Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Oh good grief! Someone, give that Hardly a redhead already, so he won't have to go a blowin' up anymore vermin!

Tallman, please pass this note on to Hardly!
Dear Hardly,
I've a redheaded friend named Becky (not the same Becky who's a member here). She's a right good country gal, can cook up a mean pot of possum, and I'm sure I can see iffen's she'd be interested in a fine country geentelman like yourself.

Tallman, please pass this note on to Hardly!
Dear Hardly,
I've a redheaded friend named Becky (not the same Becky who's a member here). She's a right good country gal, can cook up a mean pot of possum, and I'm sure I can see iffen's she'd be interested in a fine country geentelman like yourself.