TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Okay...that brings new light to The Glove. I forgot about your neighbor's garage....is it possible that the fire was no accident and was meant to burn evidence of something and some of it didn't quite get burned up?

If this is even remotely the case, this is freaky and possibly
dangerous for you, don't ya think?

Stranger things have happened..... :/


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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'The Glove'.

I can just see it now, a new horror flick starring our very own TanksHill AKA Gina! How exciting!!! Well gole darn it all anyway, there better be a human hand in there now! (Does that sound kind of bad..?)


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I know, i know, crazy world we live in.

I called my brother. Level headed, fifty something, retired fire chief, Arson investagator brother. Told him the story. He said to call the po po. I told him I feel a bit strange with he whole situation and did not know if I wanted a police car coming to the house. He said it would be better than having a crazy neighbor who could have chopped up a person and cooked them in his garage. :barnie So smart I just love my brother.

So today after I send the kids down the hill I will phone the Sheriff's department.


On a happier note. I feel drained. :sick This has been such a long week. Every morning when the alarm goes off at 4:30 all I want to do is roll over and go back to sleep. I feel so terrible for my dh. He is not getting home unit 7 ish at nigh.t So he is gone from 5 -7 daily. What kind of life is that? Now if they were paying him accordingly and we were making gains... Then maybe it would be worth it.

Someone explain to me how a publicly traded nation wide company can give you a promotion, dump a ton of new responsibility on you and not pay you for it? They announced his promo on Oct 14. Did not fill the spot he vacated and did not fill the spot above him. Hes doing everything. The past few General Managers of this LA branch only usually last a year. Hes been at the company since April, and officially not even the GM. :he

So every day I just remind him he does not have to do this, work this crazy, stress himself out, make himself sick. The longer we actually sit here, without the raise, the harder things will be for us to leave. My reserves are gone. Wheew, bye bye. My credit is almost gone and Christmas is coming. Geesh won't that be great.


Today is school conferences. I think my kids are all doing very well. They have offered my daughter some afterschool homework help. I think basically for reading. It would be two days a week but she is to young to walk home alone. Even tough we live across the street. It will be a pain to schedule. I think she needs an IEP like her brother. I will see what I can talk them into, it's like pulling teeth to get any help.

I have a leak under the sink in my laundry room. There is a cleanout under there. And it's leaking. :sick I think the main line to the septic is backing up. dh thinks I am crazy. But all I know for sure is the cabinet is now ruined and I think it's getting moldy. I guess that will be our project for Saturday morning.

I had to take my mil 40 bucks yesterday to cover the diesel fuel my fil bought for us. Now there is 40 bucks worth of diesel sitting in a broken semi in my driveway.

They keep pestering dh about helping him fix the truck so we can go to the desert with them the weekend after Turkey day. I have told them all 3 times I don't camp that weekend. The kids just are to tired for school when we get home. We have the whole week off, I prefer to camp the first weekend then come home and have time here. But the bil is saying come come. I flat out told dh yesterday, we are not going. We can't afford it.

I talked to my cousin in Mo yesterday. Things are going well there. She home schools her kids on a Christan based education. She is also working now so they have fallen behind. It's really hard for her to get them to buckle down and get it done. I reminded her that ADHD/ ADD runs in the family. Medical intervention is a bad word in that family. So I suggested a few techniques I used to used with my son. Work 20 min off 20 min. Which is great when you have all day, but with her working it's not possible. Her older boy is sharp as a tack but wont do his work. She does not like the public schools. I think regardless if you agree on what their teaching, evolution vs creation the exposure to diversity is good for the kids. If they are raised with strong beliefs and a good foundation they are more than capable of making good decisions on their own. Enough said. Their not my kids.

Sorry for the rant and dumping all this on you guys. Just one of those mornings.

I made some jam yesterday. Pluot. I think it's a cross between a plum and something. The $1 store had big bags. So I bought 2 brought them home and made jam.. I ended up with 10, 1/2 pints.

Well I better get moving. I need to read some threads and get another cup of joe.



Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Aw Gina, you need a hug! :hugs

I am sorry that your poor Hubby is being worked so hard, that really sucks, Maybe he will make some good connections along the way....everything has it's purpose, even if it is hard or we can't see it.

Dealing with the school systems on kid issues is hard. I think they make it difficult on purpose! I hope that your conferences go well :fl

Let us know what the sheriff's dept has to say about your spare hand!
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