the little wild kingdom


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I have become a real fan of naps recently!

ha! i got a few hours in after breakfast. last night about 4:30am someone was doing donuts at the corner - i was up for a while and had some cereal and then puttered for a bit and then went back to sleep until now. feel much better today than yesterday. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
finished getting the tomato patch put up for winter and moved on to starting to clean up the strawberry patch and also got some weeds out of some rocks while i had the energy for it. only two more gardens besides the strawberry patch inside the fence to deal with and other puttering around. looks like the weather is going to cooperate for the next several days at least so i should be able to make good progress.

also the guy was out turning the south field and i talked to him about turning as much of the grass under as he can get at. he said he'd run over some of it today but then would come back with a six foot tiller that would grind up the sod instead of just turning it (plus he'd have more control) and also maybe bring back a backhoe to get the chunks of cement and stones out of the trench so i can get that filled in again and get it planted or fixed with chunks of sod to prevent it from getting washed out. they'll reseed the entire field in a few weeksish. i might take some time and see if i really need to use the backhoe to get those chunks out of there as if i can just do it by hand then it will be done and ready for when he gets to the tiller part... i remember moving those chunks down there and it wasn't fun but it was possible... getting them out might be a bit tougher.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
went out this morning and he had started tilling with this 8 foot contraption on the back of his plow. ground up the sod. talked to him and eventually got him (i did ask nicely) to pretty please grind up as much of the grass as he could get at. gave him back the flags.

later on when it had warmed up enough i got out and dug the chunks of concrete out of the end of The River Nile and then reshaped it some so that maybe now i can mow it (at last!) and so tomorrow i should give it a good watering since i'd moved clods of sod and quack grass to fill in holes and to gentle the slope. what i really need to do is block the end with some bales of hay or straw and pound stakes through them to hold them in place and also get some quack grass and dirt near or on those to get them growing and pegged down so they can catch any dirt that might flow during heavy rain events. so far that has not been a problem too often and the gully has not gotten too bad from all these years but i'd like to get it filled in and growing as much as possible before the cold weather gets here (next week may get cool again). frosts at night will surely also slow things down for new growth... tomorrow i should go back to the weed pile and take that crown from the goldenrod and put it near the end too. there is some growing in there already, just give them more company so they can talk amongst themselves...

then i went back to cleaning up gardens. got part of the next one done but did not finish it. tomorrow i hope to do that...