible study guides after sifting through a bazillion... :lol: I'm not sure if I have exactly what you'd be looking for, as in a list, but I think I may have a couple links worth looking at ;)

Here's a decent overall study guide, not by word, but by Chapters.

Try that one. Looks like it is the only one I kept :/ I had a bunch, but was doing research on Melchisedek at the same time, and got really into that and...well I have A.D.D. apparently, because I have gotten wayyy off into about 10 other studies and cleaned out my favorites :D If you get interested in extrabiblical accounts of Christ, or Nimrod, or The Gilgamesh Epic....let me know :lol: I have all those still saved! :th


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
miss_thenorth said:
I've tried to post my thoughts on that all day, and I keep deleting, b/c my words in print don't come close to the thoughts in my mind--

Basically it boils down--for me at least--it is doesn't matter what you do in the day, as long as it is to the glory of God. You can have the most important job (in your mind) or the lowliest, but to God it doesn't matter as long as you are serving and glorifying Him in doing that job. And you need to have a thankful attitude while doing that job. It is becasue of God that you are even here on earth.
:lol: I'm with you.

hmm, I think this may be what was eating at me. I used to think that nature of the job didn't matter, it was how it was approached like you described. I agree with Wanna, but for me, as a young man, I walked away from the rural and blue collar lifestyles in which I was raised - mostly due to my father's divorcing of my mother as I turned 21. I took a lot of teasing in my late 20s about when I was going to get a "real" job.

I like my career, but I repect the more simple labors too. I'm one of the few employees on our floor that actually know the cleaning lady's name and how many kids and grandkids she has.

Maybe I'm going through the mid-life crisis - I'm trying to figure it out. :barnie
Sounds like you're just a nice guy who enjoy his job :hu I always know the cleaning lady's name and thank them matter what MY title is or isn't.
This would easier with a cup of hot coffee and seat pulled up to the fire with 5 or 6 of you and not shouting in the public square. :p

It would be so much easier if I didn't talk in generalities, I know, but I don't want to share too much.

So as Christians, if we are trying to be honest and honorable in our profressional life, we should not be embarassed by the richness of the fruits of our labors, as long as God is getting the credit and the proper thanks back?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I think it states~several times~ in the Bible that God blesses us with riches and increases the fruits of our labors for one we can glorify Him by giving it to those in need.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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If you are blessed by God, keeping it suppressed is NOT what I'd consider giving him the glory. No matter how trivial or not so trivial the blessing seems to the world. Christians are supposed to rejoice WITH each other. Are you "embarassed" that Christ died for you? If your answer is no, then you should not be embarassed if He has given you a Bentley :lol: Remember when Peter asked "But Lord what about this man" in reference to John, and Christ replied "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You, follow me." What is it to us what you do? What you have? The point is give glory to the source of those things, and do not be ashamed that you have found favor in Gods eyes...NEVER be ashamed of that!! We ALL do, on His terms when we recieve Him. Maybe He knows some of us are weaker(me) and could not handle riches here without being an idiot :hu I dunno why, I just know, it's not my business, and if my brothers and sisters have things that I don't....I get to rejoice WITH them FOR them and THROUGH them for what OUR God has supplied them with. Ok...rambling done :lol: :p


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Beekissed said:
I think it states~several times~ in the Bible that God blesses us with riches and increases the fruits of our labors for one we can glorify Him by giving it to those in need.
Okay, okay, thanks, I need to look past the tree in front of me in order to see the forest! Being way too introspective today :)


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Hey FarmerJ,

I was listening to a radio broadcast on Friday and the Pastor had a great message. It was about sharing the fruit of our labor.

He said that we are like vines and if God allows us to bear fruit it is meant for us to share with others. By nature we want to keep all the fruit and eat it ourselves and when we do that God will lessen the amount of fruit that our vine bears but when we share freely and generously, then he allows our vine to be rich with fruit.

I just thought that was an inportant point. After several years of struggling Hubby has a good solid job. Sometimes I feel guitly about it and the fruit it bears, so that message that I heard in the car really spoke to me. I just tried to find it online, but could not...I will keep looking for it and if I can find it I will post it.


Power Conserver
Nov 17, 2010
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My 2 on this

Okay, I want to understand the repetition of the eat/drink and taking pleasure in all your toil and what it means to you all.
At this point King Solomon is still having a strong dialogue with himself about the purpose of life "under the sun". He is still not speaking or pondering the question from a child of God's standpoint, which is the reason why it is all vanity. Without God, there is no purpose, or meaning to life, so all the unbeliever has is his work.

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