Welcome to the "Dark Side"goatilocks said:I have totally enjoyed reading all this. I was raised as a southern Baptist. (forced more like it) All my life i was told witches worshipped the devil, mediums were possessed, and things like crystals and cards were tools of the devil. Thankfully as I grew older, I was able to research these "taboo" topics. I am fascinated with nature. I talk to the trees. I listen to the water. I play in the rain and run my fingers through the dirt. Last year I read up about yule logs and plan to have one next to my Christmas tree. I have seen a fairy ring and kick myself for not kneeling in the center to make a wish and not taking a picture of it. Is there a very basic, beginers book to paganism? Something like paganism for dummies? Where do I start if I want to learn more?
<<<rathbone said:I read through here and there are so many comments that strike me and I want to respond to and in the end, I have forgotten to address all of them.
But some things that stood out to me:
I giggled at "Paganism for dummies" - yes I need that one also.
Moxies self definition "I consider myself a "Green Hippy"...I refused to drink, smoke or do drugs...I have always recycled....I had my 3 children without a drugged childbirth and proceeded to nurse them all for over 6 months. I washed diapers, and cook from scratch for the most part. I use my clothesline, turn off power suckers around the house. I am spiritual but not religious. I try to make a small carbon footprint..as small as possible anyway." is verbatim my own. I home birthed and breastfed far longer than most thought necessary.
And the warning against "black arts" - yes, I want nothing to do with them.
As Alice said in Wonderland "Curiouser and curiouser" - and in more than one way. What all of you say is curious to me meaning different. And I in turn am curiouser - my interest is picqued. Feels good to think new thoughts.