The Diary Of Hardly


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Every night when I let the dogs out, I sit and listen to the silence--best part of the night for me, and it's just like you describe it. there used to be an owl that broke up the silence, but the barn where it lived was torn down this spring. Now it's just the killdeer that break up the silence. It's one of the great things aobut living in the country.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I get real hungry for that silence Hardly. :/

I live in the big city and folks around here got not a lick o' sense 'bout anything and never never are quiet. I think these stupid folks are actually afeerd of peace and quiet jus like theys all afeerd of the dark. In the big city folks have lights all over. When I look out of my winder I can't even never see the stars and the old moon she really ain't so bright.

Folks keep their TV's a blastin all the time. Some ain't even watching the contraption - they say it is just on for sound. They car radios are always a blaring - so loud they actually shake my house when they drive by! When I sit on my porch in the night the whole night is nuthin but people and si-reens! Lights a flashing and a whirlin - noise a banging at your head. No wonder people in the city like to shoot each other.

When I was a little un I used to like nuthin bester than listening to the silence and watchin in the dark. I like the way the night smells, like green grass in summer and the way the night wind is soft on yer skin, like feathers on a chick. I love the gentle sounds of a bug marching through the grass or wind in a tree top a rustlin the leaves. Some times me and my ole man go on a little wander. We finds us a spot where the people aint and we just listen to that silence like you do.

Then we have to go home. :(

Someday I want to live where I can listen all I want to.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Do cousins count?

Dear Mr. Diary

Did you ever git into trouble with an officer uv the law? I dont meen gittin throwed in jail or nuthin like that, but jist trouble. The reason I ax is that the other day I got me mixed up in a deal. I waz a haulin a pig 2 the sale 4 Unkle Tom. How did I no that he waz a goin to get out uv the back uv my truck an run down the hiway a stoppin tracfik an causin cars to go in the ditch. I got rite after him as best I cud, but as U no a hog is about the tuffest thing in the world to catch or even 2 drive in a pin. While I waz a doin my best to get the beast off uv the road an into sumbodys place where we cud pin it up, a hiway petroal officer uv the law drives up an wants 2 no watt Im a doin. I splained it best I cud, an he told me that I waz a stoppin trafik an he shuud give me a ticket, howsomever, he wood let it go if I wood take the hog 2 the sale at the county fair ware all proseeds go 2 the 4H kids. I agreed got the pig loaded, an took off 4 the fair.

Bout a week later I waz a drivin down the road with my pig sittin beside me in the front seet, an this same officer uv the law passed me an stopped up ahead an waved me over. I pulled up an stopped an said, Howdy.

The officer said, I thought I told U 2 take that hog 2 the sale at the county fair. I said, U sur did an I dun jist like U said an he liked it so much I decided 2day that I wood take him 2 a baseball game.

That officer jist turned rite around an left.

Heck - U wood think that that officer cud have figgered it out coz the hog an I both had R baseball caps on.


Buy the way, it waz a goodlee game an tomorrow we are goin 2 the circus.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I think Hardly gave Tim something to think about!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
You know, I think I would like Hardly! Can't wait to find out what else Hardly writes in his diary.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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Tallman said:
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Do cousins count?

Dear Mr. Diary

Did you ever git into trouble with an officer uv the law? I dont meen gittin throwed in jail or nuthin like that, but jist trouble. The reason I ax is that the other day I got me mixed up in a deal. I waz a haulin a pig 2 the sale 4 Unkle Tom. How did I no that he waz a goin to get out uv the back uv my truck an run down the hiway a stoppin tracfik an causin cars to go in the ditch. I got rite after him as best I cud, but as U no a hog is about the tuffest thing in the world to catch or even 2 drive in a pin. While I waz a doin my best to get the beast off uv the road an into sumbodys place where we cud pin it up, a hiway petroal officer uv the law drives up an wants 2 no watt Im a doin. I splained it best I cud, an he told me that I waz a stoppin trafik an he shuud give me a ticket, howsomever, he wood let it go if I wood take the hog 2 the sale at the county fair ware all proseeds go 2 the 4H kids. I agreed got the pig loaded, an took off 4 the fair.

Bout a week later I waz a drivin down the road with my pig sittin beside me in the front seet, an this same officer uv the law passed me an stopped up ahead an waved me over. I pulled up an stopped an said, Howdy.

The officer said, I thought I told U 2 take that hog 2 the sale at the county fair. I said, U sur did an I dun jist like U said an he liked it so much I decided 2day that I wood take him 2 a baseball game.

That officer jist turned rite around an left.

Heck - U wood think that that officer cud have figgered it out coz the hog an I both had R baseball caps on.


Buy the way, it waz a goodlee game an tomorrow we are goin 2 the circus.
All right Hardly and Tallman; it's time for some pictures! I want to see Hardly and the hog in their baseball caps riding in the front seat of the truck!!!!

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