Sunsaver, Livining Off-Grid In Suburbia- Happy Taconight America!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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sunsaver said:
Bar story number one

I havent had many relations with women since my divorce, and as i like to say, "ill try anything once", but i do like to socialize and i definitely like to drink. So, until my smoke allergy got to the point of putting me in the hospital with an asthma attack, i often used to hang out in bars and pool halls. I used to frequent a place called Cindy's Club, and there was often there a pretty young woman named Cindy, so much so that you might think the place was named after here, although it was not. One night there arrived a young woman, who was not what i can call anything but sexy. She was beatiful in the face, had curves in all the right places, and just enough clothing to not look like a prostitute. When she started talking to me, i got very excited.
Now im not the type to take a stranger to bed, but i was starting think i was in line for a new girlfriend, and later on, some terrific love-making. She was talking to me, and her somewhat homely friend who had come in with her, as if she had known me just as long as her friend on her other side. I was buying her drink after drink, as we talked about all sorts of things, and really started to hit it off. She seemed a little A.D.D., so i did more listening than talking, but i could see myself falling in love. Even her voice was beautiful, well, more like "sexy".
Finally the beers were taking effect and i had to go to the restroom, which was near the back door of the bar. When i came out of the restroom, i slipped out back to see what might be going on out there. A small group of regulars and the club owner were passing around a joint. "None for me, thanks." i said, and headed towards the front of the bar and walked in the front door. There at the bar was my new companion, and her dark-haired friend came up and sat beside her. I was only a couple of feet behind them, but the music was loud and neither one had seen me come in the front door. Her friend leaned in and gave her a kiss. "How you doin sweetheart? You need me to buy you another drink?"
"No, I got this ugly, old bald guy buying me drinks."
I waited a couple of minutes, then sat down beside her at the bar.
"Hey baby! Where you been."
"The restroom."
"Will you buy me another drink?"
"Buy your own damn drink."
I never bought another drink for any woman at any bar ever again.
What surprises me is that it took till you were "an old bald guy" to realize that this is what they EVERY phase of life, not just in the bar.

There are only four places to meet a woman worth keeping. Church, school, work, or home. Anywhere else is frought with risk not worth taking and I'm sure you've accumulated enough "youth" to know that. Any woman who will let you "buy her drinks" is a danger to a man; beit physically or emotionally.

If she hasn't invited you to meet her family, you don't want her, ever! Don't ask me how I learned this!

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Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
My deepest condolences on the loss of your hens. It has happened to me twice and it hurts every time.

I'd recommend an incubator to allow you to "make your own chickens" which will at least give you some merciful relief if the varmints come around again.

Eating the coon is however, poetic justice.
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Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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We'll be here when you get your internet up, Sunsaver! see you later


Well, i had a little odd job that got me some gas money, so i can make a few trips here to the library. The blackberries are winding down but the plums and blueberries are starting to ripen up, and ive been getting all the tomatos i can handle and more. Im going to can some of them in the next couple of days. I also did some solar dehydrating of chopped bell peppers. Just found out that the IRS has put a tax lien on all my property. I'm hoping that i can prove finantial hardship to get the lien removed, but with no bills or pay stubs its going to be difficult. Every time i go to my mail box i get some depressing news or a bill. I'm thinking about just cutting it down and taking it to the dump, after i settle things with the IRS. And why are they called " internal revenue service"? More like external slugs that steal your money.
I don't have a story for today, just a few garden observations. I have some type of wasps that live in the ground. They are black and have a long slender abdomin with a single red band. They are about an inch and half long, and like to kill catapillars and other garden pests. The other day a squirrel fell from about 50ft up a tree, and almost hit on top of my head. I think it would have knocked me out or broke my neck, had i not jumped out of the way. "Wump!" he made a loud thud on the ground that i could feel through my feet, then bounced back and up onto the tree, seemingly all in one motion. The next thing i knew, that critter was back at the top of the tree. Amazing!


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
If you get headaches much you might want to harvest some of the blackberry leaves and dry them. I use them when I get migraines. It tastes pretty good too but never use them fresh or it will upset your stomach.

Good luck dealing with the IRS. That's probably no fun.

Glad the squirrel didn't get you. Strange little critters, but at least they plant lots of trees for us all to enjoy. .


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
The IRS sucks.

I sure hope I'm not flaming some IRS worker reading this from somewhere. :hide But they suck.


Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, good luck with the IRS :he They have more teeth than most law enforcement agencies. Whether or not you have income- just file the paperwork every year. It keeps you under the radar a bit more than not filing.

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