I do not do any canning in the house - it's outside on the propane turkey fryer stand. Don't have time to clean canning residue off my walls and ceilings.
i finally got over it and got a canner. when i'm canning anything i'm generally taking cover under a dog bed with a big empty pot on my head and my two "Ove-Gloves" on for protection.
and then SURE you think everythings ok once you get past the high pressure stage... and then the jars stand there and blub blub blub for hours..
My Grandma Nettie overheated her pressure canner once and it blew out the safety valve spewing steam and scalding hot stuff everywhere. Grandma was right by it but was not really injured badly. All of the steam went straight up out the valve.
Almost as exciting as the time I watched her catch her hair and dress on FIRE burning leaves!!!
Good times = good times!!
Not badly injured with the fire, but she didn't need to pluck her eyebrows or get a perm for a while either!
I inherited my mother's fear of pressure canners/cookers (my grandmother's blew up every once in awhile, apparently). I've never had the nerve to try it. And, yes, then there's the risk of botulism...
Yeah...not gonna be pressure canning anything either. I've already had too many mishaps in the kitchen as it is. Lets just say my big dreams of becoming a hand model are over forever.