the little wild kingdom


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i got half way, three shifts between coming in and cooling off. so we'll see what happens tomorrow.

i went out a few minutes ago to close the back door on the garage and there was a big snake in there. i didn't get a great look at it before it went and hid under some stepping stones that Mom had sitting on some pieces of wood so i came back in but i'm hoping it will be gone soon as i do want to get that door closed before it gets too late. with all the other creatures around here i don't want to encourage them to come in and rummage around or set up homes...


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I'd have been getting it OUT -- not waiting for it to decide.😳🥴😂

i wasn't going to go moving those stepping stones or all the other stuff it could have been hiding in, plus i'd have to have moved the car and it would have likely just gone to the other side of the garage with all the stuff there... it was hot and miserable in there last night, nope, i didn't need any more of that to deal with. i like my answer better. turn the light off and go inside and hope the snake went out the back door. it could still be in there...

Mom was just talking about it wondering if it could have crawled up in the car and i said it probably wouldn't since it wasn't warmer than the rest of the garage and was not a natural thing to it for climb, tires, metal, etc. so i think it probably just kept on the down low like it was doing when i first saw it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
went out right after breakfast this morning and got those last two rows of the garden cultivated and planted, a few times the rains came along with a light sprinkle right when i was planting both rows but it didn't rain enough to get me to stop. the rains went away, i got all the new seeds planted and watered in between yesterday and today and then i watered the other gardens and then i picked peas/pods again. it's strange to be done with my gardening so early but it was getting rather hot out again and i was tired and ready to call it done for now. i'm not sure i'll do anything else out there today or not. probably not.

now i can get back to weeding, i have three weeks of that to do and by the time i get that done all the gardens will be ready for another round of weeding yet again, but at least now the bean plants are mostly up and growing enough to keep a lot of the weeds from having much chance starting up again. they make a good cover crop. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
rains early this morning (woke me up about 5am). it is also trash day so i put that out before the trucks come along at 7am, they start their route at our corner so they are usually right on time for the regular trash so it gets put out about 6:45am. recycle i put out too but they pick that up later. since it is raining i only put out half of it and used the empty recycle bin for the other half turned upside down over the bin i did set out so it will keep the stuff dry.

no outside garden plans other than cleaning up some garlic that needs to be fully dried out. it was mostly initially dried out the other day when i lifted it but there is a lot of clay/dirt still sticking to the roots and then there are dry leaves to remove and also the scapes from the top (which can be pretty big for this variety of garlic) can be removed and set aside in their own box top to dry down a bit before i bring them inside. nice crop of garlic, but i won't really know until i start opening up a few bulbs. we have plans of making some spaghetti and meatballs in a few weeks so that will be a good time for doing that... :) yum.

i ordered a book from the library and it came in last week so i have that sitting there waiting for me to open it up and then i will venture to another place and time for a while. it's a cheap way to travel and have adventures. imagination needs some exercise at times and books are a good way of doing that. i don't know if kids are really missing out these days or not with all the social media which is more visual and not as much imaginative in the way that a good book can be, but i have to also admit that i'm rather biased because i've loved books and reading as long as i can remember. also worked at a library for a while... and grew up in two others (Mom set them up and ran them for a while).

other task to continue working on getting the old records typed in. i'm getting there, just chipping along and fixing mistakes as i find them and also improving as i figure out how this all works. it's fun in a rather strange way (a big puzzle is how i see it) all these various accounts or subaccounts all work together to give me the final results (networth, but also an actual reasonably full record of my financial history along with bits of information which give me a framework for a life history if i want to ponder where i was at and what i might have been doing). i also have tons of writings from years so those in combination will give a pretty good picture of things if i dig far enough (if i want to :) )... no time for that now.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
garden club meeting this afternoon, finished my book so i can order the next one in the series. i have another book to read that i will take with me to the library and perhaps i'll take some other garden things i can work on too so i'lll be productive or not as the whim takes me.

a lot of rains the past few days.

i did get the garlic cleaned up yesterday so it can finish curing now and it looks good, better than last year's crop. i made sure this year to make more drainage for that garden. i won't really know how well it turned out until i start pulling apart a few bulbs.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
finally picking up some rains, we did water a few days ago, yesterday and today, but rainwater is much much better and this will make those waterings worth more too. :)