TEA Anyone?


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Big Daddy said:
Actually I will give the Republicans credit. I feel their leadership is wrong and is a bunch of wolves leading their sheep. But at least they make some noise when they are not getting their way. The Democrats just stood by and let Bush and his rubber stamp Congress trample them. I think Obama will prove you wrong in your thinking. I know for a fact that he knows a lot more about the Constitution than anyone on this line. He taught Constitutional law. Keep up the good fight but move the blinders aside once in a while to see where your heading.
Yes, he taught constitutional law, which is why I was horrified to hear that he 'chafed under the constraints of The Constitution'. He will not prove me wrong. And as I've told you over and over, I was no fan of Bush.

ETA I find it interesting that you've once again brought up the paranoid 'black helicopter' stuff. This from a guy who has admitted he doesn't listen and or read all sources. So you make up your mind only listening to what appeals to you. That's no way to form an educated opinion. I'd say you, sir, are the one with the blinders on.
Jan 24, 2009
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reinbeau said:
Big Daddy said:
Actually I will give the Republicans credit. I feel their leadership is wrong and is a bunch of wolves leading their sheep. But at least they make some noise when they are not getting their way. The Democrats just stood by and let Bush and his rubber stamp Congress trample them. I think Obama will prove you wrong in your thinking. I know for a fact that he knows a lot more about the Constitution than anyone on this line. He taught Constitutional law. Keep up the good fight but move the blinders aside once in a while to see where your heading.
Yes, he taught constitutional law, which is why I was horrified to hear that he 'chafed under the constraints of The Constitution'. He will not prove me wrong. And as I've told you over and over, I was no fan of Bush.

ETA I find it interesting that you've once again brought up the paranoid 'black helicopter' stuff. This from a guy who has admitted he doesn't listen and or read all sources. So you make up your mind only listening to what appeals to you. That's no way to form an educated opinion. I'd say you, sir, are the one with the blinders on.
I try to read less biased informed sources. I don't read a lot of the sights that people are providing links to here. They are black helicopter sights and are usually highly right leaning. I feel accuracy is usually more in the middle. I didn't hear a whole lot about HR875 till the right wing talkers started making an issue of it. It's been in process for a year now. I'm still wondering what constitutional rights Obama is stepping on. I haven't figured out the taxation without representation thing either. VT wrote a lengthy diatribe on theories about what will happen when Obama lets the tax breaks for the rich expire. All the rich people will move to China. I doubt it. What they will do is continue to put their money in to tax shelters and overseas accounts. They will continue to move jobs overseas so they can make a better bottom line. I guess you must plan on being rich someday. You want to bite the hand that feeds you instead of the hand that slaps you down.

At any rate Tallman made a good point. So I'm cutting out before you get the last word. I will resist hitting this thread again.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I like tea on occasion. I like to put raw honey in my tea and sip it slowly while I read a good book. For the money, a box of tea bags can go a long way in the frugality realm. I wish I had my own cow's cream to place in my tea, as this would be healthy and frugal as well.

I like tea. :caf

Patch of Heaven Farm

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 20, 2008
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Beekissed said:
I like tea on occasion. I like to put raw honey in my tea and sip it slowly while I read a good book. For the money, a box of tea bags can go a long way in the frugality realm. I wish I had my own cow's cream to place in my tea, as this would be healthy and frugal as well.

I like tea. :caf
I like tea too. Being a southern girl we love our sweet tea!! :) :pop


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
My son says that, in Wyoming, he couldn't find any restuarant that sells iced tea...sweet or otherwise! :th I've heard it can be like that up north as well. Weird, huh? :hu


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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Thars plenti of iced tea up in these here north parts. :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
Big Daddy Wrote: VT wrote a lengthy diatribe on theories about what will happen when Obama lets the tax breaks for the rich expire. All the rich people will move to China. I doubt it. What they will do is continue to put their money in to tax shelters and overseas accounts. They will continue to move jobs overseas so they can make a better bottom line. I guess you must plan on being rich someday. You want to bite the hand that feeds you instead of the hand that slaps you down.
Since I am the only VT that has posted in this thead I am going to assume that your post was about me. I did not rember making a diatribe about tax breaks for the rich and any mention of China. I did post in this thread "It is not about "tax increases" for the rich and businesses. Those taxes tend to filter down thru to all of us in increased costs for everything. Many of those that have their taxes increased just pass the increase along thru increases in the costs of the products and services they provide to the rest of us. Additionally, the whole Cap and Trade Scam that they are trying to pass off on us will radically increase energy costs to us all. It will add additional costs to everything that we purchase. The Cap and Trade tax will cost even the poor (who can least afford it) alot of money thru this trickle down effect. The measley $13 a week (if it is not prorated) and the $400 a year in rebate (if you are not rich or middle class) will not cover the added costs of Cap and Trade in money and jobs lost thru the exodus of the taxed "rich" employers from this country. . . but I digress."

My statement was obviously about the Cap and Trade scam that our current government is trying to foist on us and had little to do with the exodus of the rich and nothing to do with George Bush or his tax cuts. I expressed my concern that it would severly increase the cost of everything and that the poor would be hard hit by that increased cost. I would hope that I am allowed my concern, even if it is at the expense of the Presidents Cap and Trade con. There are estimations that Cap and Trade may increase energy costs to the average US family by around $3000. This may be high, but it will definately have a big impact. Europe has tried it and they are not thrilled with it. The reality is that the cost will be passed down to the lowest point, us! As for your comment about me wanting to be rich someday. I doubt tht it is in my destiny but I would like to insure that we, as a country, don't leave a debt so huge that it prevents the next several generations of Americas from being able to dream that dream!

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