the little wild kingdom


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
semi-weekly weigh-in. just making sure i'm not over-doing it (wow that's a lot of hypens). doing ok. need to cut back a little more. i'm not gaining but i'd like to get back down to where i was a few months ago when i finished up the staining job. 3 lbs through the holiday season and a few months change from active to not so active isn't bad at all (5-10 is more like normal).

apples as snacks, cut some peanut butter back as i really do like the combination and use it as a meal replacement at times. it's working i just need to dial it in a little better. :)

a walk on nicer days would be good for me too, but i've only gotten out once so far this past three weeks. still doing some indoor exercises but not ever enough.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
made progress this morning! finally figured out why something wasn't working as expected and so should be able to do all the rest now. still will require a lot of editing to finish but at least the framework is there for me to plug things into and that was the main help i wanted.

good to see this moving along now. :)

also good to see is a little bit of snow on the ground.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
in tracking down more information about Purple Dove i saw a reference from Russell Crow to Peace Seedlings in 2015 so i nosed around and now i see that they no longer have Purple Dove but they do have:

"Purple Amazon Snap Bush Phaseolus vulgaris 20/ 4.00

Beautiful tasty purple pods, worth growing. Lobitz original."

Also mentioned are:

Red Swan Snap Bush Phaseolus vulgaris 20/ 4.00

Early red skinned 5” pods, tasty, original by Robert Lobitz.

does anyone have these already and more importantly does anyone have pictures of the seeds in a close enough version where i can get a good look at them?

it's really frustrating to me to go look for beans and nobody posts pictures of the seeds. grrrrr! :)

as a further note i see that Robert's Royalty looks somewhat like some of my off type beans from PD. woohoo! :) :) :) in other words they may be siblings!

from Russ's network listing for Roberts Royalty: "Bush Snap. A Robert Lobitz named variety. He found this bean as a mutation in 1969 among plants he was growing of Royalty Purple Pod. Seed comes from Karen Golden of Highland, Michigan, October 2018."

this is the first reference to anything going back further which is a trail i can dig into more later... :)

p.s. a mutation may really be an out-cross...

p.p.s. Royalty Purple Pod goes back a ways... :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
snow is all melted, more in the forecast. will believe it when i see it.

project is getting to the stage it was back when i switched over to doing easier parts. now that i have those done i can go back and try again with better understanding.

this really is still the first part of this bigger project so i'm still on that and will be until i get these few accounts imported and the transactions edited and things set up how i want them.

the next part will be a long long slog through a combination of printed statements and old files i've typed in that i can try to convert somehow (i can do it, just will take time). it may not be done for years. just keep up with the most recent transactions and then chip away at it as i get the time and enthusiasm for it.

somewhere in 2005 i stopped what i was doing with keeping my files up to date. i did read my statements and made sure things were right but that was about what i had the inclination to do. before that i have nearly completely line-by-line files for most of my important accounts so those go back quite a ways. massaging them into a different format is much easier than going back and typing it all in all over again. in some cases i may not have statements any longer anyways so those will be lost no matter what, but we'll see what i can do. ;)

we'll talk again in a few years... :)

humor aside, but on the topic of communication... i did talk to an old friend last night, we'd not had anything other than light texts for quite a long time and so we finally talked on the phone. it was good to catch up a little. i was wondering if we were ever going to talk much again but for some reason yesterday they decided to text me so i sent a few texts and then asked if we could talk on the phone. and i'm glad we did. :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
made some more progress today. :)

nice to see the snow, but that also means i could check for mouse tracks and there were a few so now i know i need to refresh the peanut butter in the traps next time i get outside. not too many tracks like before, so it may just be a single mouse left out there (for now).

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