~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Tina, you said up at five, I know it's not five am there yet! My friend, you best be getting proper rest!!!

I totally understand the room cleaning. Not to dampen your hopes or spirits, but I do a thorough cleaning of my boys' bedroom like that once a week!

Except I have to search out those socks they used a sock bombs, try to mate them up, and put them away. They don't have many socks.

I have the hardest time keeping up with their laundry, too. Especially when they take EVERYTHING I just washed and throw it across the room. I used to re-wash it, got tired of that with having to haul the water in, so now I pick them up, check to see if they still smell clean....and put them back in the drawer :p (bad mommy!)

OH and I got the package you sent :) I have one going out to you today or tomorrow. I got mad at the cube directions, so I have to take a break from that, but Leonard has waited long enough for his sleep sack, so that is going out now. I am sorry I was slow with getting things done!


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
They say the only way to know for sure if it is or isnt MS is a spinal tap.......I got away with not doing that because of the sequencing of my MS. I have heard they are kinda painful. MS is so hard to diagnose because the symptoms are different for everybody, but you know that.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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roosmom said:
They say the only way to know for sure if it is or isnt MS is a spinal tap.......I got away with not doing that because of the sequencing of my MS. I have heard they are kinda painful. MS is so hard to diagnose because the symptoms are different for everybody, but you know that.
Do you find your MS very limiting? If you have not had a spinal tap, and they have used the sequencing as the method to diagnose you, may I ask what your primary symptoms are, although I know it affects everyone differently?
Yeah...I am kinda trying to avoid the Spinal tap...I hate low pressure headaches, the thought upsets me...
A little more history:
In 1999 When I had my pituitary tumor removed from my head, they went under my upper lip, through my sinuses, under the brain...the pituitary is in spinal fluid....when they packed my sinuses and put my sinus bones back, I developed a little leak...so I had what they call a Low Pressure Headache...it was not pleasant at all. After 4 days of leaking spinal fluid from my sinuses, I was taken by ambulance to San Francisco and the treatment was actually to take blood from my arm and put it in my back, a Spinal Tap in reverse! Its called a Blood Patch. That plugged up the leak in my sinuses, and it was an instant cure for my headache as well!
But I would rather not have another spinal tap to diagnose MS unless I have to....maybe a little Post traumatic stress disorder about it. But if the rest of this stuff is inconclusive, I may go for it.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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tfpets said:
roosmom said:
They say the only way to know for sure if it is or isnt MS is a spinal tap.......I got away with not doing that because of the sequencing of my MS. I have heard they are kinda painful. MS is so hard to diagnose because the symptoms are different for everybody, but you know that.
Do you find your MS very limiting? If you have not had a spinal tap, and they have used the sequencing as the method to diagnose you, may I ask what your primary symptoms are, although I know it affects everyone differently?
Yeah...I am kinda trying to avoid the Spinal tap...I hate low pressure headaches, the thought upsets me...
A little more history:
In 1999 When I had my pituitary tumor removed from my head, they went under my upper lip, through my sinuses, under the brain...the pituitary is in spinal fluid....when they packed my sinuses and put my sinus bones back, I developed a little leak...so I had what they call a Low Pressure Headache...it was not pleasant at all. After 4 days of leaking spinal fluid from my sinuses, I was taken by ambulance to San Francisco and the treatment was actually to take blood from my arm and put it in my back, a Spinal Tap in reverse! Its called a Blood Patch. That plugged up the leak in my sinuses, and it was an instant cure for my headache as well!
But I would rather not have another spinal tap to diagnose MS unless I have to....maybe a little Post traumatic stress disorder about it. But if the rest of this stuff is inconclusive, I may go for it.
They also give a blood patch to a woman after childbirth if they screwed up her epidural!

I had one after delivering my third child (DS2). They had actually KNICKED my spinal cord giving me an epidural and I had spinal headaches for five days. When my son was five days old I went back to the ER for a blood patch. Within 10 seconds it was instantly better! They sat me straight up and I had no more headache.

Those spinal headaches......omg I would rather go through childbirth with no meds! (and I did when baby number 4 came because NO WAY did I want to risk another epidural!) The pain is soooo bad with those headaches (as you probably know Tina) that you can't think beyond it. I couldn't stand, sit, lie dowm, let alone care for a brand new baby and two toddlers. I walked my daughter to her schoolbus for 2 days with those headaches, my newborn strapped to my front in a carrier, and holding my 2 yr old son's hand. I would get to the bus stop and lay down and close my eyes.....that was the only way I could bear the pain. It felt like forever before the bus came, and then another forever walking back to the house, and an eternity before DH came home from work.

3 days of that, mom picked me up and took me to the ER while DH was at work.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
Ok, I will try to remember.
started with
1) left leg numbness that continued for a month. I thought it was because we had spent so much time in the truck looking for a vehicle for me.
1a) went to chiropractor to see if he could fix it (had never been to a chiropractor) he had xrays taken and did adjustments......no difference in a month. I was worried it was a blood clot in the leg. Then it just went away.
2) The right side of my face felt like it was dripping off, drooping. It was not noticable to other peole, but my speech was slightly slurred and so was my vision on that side. That took a month to progress thru during which time I had PT's and D-DIMERS done because I was worried it was a stroke. Then it went away and came back two months later. That EPISODE lasted another couple weeks.
3) Then I was off balance, not real bad, just enough to go back to the clinic and the PA I had been seeing because of all this wierd crap going on. God bless the PA, he repeatedly told me that I was "Presenting oddly". He couldnt order an MRI, so he asked me to go see a specialist. He told me he thought he knew what it was but would not tell me. That went away.
4) I went to see a neurologist. She ordered the MRI after doing some minor "touch your finger to your nose" type of tests. She told me about the Spinal tap. I told her I didnt want one done. We discussed it some more, I guess I was more adamant than her cuz I havent had one done.
I had an MRI scheduled. I came to work one day (I was here first thing to open the admitting office) Suddenly my balance was gone and my vision was double. My boss had to take me home, I was sick to my stomache (probably from the double vision) and stayed that way until I laid down and closed my eyes. Another coworker brought my vehicle home.
5) I had the MRI done, Brain and spine. I was 100% sure it was a problem with my back by now. See I was never a careful kinda person, I have never been a girly girl. My mother used to tell me to quit using my body like a mans lol. I didnt listen :| . Anything they can do so can I blah, blah, blah. :rolleyes:
I was not working. I had been off three weeks, symptoms were not any better. I had to go on short term disability. THEN I got the call. It was the dr's office. The receptionist told me I have MS. We scheduled an appointment. I was not happy that the receptionist told me, it should have been the dr. Maybe they knew I could handle it. I dont know. Anyway.....
Because of the on again off again symptoms and the MRI, that was how I was diagnosed.
I had never had to visit the dr previously, maybe once a year. Never sick. This hit me pretty hard. I was off work for almost 4 months. When my eyes got good enough to use, I went back to work and started investigating MS on the net. By the time I had my appointment with the dr, I was more prepared. I told her what drug I wanted, and have been on it since. No more episodes.
There are three kinds of ms......remitting
full blown ms

Is is limiting? Only if you let it be. I still kayak, hunt, fish, hike, camp, I got my cycle endorsement last summer. AND my motorcycle lol. ONLY IF YOU LET IT BE LIMITING. I am sorry this is so long, let me know if you want me to delete it, LOL.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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QA - YES! Thats the headache I'm talking about! Thats why I hesitate to have a spinal tap :D I'm sorry you had to go through that, I dont think any human should! They wanted to put me on a Helicopter and send me back to SF - fortunately, someone stopped them, and they put me on an ambulance. Apparently the air pressure would have finished me off - I was so out of it, I dont remember a thing, my sister tells the "horror stories" - they all get a lot of mileage out of it ;) I just did like you - once the blood went in my spine, I was completely fine, a totally new person! Now when my Migraines last 14 days straight, I ask the doctor to Euthanize me - I wish they had a shot for them that works as well as the Blood Patch!!

I do have a history of bizarre on again off again neurological episodes. It is very very frustrating. One of the hardest parts for me is because, along with the physical episodes, I suffer from a decrease in brain/memory function. My brain function is affected, by whatever is going on, and by the medications I take to suppress the daily migraines/headaches that I have. Then again, its nice, cause what I cant remember, I cant dwell on! :D

I have fallen alot, like I said, I even broke my finger once, Ive had periods of imbalance to the point of being unsafe - months where I was so bruised or torn, my doctor would be furious when I went to see her...she wanted me to slow down (Good Luck with that!) - I climb rough paths, rocks, mountain sides, I drive a 4x4 Blazer, ride motorcycles and four wheelers, we go camping, geocaching, travel, and we're always busy! I have a motorcycle track around my property and I'm not afraid to use it! I garden, have over 100 animals, three boys at home, one husband and a friend living here to take care of, I work a full time job as a Social Worker, I mean - I dont want to slow down, I want, I NEED to keep going!

So I have had periods of numbness, on my right side, at least three episodes, and other issues of numbness. My right arm is suffering permanent numbness right now. I have had Kidney infections, loss of bladder control (episodes)..just bunches of stupid stuff...For example

*I fell and hurt my left ankle. But when I went to physical therapy, the physical therapist had no idea what was wrong, he said I had an "odd gait" too! I was walking funny, so he worked on my right leg, where the numbness was....later the neurolgist said it must have been due to my obesity (I weighed 208 pounds)...pressing on the nerve....I still have a small numb area there...but the rest of it is fine now, and I walk normal again. I had lost my balance, for no reason, fell flat on my face. Funny, I still have neurological problems and I weigh 141 pounds.

My MRI has lesions "suspicious of MS" - but also of the Migraines and High Blood Pressure I have.

Now - Off that stuff - Its FRIDAY !!! My day OFF!!

The guys all left for town, I went and fed the chickens real quick, but I wanna go spend time with them again (Yogurt and snacks!)

Geo, my cat, is stuck about 35 feet up a tree. Too bad. Last time I sent one of the boys after he, she tore him up on the way down! The big dogs, Cookie and June, cant wait for her to come down and give the a good run!! Thats what she gets for teasing them.

I'm gonna make Beef Stew for dinner tonight, I put together....

MIL and BIL are coming to stay one night this weekend, Frankie is going to be taking the washer and dryer out of the house, and start laying the laminate flooring he got at IKEA down..Our linoleum has holes in it, we've talked about the laminate stuff for a while, and we'll never be able to afford the good stuff. IKEA had some cheap stuff for .75 cents a square foot. It was on closeout cause it being discontinued. The washroom, kitchen, dining area and maybe boys hallway are getting floors. No more holey linoleum, and out with some carpet. Im sweating whether or not his check gets into the bank today though. We really couldnt afford this :( .
So I get to clean all of the winter stuff off of the shelves in the laundry room - the boots, the canning, everything I store in there! Time to clear it out and make way for the flooring!

I am going to get busy making a few things for Christmas..oops, there, I said it, Christmas....not just The Holiday coming after Thanksgiving...
I need to make an ornament for an exchange :D
And a gift for an exchange :D
And stuff for my family!!

I think I am going to post something I found in my wardrobe in a more appropriate place if I can find it - I found Precut 9" squares of flannel, 96 of them! Spongebob/Patrick (Green) and Spongebob/Sandy (Blue) - I totally forgot them! I was gonna make a quilt/throw for James one year and spaced it!! He doesnt even care that much for Spongebob, so they just need a good home! Oh, you have to like cats, cause when I tried to take a pic, I couldnt get this goofball to move!

I really need to clean my own room! And I was mad at the boys! Phooey.

I try to ship the most reasonable way (actual postage) up to flat rate, which is $9.80...and I hope to be reimbursed for the shipping or trade/barter for something I need later, I dont need to be paid for the flannel, it's been in the cabinet for for 4 years, do you think thats fair? Is that okay to do? PLEASE TELL ME??

Im gonna go look around and get these cats off of me.



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
mmm stew looks wonderful
kittys, I love kitties. :D
Have a wonderful weekend if I dont get back on here. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
roosmom said:
mmm stew looks wonderful
kittys, I love kitties. :D
Have a wonderful weekend if I dont get back on here. :)
You Too!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ahhh, Saturday!
Chaos here!
Everyone is home - usual day of self inflicted injuries for the boys - loud obnoxious up and down music coming from Charles room - Frankie is in town getting some jigsaw blades before he starts work up again on the laminate flooring - he's headed for the kitchen next!

MIL and BIL didnt come last night, they'll be here this a.m. later - Jason, our friend, is out working on his 4x4 Scout (Its one of the Hobbies here - we build 4x4 vehicles for ourselves and others)....another Jayson is coming later....

There was a strange dog on my property, by my pet area today, I scared him off when I drove my car around to take the feed to the feed bins. Spooked both of us, but now I'm worried for my pets again! He was big enough to scale the gate. The chickens are closed in their coops, but Snowball (the while silkie rooster) is loose, the goat, llama and pig are in an open structure in the pet area. I will kill this dog if he harrasses or hurts my pets.

We got a new pet, since I live in California, we'll call him a "very fat rat". QA knows what he is! Now Leonard has a friend to play with! His name is Salty!

House is a mess - very comfortable! Should do something about that I guess ? Nope, I cant cause everything from the laundry room is in my indoor pet area. Cant do laundry, the machines are outside cause F is doing the flooring. Bummer ;)

Frankie asked what I wanted for my birthday tomorrow. I told him the same thing I had really wanted for my anniversary (since we didnt get anything for each other, we went to dinner), but not right now, we cant afford it right now. He knew exactly what I was talking about when I said it! I want a wedding ring! I was devastated last Easter because I was tossing plastic Easter Eggs at a campground for the boys, and didnt realize my wedding band had slipped off of my finger. I had lost so much weight it was really loose. We searched and searched, even with a metal detector, but never found it. That was last year. I really want another plain, simple wedding band, not expensive, not fancy, just plain and simple, like me. I still cry sometimes when I remember losing that stupid band. Like last weekend, on my anniversary......silly, isnt it?

Oh well, on with the day again! Take it easy!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Yup, I know, he's a beautiful very fat rat :lol: :p

Not silly about the ring at all, IMO. I lost my engagment ring a few months back.