Didn't you ever play in ditches when you were growing up? Don't think of it as a hole. Think of it as a cool shady fort.
The moods could be from the weather. First it was all gray, then it tried to roast you.
This heat is taking the fun out of some of my favorite stuff in life too, lately. I haven't been wanting to go for walks on the mountain trails, or to play in the dirt (garden work) even. I hope we get a little cooler weather fairly soon.
Not driving after drinking is one of the smartest rules anybody can have.
The summer heat was pressing on his chest, making it difficult to catch his breath. It was the weight of a lifetime that never seemed to go where he wanted or expected it to.
But he was free now, and that was all that mattered. The smell of cooking meat was coming from a cabin striding a mountain creek at the bottom of the Appalachian valley. How had he come from southern swamps to clear mountain creeks so fast? He thought about his mother, who had died when he was only four years old. His entire life seemed to stretch out before him like a strange play on a foreign stage. What could he do?
It was a divine comedy. Dante's inferno. So what? The real world was more interesting than any fiction that his mind could come up with. The smoky haze of bacon was wafting up the ridge like a kiss from an old friend. He imagined his granny cooking pancakes, topped with butter and maple syrup. It seemed that he had spent more time and energy on preserving his childhood memories, than growing up and conforming to normal social expectations. The rocks made natural handholds, as he worked his way down into the valley, and a confrontation with the cabin owner.
Sorry, it wasn't much. I don't know for sure where i'm going with this story. When i finish it, i'll put it all together in a single post for those who want to read it. It's supposed to get very hot today, so i'll prabably take a little vacation. This global warming seems to be a victory for the evil powercompany monopoly. "You can't live without air conditioning. You MUST be our slave! Mwah ha ha ha! We're going to keep burning fossil fuels until you get roasted alive in your own juices, with some sage leaves and a hint of rosemary. Blah ha ha ha! Die Sunsaver! Die!"
It's supposed to be hotter today, but there is more of a breeze so it doesn't feel as hot as yesterday. I still might have to bug out for some air conditioning, though.
I just had a box turtle walk right up on me. He stopped a couple of times, looking up at me, but i just stayed motionless. He marched right past my legs, as i sat in the yoga position in my garden. He came within an inch of crawling right over me. He was on his way to eat my tomatoes. Help yourself, little buddy! I'm sick of 'em!
Well it didn't seem that bad today because of the breeze, but it was 106* with heat index of 120*. I feel hotter tonight than last night. I dont know how much more i can take.
Heat index today was 115 here. Actual temp was at least 106.
Tomorrow's forecast is 106 with a real feel of 116. Enough already. I want my highs of 95 degrees back.