Almost Self-Reliant
Ohhhh, and IUD! We just had a terminology malfunction.
I wanted one, but see my above rant about the patriarchal doctors
I wanted one, but see my above rant about the patriarchal doctors

To help in the rebalancing, I would recommend consumming Maca Root (as much as 1 tbls) everyday, as well as a drop of Lugol's Iodine.ToLiveToLaugh said:Update time! You don't have to read if you don't want, I just figured I'd put it here for anyone else who might be considering the same thing. I went off completely. Last pill was the end of my last pack plus one on this new pack, last Tuesday night. So about 6 days ago now. So far this is what's up:
On my second period. Boo. But I knew this was a distinct possibility. I just hope it doesn't last too long.
Feeling like I need a lot of sleep, but being oddly motivated to do things. Got CHL certified on saturday and went out shooting, put in a 12x20 ft garden on sunday, in addition to going to an auction and getting 4 saddles, and doing minor surgery on my mom's horse.
Reacting very strongly to things. One small glass of wine and I'm tipsy and sleepy. 8 oz of coffee and my hands shake so much I can't hold a pencil steady.
So far no changes in acne, libido, weight, or appetite.
I have one total complaint about the pill. When you go on, NOTHING mentions that it will make your body stop producing its own androgens and estrogens. And I'm a friggin biology student! I study this stuff INTENSIVELY. And yet, it isn't mentioned ANYWHERE. Even supposed bias free sources, like physiology texts. And yet, as soon as I start looking up info about stopping the pill, it mentions everywhere that you'll have strong reactions since if you've been on it a while your body will have stopped making it's own sex hormones. I mean, WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE? Can you tell I'm frustrated? I always make fully informed medical choices, and yet, this info just wasn't out there. Majorly frustrating.
I guess I'll keep you posted as I go. I almost feel like this is a "detox" or somethingMonitoring my symptoms.