The Can-o-phobic's Corner


Doubled and twisted
Apr 6, 2009
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big brown horse said:
:lol: That is how I felt when I got my new drill...this is better than a new ex husband!! :woot :gig :lol:
Hey! there is no reciprocal to my ex-wife statement as that would require a division by zero, you're lucky you didn't crash the entire internet with a stunt like that.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
:lol: I think we are the only two who loath being married.

Would wearing an umbrella hat or tin foil hat, a shower curtain bib, deep sea underwater goggles and using another umbrella (golfer/tv reporter sized) as a shield with little eye holes cut out work? :gig

I still think I'll pass on pressure canning.


Doubled and twisted
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
With that I am gonna go mow the lawn before it gets too hot, I have moles on the half acre next to the Baptist church. I like to run over the little earthen mounds while pretending they are my ex-wives graves, if you listen hard you can even hear a little scream over the tractor engine.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
~gd said:
Beekissed said:
I just bought a new steam canner...can't wait to try it! Only takes 6-8 c. of water!

You guys could always take the adrenaline ride of water bath canning everything! :D

Just opened and ate the chicken soup I water bath canned last was tasty and I didn't die. Go figure. :p
Every year some people win millions gambling and a few lose at the canning game. winners and losers, go figure~gd
You know? I've searched the whole forum and I haven't found any reference to you ever having said anything nice or contributory on the whole thing. Go figure! ;)

Yes, we have spoken at length about root cellaring and other preservation methods. Maybe you only see what you want to see on here? :hu You may wish to review old threads for the kind of info you seem to have missed.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
In my experience my canner requires not a high heat, but more of a steady medium heat. Maybe THAT is why they are vetoing the turkey fryers?

When I can I usually put the canner on the stove with the measured water in the bottom and turn the heat on high while the lid is OFF and I am still loading the canner. This gives the thing time two heat up some of it's mass and the water a chance to warm up some.

Usually by the time I am finished loading the jars and loading the canner the water is steaming or maybe simmering a bit. I go ahead and Vaseline the pan edges and the lid edges. (I have an All American and THAT is what completes the seal and is according to manufactures directions for my equipment.) Then I set on the lid - make sure it is on correctly and balanced and screw down the bolts (again All American canner). All this time the stove is set on HIGH heat and I have the jiggle weight OFF.

Then I wait. I allow the rest of the canner contents and water to heat up until steam freely pours out of the jiggle weight's vent. At that point I turn the stove down slightly and time 10 to 15 minutes. Just let that steam vent out. It allows extra air to escape from the jars and the insides of the canner before pressure canning should begin. When the time is up I place on the weighted jiggler set to the right amount of pressure I want.

NOW STAY CLOSE!! Within a very few minutes the canner will start to sputter. My canner has a safety vent device that sputters until the canner gets to about 4 pounds of pressure then the device seats and seals. After that pressure rises even faster. Soon you will reach the pressure necessary and your jiggler will wiggle and let off steam. Turn the heat down and watch your jiggler. It should wiggle every 20 to 30 seconds. That is proper temperature and proper pressure. Time to start timing the food cooking inside the canner! STAY CLOSE to the canner and keep an eye on it. My All American also has a pressure gauge in addition to the jiggle valve and that makes it easy to watch. You want the least amount of heat on the stove necessary to keep the pressure steady. I find a medium low heat works best in my conditions.

When I am canning I like to snap beans, read, knit from my kitchen chair that faces the stove or clean in the kitchen while the canner is running. I keep a CLOSE eye on it while it is under pressure. NOT that I am so afraid of an explosion ... I want the food to turn out the best, but it prevents the aplosions as well.

When the time is up for my food I turn OFF the heat and go about my business for a while. The canner MUST cool down on it's own. I learned that the hard way when I was learning. I would take off the jiggler to let the steam out and then wonder why all of the liquids came shooting out of my jars! :ep Broke more that my share of jars as well. Another thing I used to do was tighten on the lids before canning. The lid should be firm against the jar, but loose enough to allow some steam to escape. I would crank them down so tight the jar would explode. :hide (Which sounds like "pink" from inside of the canner.)

After the canner is cool to the touch, or the pressure gauge reads zero. Remove the jiggle weight and let any steam in the pot escape, then remove jars to finish cooling. Now is the time to appreciate the fact that all of that food is saved and won't need a refrigerator either! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
XPC your killing me. :lol: :lol: Was that x wives as in plural?

FarmFresh ,,, That is a very good description of how to use the canner. I usually drag over a chair put my feet up and read a book while mine is running.

I think we have a couple threads around here titled...

What are you dehydrating today? What are you fermenting etc...

We also have talked extensively about Gamma Seal lids and oxygen absorbers.

May be we just take for granted that most of us are beyond the point of stocking the pantry. Now we have moved on to other things.

Gd please feel free to ask specific questions that you can't find answers to and I am sure you will get lots of informative advice.


Doubled and twisted
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Farmfresh said:
In my experience my canner requires not a high heat, but more of a steady medium heat. Maybe THAT is why they are vetoing the turkey fryers?
Had the forum been up when I tried to ask questions I would have read this post and never made any mistakes as mentioned in my other post. Your jiggle weight operation was a perfect description. Mine ran perfect at a notch and a half below medium heat.

If the infinity switch on the burner is linear then that would mean about 5,000 BTU's were needed, most turkey fryers have a hard time regulating down at that low of a range and flame will often blow out with the slightest wind.

and what the heck does double twisted mean? how did you know I had my shirt off.

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