Power Conserver
Originally it was to be a Christians only compound but we realised that would be a bit too radical for many nowadays
sure would be nice though.........

I want a signed copy of the book. Sounds like one of the few being published these days that has any real world value.Beekissed said:Wanna, you may be right about the church ladies not wanting to participate in a ministry that requires work on their part....the church I've attended for the past 5 years was just that way. They had this attitude of "we worked all our lives and now live comfortably on our money and everyone else can just do the same if they want to live comfortably"....no feelings of wanting to truly help those with little because, darn it, if they just wanted it bad enough they could do better in the world!
The preacher even admitted that his church members hadn't really had any hardship in their lives, including himself, and didn't understand anyone who does....I asked him if that wasn't his job to enlighten them?![]()
Thank you for your support and I will definitely keep you all apprised when the website goes up and want you all to visit it, if you will, and blog about what you'd like to know in a book of that nature. The website will contain excerpts of the book, pics of the homesteading we did, etc. The more interest I have in the book via website, the more likely I'll be to get published...publishers like to know that you already have a market for your book if they intend to invest in it. The website will be part of that proof of interest by the public and a need for the information. They call it "having a platform".
Thank you all again!!!!![]()
Praise God for women like Walkaroundjacks who take responsibility for their lives and their children and all of you people on these forums and off that know that God helps, God wishes you prosperity and that He wants you to depend on not just yourself, but on Him.I already know how to sew, knit, cook, hammer a nail, fix drywall, install tile and wood flooring and whatever else I can't think of. My ex passed away 2 years ago, I have always done everything for myself and my kids.
I may know a few women like this......Beekissed said:If God sees fit to bring this project to publishing and they allow me to have copies of my own? You all will get a free, signed copy!! After all, you all have inspired me, taught me, encouraged me.....and I hope to do a second volume that features many of you in it! Volume II: The New Generation.....sort of a Foxfire for the new generation~cheesemaking from backyard goats, fiber work from backyard sheep, growing rabbits for family food and profit, etc.
THIS....this is the type of women and men I want in my second volume!!! Praise God for the strong women of this world who keep on keeping on and don't throw up their hands and turn helpless. I pray that the strong inspire the weak, that children will once again have a strong role model~be it mom or dad, and that the people stop looking for government to change before they intend to change themselves. Change starts small and comes from within.
Praise God for women like Walkaroundjacks who take responsibility for their lives and their children and all of you people on these forums and off that know that God helps, God wishes you prosperity and that He wants you to depend on not just yourself, but on Him.I already know how to sew, knit, cook, hammer a nail, fix drywall, install tile and wood flooring and whatever else I can't think of. My ex passed away 2 years ago, I have always done everything for myself and my kids.
Kstaven, I have very few family members who would even want such a book from me, so you all become my family...the people who get the free copies of a published book. That way, if it stinks, you can use it for TP and are not out the cost!!!!![]()
You folks are simply the BEST!![]()