The Diary Of Hardly


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Hope to get a date with You Know Woo around Christmas time.

Deer Mr. Diary

Yesterday I had the mule hooked up 2 the sled and was a takin a Christmas tree over to the widow Otools house. She has three youngins an they need a tree for Christmas. My trip took me by an old schoolhouse that waz all run down. I stopped an looked it over an then decided 2 step inside. Everthing waz set up pretty much like the Amble Crick School wear I attended. I sat down 4 a moment an couldnt help but think that at won time it must uv been live with kids uv all sizes. I'll bet they started the day with the salute to the flag uv the United States uv Merica, an then sang Merica the Beautiful an after that had one uv the older kids read sumthin frum the Bible, an then there teacher probably led in prayer, an then they started their studies. Bout this time uv the year they wood be presentin there Christmas program 4 the community. This waz alwayz fun cuz lots uv song were sung. After the singin I'll bet they had a Santy Claus come in an give all uv the kids an orange an sumtimes a kandy kane 2. Yup, I bet it all happend here jist like we done it at Amble Crick, but now -


dust covers them desks, the place never rings with laughter an song, an most uv the kids haz moved away leavin an old buildin that ain't got no use no more. Sort uv makes a sad an lonesome place down in a person's hart.

After a bit, I headed out to the mule, but before I left I rolled up a big 3 ball snowman jist like we used to do. I stuck a couple uv sticks in as the arms and found sum clumps uv dirt I cud use as the eyes, and 4 jist a few minuts I waz a kid again. Man oh man Mr. Diary that sure felt good, an win I got down the road a piece I looked back an ifin one didnt no no better one wood have thought that they had had school there that day, an everthin waz like it used 2 be.



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Aw, sweet. Do you know how to braid? I think you should make a ring for Hilda Lou from a lock of your hair. To go with her nail polish.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
What a sweet young man you are. I bet that snowman brought a warm feeling to that old school and to everyone who passed by that way. Merry Christmas Hardly.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: I dun it I rilly dun it!

Deer Mr. Diary

This is won uv the most excitable things I ever dun an it gives me great pleasures 2 tell U all about it. Hilda Lou is home from her school 4 the Christmas break an tonite waz the Amble Crick Community Christmas party see, an I axed Hilda Lou ifin I cud pick her up an take her 2 the party see, an she said yes see, so I wint an picked her up see, an rite before we wint into the party see, we sat in the sleigh a spell see, an it waz thin that I give her her Christmas present frum me see, an she give one 2 me see, an I waz so exciteded that she had thought uv me in this way see that I opened up my present rite there on the spot see, an I found that she had give me the book called Bud and Me see, which is the story bout the Aberthany boys see, an then she opened her present see, an waz pleezed with the fingernail polish see, but I had 2 ax her 4 shore ifin that waz what she had hinted at me about see, an she told me that she waz rilly thinking mor uv sumthin else see, an so I axed if watt she rilly had in mind waz round see, an she said yes, an I axed ifin it waz made out uv meddle see, an she said yes see, an I axed her ifin it waz a ring that she had hinted 2 me about see, an she nodded see, an it waz thin I dug down in my overhauls pocket see, an pulled out the ring that I had made see, an I axed her ifin it wood do see, an she waz so exciteded see that she hugged me see, an we kissssed see, an I new that she waz happy see, an that made me happy see, an there U have it see.

Thin we jist sat in the sleigh a few minutes not sayin a word, an thin I told her that it waz a friendship ring, an since we had always been friends, I wanted us 2 alwayz B friends. I then fessed up an told her that sumone give me the idea an so I wint into town an bought a brand nu horse shoe nail an bent it into a circle myself for her an thats how I dun it see.


O by the way, Mr. Diary, U can look up the book, Bud an Me on the enterinnett 2 see ifin it mite be a book that wood interest U.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I see you are a little excited about this, Hardly! The horseshoe nail ring was a great idea! Something made with ones own hands is so much more special. Anyone can go to a store and buy something. Someone special takes the time, the thought, the effort, and the love to make something with their own hands. Have fun this week!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I never heared of that book b4, Hardly. But, I looked it up, and it sounds real inneresin. I'm going have ta find me a copy of it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
South/Central Georgia
Hardly, you did a great job with that horseshoe nail! We've got a couple here that that's what her wedding ring is - a nail bent round. I'm sure Hilda Lou will treasure it always :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
Well friends, here it is Christmas Eve. Hardly is here already, and H wants to send you all a greeting. Mrs. Tallman and I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Okay Hardly it's your turn. I'll put you in bold print.

High 2 allz uv U.

I had to go on over an do chores this morning 4 Tom an Mary Lee Rather. Tom's got hisself sum type uv flu bug, an Mrs. Rather can't get round very well any more so I'll milk the cow, an feed all uv the lifestock. Win I gets home I gots to start reeding the book that Hilda Lou give me. If I gets started rite away, I think I can have if finished by greenuptime coz it is 162 pages long. Anywayz, I hope U all have a wonderful Christmas time how sum ever U chooz 2 selebrate it, an may this time next year fine U healthy, happy, an still on this forum. :smack O durn this here thing. Hay Tallman, how do I get the rite face people on here.

O.K. Here U go folks. :hugs
