The Grumpy Patch


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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I am not a big talker either. But I think all the time, frequently about more than one thing at a time.

Grumpy Pumpkin

Enjoys Recycling
Oct 7, 2009
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Northern Virginia, USA
Decutttering my heart = not holding back with the things I want to do in life. I always am thinking about something fun to try, something to learn, something to experience for the first time. I always seem to get caught up in this and that....meaning I am the peacemaker at home, for my family, for my friends and their relationships. I Think love should be simple, either you feel it or you don't. Either you want it or you don't. And I LOVED the greener grass quote....I had never thought of it that way.

With school I have signed up for the accelerated LPN program. It should take me a year. Maybe faster....I just don't know yet. I have not taken that many college classes, two or three, and had to take some test to see where I was acedemically (that is probably not spelled right). I tested out of the math and english classes so I get to jump into the program (who knew all my brain cells weren't fried). How fast I move along I guess depends on how well I do jumping in. It starts the first week of November. My son is really happy for me, I already fix all the neighborhood injury booboos, now I will really be good at it he says.

We are experiencing a cold snap here in Virginia. It was in the 80's two weeks ago, gets cold, gets alittle warmer, one day is super warm and then....frigid!! That is sick weather. Wear those sweaters and take those vitamins!! You know, I have been meaning to bought vitamins, what are your opinions on them? I can't pronounce half the ingredients and got to thinking this evening when I was taking one. I would imagine eating fresh foods could supply alot of that but how about vitamin c. You know those oranges you get during the winter at the store are as hard as baseballs. I will not eat them. I know you all will know....I think with my canning efforts, I will try some marmalade since I do know the peel is best for you. We shall see the outcome....spooky!!

I really do appreciate all the support and advice on the marriage topic. I guess life is getting us both down. Maybe as a woman (and in all my thinking) I tend to focus on the negative and not the positives. My mind constantly reviews the ways I feel hurt and will not move on. Today after reading the posts, I started trying to think about the good things. He comes straight home after work. He has never lied to me (or I have never caught him but after 11 years, I doubt it). He loves the kids and I have always felt secure in knowing that if something was to ever happen to me, no matter how pretty wife #2 is, the kids would always come first. There, not all man-bashing this evening. Your positive words talked me down off the ledge. But I am still grumpy.

Okay, here is another thing I have been thinking about and I know you all will know....Do you force your garden to seed in the very end of the season by withholding water?? Then do you dry the seeds and save them for next year? Do you have any luck?? I saved a few seeds last year and really never got them back in the ground this year. Then I bought seeds for various veggies and had no luck with them. I did the tiny pots, peet moss ect. Nothing. They sprouted at first like wildfire. I took it super slow and "hardened" the seedlings but then when we were on the last step of hardening (outside still in the peet but with no walls) most died. So I went to the store and bought baby plants and had success that way. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Anyway, with the cold snap here, I have stopped watering so they will seed. But am I wasting my time??

So that is the randomness that is going through my mind this evening. Good night all. I hope you fall asleep quickly and have sweet dreams :) And dream about giant muffins!! Tasty :p


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
2dream said:
No man bashing here. Just some facts.
From head to toe men and women are different. Not just in outside appearance either. Our brains are different and our bones are different.
Preach it! The male and female of OUR species might as well be two different animals!

Even little boys are different than little girls, and usually easier in many ways to raise. I never had to have even one toe to toe screaming contest with my son - and yet my daughters would often race me to the toe mark! We are different in all the ways you mentioned and even some ways you didn't. Thank God for those differences! Once you understand there are differences, and embrace that fact, men are more and more enjoyable!

I could not be a man basher either. I know just as many evil women, maybe more, than I do bad men. I also know a good number of good men that were hurt deeply by a bad woman.

My hubby who is definitely a very GOOD man, believes that all men can be A__les and all women can be B___s. It takes a lot of work to understand the other "species" and learn to get along... while minding our A's and B's. It take a lot of practice to be able to put your self in the other guy's shoes and understand how they feel.

I have been practicing for about 30 years to figure out how my guy thinks ... and I have a LONG way to go.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
De-cluttering is great for the heart---and believe helps the SOUL also!

I found peace in being simple, de-cluttered and slower paced.

It helped me to just slow down and breathe and relax. It does not all have to be analyzed. I used to analyze the heck out of you have to "just let it go and let it be what it is and not question it so much"--worked for me! :)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Isn't our weather just makin you crazy! My poor broilers are miserable, freezing one minute and panting the next. I can't believe I'm not sick yet....


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Grumpy Pumpkin said:
Decutttering my heart = not holding back with the things I want to do in life. I always am thinking about something fun to try, something to learn, something to experience for the first time. I always seem to get caught up in this and that....meaning I am the peacemaker at home, for my family, for my friends and their relationships. I Think love should be simple, either you feel it or you don't. Either you want it or you don't.. .

With school I have signed up for the accelerated LPN program. It should take me a year. . . .

We are experiencing a cold snap here in Virginia. It was in the 80's two weeks ago, gets cold, gets a little warmer, one day is super warm and then....frigid!! That is sick weather. Wear those sweaters and take those vitamins!!

You know, I have been meaning to bought vitamins, what are your opinions on them? I can't pronounce half the ingredients and got to thinking this evening when I was taking one. I would imagine eating fresh foods could supply alot of that but how about vitamin c. You know those oranges you get during the winter at the store are as hard as baseballs. I will not eat them. I know you all will know....I think with my canning efforts, I will try some marmalade since I do know the peel is best for you. We shall see the outcome....spooky!!

I really do appreciate all the support and advice on the marriage topic. I guess life is getting us both down. Maybe as a woman (and in all my thinking) I tend to focus on the negative and not the positives. My mind constantly reviews the ways I feel hurt and will not move on. Today after reading the posts, I started trying to think about the good things. He comes straight home after work. He has never lied to me (or I have never caught him but after 11 years, I doubt it). He loves the kids and I have always felt secure in knowing that if something was to ever happen to me, no matter how pretty wife #2 is, the kids would always come first. There, not all man-bashing this evening. Your positive words talked me down off the ledge. But I am still grumpy.
Congratulations about your training. That's a great opportunity.

Love should be simple, but since people are complicated, it doesn't stay that way. When people are stressed out, they don't notice the good as much- even if the love is still there. Sometimes having fun and relaxing together is enough to notice it again. Focusing on the negative, adds to stress and depression. Trying to see the good side of things make it easier to be happy. Sounds like you're on the track.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamin C. It's lost easily in processing foods or when they get old. It gets destroyed by excessive heat too. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies during cold/flu season.

You might want to take some C. Stress is also bad for the immune system, so do something fun daily. Even little stuff counts. :thumbsup

Grumpy Pumpkin

Enjoys Recycling
Oct 7, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Virginia, USA
This weather is crazy!! Now the weather people are taking about "don't be alarmed if you see sleet". I will be taking the vitamin C!! Maybe that is why I really am grumpy?!?! I will leave my husband alone tonight....I promise. Actually, this week we are getting along alittle better. Tragedy, even if dictated by money, always brings out the worst in people. And in all my decluttering and simplifying, I am feeling better and more relaxed. It really is a taking it slower and enjoying my surroundings kind of feeling.

But I do have yet another bone to pick tonight....this one is serious. What do you guys think about the government bans (whether state or federal) on certain things in society? Examples of this would be smoking in resturants and trans fats in food served in public eateries. Effective December 1st, there shall be no smoking in any pulbic indoor facility to include bars and resturants. At least I think it is December 1st. You are not a smoker and do not care (I am on occasion). Good for you, and I really mean that. But the effects of this are far reaching. Either last year or the year before, resturants in New York were no longer allowed to serve food containing trans fats. You are super skinny and do not care. Okay, again, good for you. But this is a scary trend and I hope to explain why....

When in history has it ever been good for the government to step in and tell the people what is good for them. It's like Colonel Saunders telling the chickens what is good for them and them jumping on the conveyor belts to their death because they are told to do so. I understand you may not agree with smoking or trans fats, both are not good for you. But shouldn't you have the choice? The choice is being made for us. If someone wants a big greasy basket of fries laden in trans fats, shouldn't the choice be there? I would like to see the data from deaths by second-hand smoke vs. alcohol related traffic accident deaths? Oh no, I better not say that because they will bring back prohibition. We all had better start exchanging recipies for homemade brew because you had better believe I will have a still stashed somewhere. Jesus made water into wine, I tell you!! No, this is serious, i am getting afraid of what we are being "told" is good for us. What else has worked out well....

Welfare, food stamps, disability to fakers of injuries - all allowing people to not work and stay home while breeding kids. If you are well enough to make babies, you are well enough to work!! I do support assistance to people working and not having enough to make ends meet, they are trying and I am all for it.

Gov't bailouts for American see how that went.

Area 51 never had anything happen there and there are no secrets. But no, you are not allowed to come in. We won't even mark it on a map. And all those silver flashing things in the sky, weather balloons, because we all know how rapidly the weather changes in the desert!!

Anytime big brother steps in to tell people what is good for them and eliminate choices is BAD!! What next, tv is bad, birth control is bad, ipods are bad, growing your own food is bad, not watching tv is bad. I am afraid of this, I can't explain it but it just feels wrong.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Grumpy Pumpkin said:
I understand you may not agree with smoking or trans fats, both are not good for you. But shouldn't you have the choice? The choice is being made for us. If someone wants a big greasy basket of fries laden in trans fats, shouldn't the choice be there?
My hubby agrees with you completely. I have heard almost the identical words quite often. It is amazing in the land of the free - that we are becoming less and less free.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
It is the incremental advancement of government, allowed by people who stopped paying attention, that got us to this point. Peole get hot and bothered when the move is blatant, such as health care or the patriot act, but they are tricked into thinking that smaller things make perfect sense and are for our own good. Jokes are made about political correctness, but it is a serious contributor to what amounts to the sissification of America. Which sissification then did not allow the sheeple to stand up and say No More.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I differ a bit. I am a smoker. But I do not like smoking in restuarants or actually around me in a public place. So I have no problem with banning smoking in public places such as restaurants etc. Of course in NC right now we are not banned....our restaurants have the smoking and non-smoking areas. Tony and I both smoke, but we always sit in non-smoking area.

Trans fat is bad. It is a bad killer food actually. I see this ban on trans fat also as a good thing.

Now about the freedom to choose. ALOT of people (voters) and groups have wanted this to happen. They are out lobbying to make the smoking ban and the trans fat ban. The govt. did not overnight decide on their own to take this action---it is wanted by many many people. And those people's voices are being heard.

So it is not "just the govt" choosing an issue and rolling with it, they ARE listening to what people want and many do not want smoking in public places or trans fat in foods.

It is a catch 22. We know these things are not good for us in the end, but we don't like being told that we "can not" do something. There are rules and policies governing everything we do in life....from hunting season, to building a fire on the beaches at night, to driving too fast, etc. etc. We know certain rules etc have to happen and must be enforced. To me this is just another rule change that honestly is for the best and we can just easily accept it.

I know what you mean though----when you get "that feeling" it just catches you off guard and gives you the willies. BUT again, time to relax and enjoy life. Don't sweat the small things unless you know you can truly change them and want to get involved to change them.

I don't know...LOL---I just shake my head sometimes and just move forward.