~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! (tomorrow lol) :ya

I am sorry about your ring. Yea, that is all I have is a plain gold band. I also lost weight and it slid off once when we were doing snow shoveling. I went to town and borrowed a metal detector, thank god I found it. I wish a birthday wish for you a new one......


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Just a quick check in! Its gonna be a busy week!

*Charles got Geo down from the tree the other day - she tore him up! He has scratches on his chest, back, arms and tore his finger. She is fine. At least she didnt get ahold of a dog. The dog would have killed her if she scratched them like that!

Sunday 11/16/08

*MIL and BIL came - lots of car work happened, Keith helped get Jason and Jaysons 4x4's all running, Jaysons is repaired, Jason's is almost built and ready to go on a run!! MIL's truck is just a truck, it's here for Frankie to work as a minor restoration.

*Frankie got most of the Laminate flooring in the Laundry Room, Kitchen and dining room, has to finish it all up tonight. Charles helped, amazing.

*The boys stayed outside playing, for the most part unsupervised except by the guys in the yard - James tore all of the flowers off of my Marguerites! I was NOT happy. Why???

*We went to Arsenio's, in town, so I didnt have to make dinner last night (My birthday dinner!)....

*Cleaned the Indoor Aviaries and other pet cages...cleaned the pet area, vaccuumed.....put the incubator away til Spring for real.

* Cleaned the "Big Furry Rats" cages, Leonard and Salty. Signed another petition.

* Went to Rite Aid, got ice cream and a scented stick Santa.

So far today:

*Went to get my MRI - had an allergic reaction to the dye the injected, had to take some medication for that - they wanted me to stay, but I was hungry so I left. Another Dr. Appt. at 4:15.



Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score

First thing this morning:

Still groggy from the allergic reaction to the dye from my MRI yesterday.

7 a.m. Paul was sitting on his hands on the couch - dont know why, just something he does - we heard a loud POP - and he said ow ow ow - I took him to town to Prompt Care - Dr. says it was a Nurses Ulnar Subluxation (Nursemaids Elbow, common in toddlers/infants) I guess, not usually something an 8 year gets, but leave it to Paul. She popped his arm back in place, he's fine, Good luck getting him to be "easy on it". I'm not groggy anymore. Got him breakfast at McDonalds - very much a treat - grosses me out, I had a parfait - took him to school - he thinks I'm the best mom in the world today :).

Taking James and Paul to Redding (2 hour drive) for their Meds checks later this afternoon....Going to Super Walmart in Anderson tonight after the appts. (4:15 and 4:45) I need more fruit to dehydrate, 2 turkeys to fry for our Meet and Greet this weekend, and maybe some meat to make Jerky. Cant kill any for myself cause Im a woos.

Tonight we'll be home late (8:30 pm) so I'll have to close the coops when I get there...hope my 72 chickens are okay til then....

I have a new nick name on this forum for myself, cause I talk too much, here and on everyone elses journals - Journal Jumper!! I see people with nick names, that should be mine!

Figure I'll get booted or just bore people to death :D

Yup, home late! 9:00 actually, just now settled down, but gonna go see my chickens for a few... :)


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
You are just way to busy. Sorry about the allergic reaction. Hope that has completely passed. Not like you need anything else on your plate at this time. Hope you find all your chickens ok when you get back home. I am sure they will be fine.
Journal Jumper is a good nickname. And you are never boring.


Power Conserver
Jul 15, 2008
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Rockdale, TX
Tina I am sorry I missed your birthday. I WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHWEEK!!! And a wonderful year full of love, happiness and friendship!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!!

I drove to Red Bluff and Redding today (2 hours away) for work, last minute visits with kids I had to make.....stopped at Super Walmart on the way back to get Thanksgiving dinner fixings!

All set for tomorrow. Its gonna be Frankie and I, the littles (James and Paul), Charles, Jeremy (my 26 year old), Jason - our 26 year old friend who lives on the property now...last minute cancellations by family, so I have more food than we know what to do with, oh well! Having a non-traditional dinner instead of the usual this year. Here is some of the stuff I'm putting out. We dont mess with alot of stuff we dont eat.

Pre Dinner Items: Cheese and Crackers Smoked Oysters Olives Vienna Sausages Shrimp Cocktail Chips and Salsa

Dinner Menu: Deep Fried Turkey Beef Wellington Madeira Sauce Baked Potatoes Broccoli Soup Crescent Rolls Cheesecake

Hope everyone has a Fantastic Holiday! Stay Warm!


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
tfpets, WOW...that is a lot of food. It all sounds really good. But where is the pies? Oh I see cheesecake..I just learned to make cheesecake. Are you making it? It isnt really hard is it? Lemon pie is my favorite.
Did you get results back yet? From the MRI? SOOOOO whats the word.
Ya know, if those deer were carnivores and after your chickies....I bet you could kill them. LOL
Take care and have a happy thanksgiving.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday!

I have enjoyed reading all of your Journals - I can only cruise through the posts at work for a while, so I cant always respond to them! Everyone is so industrious, I feel trapped here at work!

This weekend was productive in the house for us, as far as cleaning and organizing - We went on Saturday to Sacramento and picked up ALMOST enough of the Laminate flooring to finish the Living room and pet room. They should have more in stock next week, and we'll be done.

I got to clean and organize under the aquariums (Oscar and Leopard Gecko tanks) and the indoor Aviary - I keep my egg packing and canning equipment there, washed curtains, windows, shelves and walls too! Waiting to decorate for Christimas cause we had to move the Furniture around. My storage boxes are in the house though. :)

My Cuckoo Marans Pullets are Laying!! :weee The eggs are just Beautiful! Definitely a decent color, one is laying a speckled egg, I've never had a speckled egg layer! I'm so pleased with that!! My elder hen is laying again now too, first time since the trauma of having the coop blown over by the fierce wind we had last month!

I made one of the rice warmers as a gift for my son, need to make a couple more for others....dehydrated mangos and papayas for gifts also, now have some persimmons with me at work I'm taking home to try to dehydrate also. Going to make seasoned Walnuts for people, I have bags in the freezer that I need to get out and season/bake. I made my ornament for the exchange, but I need the hanger still, almost done.

I'm working on the Website for the Auto Repair shop Frankie works for, so I'm spending time on that in the evening, using templates and data input...I might do one for us as a family some day too, I have to check the availability of the domain I want. Talk about not trimming down our expenses? But if I'm going to sell stuff online, I want to do it on my own site, and not count on Ebay or others....so I need my own site/domain...justification??

The boys are doing awesome, outside playing together for reals, instead of trying to kill each other like they used to. It has been years of work, but they have finally learned to play in a safe way, for the most part, and not need to harm each other as soon as you're not looking - It was their inability to get along and their hazard to each others health that got them separated before we got them - they almost spent the rest of their lives apart....Not a single inflicted injury this weekend! Thats progress!! Or is that a miracle??

We FINALLY got Charles birth certificate!!! :thumbsup

We can get him Identification now, open a bank account he can use, really get him started on the path to adulthood!! He's going to be 18 in April and graduate high school in June 2009! And he had no birth certificate?? (His adoption was final in October 2007)...

Well, I'm on to other things........Ya'll take care.........I'll be checking in on everyone when I can.....



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
hey tina
how is everything going?
you must be super busy right now! pop in and say HI when ya can! :)