The Diary Of Hardly


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Had me a supper date with Hilda Lou :celebrate

Deer Mr. Diary

With the money that I had frum the Quiz Teem, I wint rite back to see Hilda Lou the very next weekind. We drove round again sum, an then wint 2 the Student Union. Everyone waz glad 2 see me agin, an I spect it waz coz uv the Quiz Teem concounter that I had the last time I waz there. After playin sum cards an such, we wint 4 a walk, an jist talked an such an since time waz a slippin away I told Hilda Lou that I wanted to buy her her supper. She said that she new uv a little diner accrost the street frum the bus station so we jist wint early to have supper, an then I wood be rite there soz I woodnt miss the bus.

We walked in the diner an a little kopper sheep bell rang rite over R heads. I guess it was there to let the owner no that sumone waz commin in. This little diner had a counter with them little spin top stools to sit on an everthing. We waz the only kustomers there, an we sat at a booth cross from the counter. We had jist got settled win 3 motorsicle riders rode up and parked outside. They came in an dinged the little sheep bell several times with there hands an called 4 Louise. Win she came out she said, Now Frankie, I dont want any trouble. I cud tell that they waz there jist to heckle an such, an win they saw us in R booth, Frankie said, Well, lookie watt we have here. They come over 2 ware we waz, an that Frankie feller axed Hilda Lou watt a pretty girl like her waz a doin with a country hick like me. He then turned 2 the other two an said, Hey, Tanks, why dont U an Mitch take this country boy 4 a walk? An be4 I new it, Tanks grabed me, an he an Mitch took me outside wile Frankie slid in beside Hilda Lou.

Well I finished with Tanks and Mitch in bout 2 maybe 3 minits, an win I wint back inside the sheep bell rang, an I herd Hilda Lou say, Hello sheriff, an win Frankie turned round to face who he thought waz the sheriff, Hilda Lou klobbered him on the back uv the head with the glass sugar dispensintator, an win he turned in a daze 2 look at her, she let him have it in the face with the napkin holder. She then pushed him out uv the booth cozin him 2 hit his head on the counter cozin him 2 flop on the floor coz he waz out kold as a kukumber. I runned over an axed Hilda Lou if she waz O K , an she said she waz. Louise came over, an be4 we cud appoligize, she thanked us 4 watt we had jist did. She said that these fellers had bin a commin in all week an heckleing her an her kustomers, then she looked at me an said, Your, a luck man to have a girlfriend like this gal. I looked at Hilda Lou and she looked at me, an as Louise waz a goin back 2 the kitchin she said that we cud have watt ever we wanted on the house, but I waz still lookin at Hilda Lou and she waz still a lookin at me, an it waz then that I started to slide my hands accrost the table an she.. You no Mr. Diary, I dont think it wood be rite 2 go any farther since this will be posted on a public foratorium an such, but I will say that it waz the most memoriable first supper date that I will ever have with Hilda Lou.



Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
Wow, Hardly - I think you've got a keeper. Not only is she pretty, but can handle herself in a crisis. Lucky you!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
OK, HL had passed the first Free test! Now if she can cook a possum or a racoon on an open fire, she is eligible for marriage, Hardly. She's clever, too. I like a take-charge woman!

What on earth is Tanks doing riding with a motorcycle gang? Gina, you have some 'splainin' to do! :p


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.

Tanks is a biker in disguise and Hardly is holding hands now.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
freemotion said:
OK, HL had passed the first Free test! Now if she can cook a possum or a racoon on an open fire, she is eligible for marriage, Hardly. She's clever, too. I like a take-charge woman!

What on earth is Tanks doing riding with a motorcycle gang? Gina, you have some 'splainin' to do! :p
Good one Free - I missed that one. :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
What can I say I like leather and I get bored sitting home playing housewife all the time. :D

But I must say to Mr. Hardly and his lovely date. I had no idea those boys were going to be acting up. I am so sorry they interrupted your evening. I am glad that everything turned out ok though. :love That Hilda Lou she sure seems to be a spitfire!!! Your gonna have your hands full with that one.

Best wishes.



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Yup an I gotz a nuthern planned.

Deer Mr. Diary

Since I got home frum my date with Hilda Lou, I been terrible buzy. I been helping Ant Hattie put the gardin 2 bed 4 the winter, cuttin wood 4 us as well as sum others, bringin in enuff hay 4 the animals, an fillin sum uv the cracks in the wall uv the cabin before she snows. With all uv that work, I mostly plum forgot about the big Howloween costume party tonite. This here is a big event with prizes an everything 4 the best costume uv all an such. I sure wished Hilda Lou cud B here coz I cud get me anuther date.

Well, thats about it frum me, its jist work, work, an more work, but I dont mind. Im jist glad Im here to help.

Oh, I mostly forgot U mite want 2 know that I gotz my costume all ready 4 tonite. I wint in the house, got out an old gray sweatshirt, took it out 2 the barn, got me sum red barn paint an painted a BIG number 10 on the front and the back. Its all dry an ready to go. Now Mr. Diary, dont chu be a telling me that you dont git it!

Im going as the 10 man from the Wizzard uv Ahz.



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Done an workin on a nuther un.

Deer Mr. Diary

Wint into the citty the other day an waz a walkin down the street an came on a yung feller who waz holdin a sign wich said, Im Blind. His cap lay at his feet an it had a few coins in it. I stopped an talked to him a moment. I tolt him that I didnt have any money, but I cud help him with his sign. I took the sign, turned it round an wrote on the other side for him. I left, but win I walked back by there a bout an our later I noticed that his hat waz a bout full. I axed him how he waz a doin an he smiled an said that he waz doin reel good. He axed me watt I rote on the sign. Well I said, I jist said the same thing that you waz sayin, but in a different way. It now reads:

Its a Beautiful Day But I Kant See It

I left there very thankful that I cud help, but more thankful that I can see, an walk, an talk, an hear, an all uv that that goes with them things.

Happy Thanksgivin Mr. Diary
