Almost Self-Reliant
is it ok to go outside?
EXACTLY!!!!!!! like there is no issue when someone is suspended 6 separate times for over 20 days total and is failing 2/5 of their classes but oh no a good student with good grades who has not had even a single detention since 4th grade misses 8 days that's when its an issueOK MAYBE THAT NOT GOOD ERM WHY DO THEY CARE ENOUGH TO SEND A MINOR TO COURT OVER MISSING 8 DAYS OF SCHOOL
keep your dogs outside. 2 dogs that size is going to keep coyotes away. coyotes are usually only around 35-45 pounds and don't want to mess with bigger dogs especially if its more than 1Also I'm very scared for my chickens. Idk how dangerous coyotes are. my dad had us bring both dogs in because he could hear them everywhere. I fell asleep and didn't get my chickens put up yet, I'm scared something might happen.
yes its fineis it ok to go outside?
bring a good flashlightyes its fine
don't die!