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- #231
Almost Self-Reliant
Dear Freelotion -freemotion said:Dear Hardly,
Why not ask your friend Tallman to fix you up with a nice girl for a date? Does she really have to be a redhead? You might consider lowering your standards just a notch.....well, ok, it would be many notches if she is not a redhead....but you would be more likely to find someone to declare to.
What do they call a blonde who dyes her hair red? Artificial intelligence!She still might make a mean groundhog stew...
The Keeper of the Hardly Gate,
Tallman said 4 me 2 reply 2 U direct. Watt a privalage.
I axed the Tallman about watt U said above. U no about him helpin me get a datable girl an all howsomeever he told me that he waz rather tied up in the deciding business rite now. U see - he an Misses Tallman have been married 2 each other 4 40 years. So I axed him how he made it work an all. He said, "Well, Hardly, when my wife and I got married years and years ago, we decided that she would make all the little decisions for us, and I would make all the big ones".
I axed, "Can U give me an xample?"
He said, "Sure, for example she decided where we would live, what farm we would buy, how many kids we would have, where I would work, and how we would spend and invest our money among other things."
"Woweee" I said, "Watt did U decide."
"Oh, I decided things like foreign policy, our next supreme court justice, when the next space shot was to be launched, who should run for president, and stuff like that."
So mis Freelotion, there U have it. The Tallman is rather busy with all uv his responsablities, but I am thinking about discussin the matter with Missis Tallman coz it looks 2 me like she makes rite smart decisions. After all, she did choose the Tallman.