The Diary Of Hardly


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Im a gonna try with Hilda Lou.

Deer Mr. Diary

Well I made the decide to modelfy my memorized Red Poem so I cud allow Hilda Lou Label 2 no my intentions uv startin the proper courtin proseedgures. Hear is the new poem wich is different from the Red Poem.

Roses are red, but yur hare is Brown.
I remember the day that I walked U home frum Town.

It waz a beautimus day, an the weather waz Fine.
I jist wish I hadnt got tangled up in yur Closeline.

This new poem is 2 let the hole world No
Im commin 2 see U, an a courtin well Go.

Im hear declarin that Ive come 2 Call
With flowers, jellybeans, new closeline an All.

I desided to take my new poem over to Hilda Lous house today soz I cud read it 2 her an start romanticalizen with her as soon as possible. So with flowers that I picked along the road, jellybeans frum the store, and a new closeline under my arm, I wint over to see her. Win I nocked on the door Mr. Label opened it, an I axed 2 see Hilda Lou. He told me that she had gon 2 Finishing School. I told him thanks an left.

Finishing School - heck, I didnt even no that Hilda Lou new how 2 do woodworking!



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Great poem, Hardly!!! Find out where that finishing school is, pack up your woodworking tools, and apply so you can court Hilda Lou between classes. Even if you are already an accomplished cabinet maker. It takes some effort and cleverness to woo a girl, and she will appreciate it in time.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
Deer Freedevotion -

The Tallman has been a fighten consumption 4 bout a month, an over the weekend he come down with a flu so Ms. Tallfan told me to go ahead an rite 2 U direct like so now I'm a doin it.

I did sum detectivization 2 find out ware Hilda Lou's finishing school was, an I have found out that it ain't a woodworking school atall. I can't figger out just watt other kind uv a school it cud B. Everyone round here is a talkin bout it, an frum watt I gather they all seem 2 no watt kind uv a school it is becuz allz I ever hear is finishin school this an finishin school that, but nobody ever mentions just what it is that Hilda Lou is a tryin 2 finish. I wood admire if U or anybody on this hear forum cud help me on this won.



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Oh, THAT kind of finishing school! It sounds like the type of school that helps a woman learn the skills she needs to make an excellent wife and life partner. Hopefully, preparing a groundhog in a tasty and succulent way, over an open fire, will be part of her training.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: I aint a gonna tell.

Deer Mr. Diary

ThanksGivin Day is a commin up an it got me 2 thinkin bout a special ThanksGivin that Ill alwaz bring 2 rememberin. It waz win I had first come to live with Unkle Tom an Ant Hattie. I waz just a kid, but bein nu 2 the area, all uv the other kids tried to pick on me some. I didnt hav much 4 shoos or store bought close, but I had picked up on things uv the woods an shootin an such reel goodlee frum my paw before he died; howsomeever, them other kids never new that allz they ever saw waz my worn out shoos an my raggedy close, an me round the school yard. Anywaz, on the first ThanksGivin time uv me livin here, Unkle axed me if I wanted to help him shoot the ThanksGivin turkey. Well, he didnt hav 2 ax twice. I waz ready 2 go.

Now turkey huntin is a little different in the Fall than it is durin the Spring. In the Spring I can call them old tom turkeys in by givin a goodlee immitation uv a hen lookin 4 blissful luv, but in the fall U just have to sumhow get close 2 ware they R.

Unkle Tom an I planned on ware we were a goin 2 hunt an win we got there, we made the decide 2 split up sum. Now I had been a hopin that I wood get 2 go on this here hunt, an I had dun me sum scoutin. I new ware them birds roosted an the rout they took 2 getting there, so I set up under this fine ol birch tree an waited. Az I waited I saw lots uv different kinds uv birds, a couple uv squirles that barked at me until they figgered out that I wazint movin, a nice buck deer chasin a doe, an a pair uv bobcats that were on the move, but no turkey so I waited summore. Later in the evening I heard them commin thru the timber a scratchin an a cluckin the way they do. They had no idea that I waz nowhar around. I made my shotgun ready across my nees so I cud shoot without makin a lot uv movement. I let several hens pass, then a jake, but I stayed still, an finally the ol master uv the yard appeared. With the shotgun leveled, I slowly eased the hammer back. Waitin - ready - then BLAM I dropped him rite in his tracks. Them hens an other toms scattered in all directions an just a minute or two later I heard Unkle Tom shoot. I guess I had scared sum uv the flock down hisaway.

After a bit, Unkle Tom come a walkin toward me with a fine young jake bird. Win he got to ware I waz he looked at my bird, sort uv measured the beard, an told me that we needed to enter him in the turkey contest in town.

Well, Mr. Diary, I won that there turkey contest, along with the 50 cent peace, but more than that I won the respect uv all the kids in the hole area. Aint it funny I waz the same person I ever waz before. Same shoos, same raggedy clothes, but now, becuz I shot the prize winnin bird, I waz somebody, an they all wanted 2 be my friend.




Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Many people are shallow and look at the surface. There will be a handful of people in your lifetime who take the time to get to know you, and a few people who give you the benefit of the doubt until they do get to know you.

Look for a woman with those qualities. That is far more valuable than red hair!


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Non that I no uv.

Deer Mr. Diary

Thanksgivin day is jus a kuple uv days away, an I got 2 wonderin just watt it is that I am thankfull 4. Thar comes 2 mind a hole bunch uv things, but Im goin to list sum uv them below.

Im thankfull 4 Unkle Tom and Ant Hattie a givin me a place 2 grow up. An Im thankfull that they are in good health.

Im thankfull that we got our corn picked, our hay piled 4 the winter, an that Ant Hattie has got the root seller full uv food. So I guess we have food 4 our livestock, an food 4 us.

Im thankfull 4 that new baby calf down in the pasture, and the fact that his mama takes goodlee care uv him.

Im thankfull that we got a big ol wood pile ready 4 the stove so we can stay warm.

Im thankfull that we got such a goodlee water well.

Im thankfull 4 them cash payin jobs I got this year soz we cud have sum money 2 get us thru the winter.

Im thankfull that my new overalls got here befor winter.

I cud go on, but I guess Ill end with the thankfullness that I have 4 Mr. Tallman, an the fact that he lets me rite on this here forum.

And before I go I want 2 say I am thankfull 4 them folks who read this diary an respond sumtimes. An I have a special lot uv thankfullness 4 Freeocean coz she helps with my romantical waz.

Thankfully -



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Awwww, shucks! :hugs new name reminds me of Nor'easter's to come.....those cold New England blizzards that come in off the ocean... I have to get going and make another batch of freelotion for that dry winter skin! :p

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