The Trout Pond - Chicks, Chicks & more chicks


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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popcorn chicken said:
Also went to Lookout Moutain were Buffalo Bill is buried, it was 60ish down in Denver and snow storm up on the mountain, we saw Elk and Buffalo, so it was pretty cool. Drove all along SR 6, curving around along the streams and valleys, it was just an AWESOME couple of days!!
Typical Colorado LOL. 60 and snow ;)

I love old barns too :) I live in an apartment, though, so it's just looking lol.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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popcorn chicken said:
Yep, almost everyone thinks we renamed him after the accident :lol:

But he does get around so well, he still runs and jumps and carries on like a BIG pup. The vet told us it "might" cut down on his overall life expectacy, but we'll just go w/ it and see where it takes us!!

I've been reading your journal too!! Still having the virtigo??

I know it SU#KS, I fell off a roof, got a compression fracture in my L1 and was layed up for almost 3-4mths, then when I was healed from that and off all the meds, vertigo kicked in, and kicked my butt for another 6-8wks. It was AWFUL!!! I would just lay in bed and hold onto a pillow and spin some days. Other days I'd start out fine, go to get out of bed and fall flat on my face as I got up.

It's better now, but I still get flashes of it (maybe 1-2min) I went thru balance therapy and that seemed to help!!
Yup, that is much like I feel. Unfortunately it comes and goes and comes and goes, but always comes back. I feel good right NOW though, thanks. I do much better at home as I'm not so panicked about the spells happening. How is your neck now? Do you mean C1, L1 is in the lumbar area? Usually people have trouble with vertigo when C1 is messed up. I had not heard of it with a lower back issue. I bet Freemotion would know more about that.

L5-S1 is messed up for me, but that is a minor issue, old car accident.

If Lefty were my dog, I would make sure that when he exits trucks or things and has to jump down, that he has ramps. It is hard for one front leg to absorb the impact intended for two. While a broken front leg would be no big deal for another dog, for him it would be a huge deal, so I'd construct ways for him to up and down from anyplace high that he has to go. Or train him not to go places where he has to jump down from a high place, anything over the height of his body. I would get a ramp for the truck or car for him and train him to use it. I knew a beloved dog that lost its second front leg, and if its owners were here to talk to you, they would suggest that to you, ramps.

popcorn chicken

Power Conserver
Mar 30, 2011
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NE Indiana
savingdogs said:
Do you mean C1, L1 is in the lumbar area? Usually people have trouble with vertigo when C1 is messed up. I had not heard of it with a lower back issue. I bet Freemotion would know more about that.
L1, when I fell, I landed on my butt, and got a compression fracture. UGG No surgeries, just in this wrap around plastic/metal harness/bodycast from below my armpits down to right above my ummm, my, well a little below my waist, yeah (hows that for filtering, Abi?) It was AWFUL!!!

savingdogs said:
If Lefty were my dog, I would make sure that when he exits trucks or things and has to jump down, that he has ramps. It is hard for one front leg to absorb the impact intended for two. While a broken front leg would be no big deal for another dog, for him it would be a huge deal, so I'd construct ways for him to up and down from anyplace high that he has to go. Or train him not to go places where he has to jump down from a high place, anything over the height of his body. I would get a ramp for the truck or car for him and train him to use it. I knew a beloved dog that lost its second front leg, and if its owners were here to talk to you, they would suggest that to you, ramps.
He doesn't like to get in my truck anymore :p

The last time was to go for the amputation surgery, and the time before that he had an amputation of another kind a little further south, if ya know what I mean :lol:

But Momma drives a Dodge Caravan, and he gets in and out of that real easy, and will go for rides in the back of that, we just open up the sliders and he hops right in. Thanks for the ramp suggestion, we'll keep an eye out for any oppurtunity!!

popcorn chicken

Power Conserver
Mar 30, 2011
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NE Indiana
Eye che momma, I just love when one of the kids bring home a bug from school. :sick

All 6 of us have been layed up since last Thursday for a day or 2, let's just say, it's been ugly. Poor Momma, has been trying to wear out the washing machine - sheets, towels, pajamas OH MY!!

HAPPY BELATED EASTER everyone!! We had both BIL's and the MIL out for lunch. Momma wanted to make Rabbit and Noodles, but I told her that just didn't seem right, Easter Bunny and all, so it was one of the creepy meats instead :D I just love these kinds of meals: chicken we raised, noodles we made, potatoes & corn we grew. The only thing we didn't raise was the salad MIL brought and the lemonade we drank.

In the mean time, I've been able to get 7 of my Does bred for meat pens for 4H this July. The only thing that's messed up is the one Doe that I want to have bred doesn't seem interested :/ This same pairing last fall gave me 7 kits (baby bunnies for you non rabbit people) and of those 7 we've got 4 show winners :woot So of course now she doesn't wanna give it up :he :bun

Everything else is pretty calm, nothing blew away or flooded. We did get a few small limbs down from all this, but nothing out of the norm. One of the girls lost a boot in the poop soup, so there was a little drama there :/ I thought it was :lol: :gig and that just made it worse :lol: None of the goats want to leave the barn, they just stand at the door and scream :/ whatever, stupid goats!!

Hope everyone else is having a good week!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Sorry about the sickness - hope you all get better before the nice weather hits you!

Your boot in the poop soup just reminded me of an Easter egg hunt we went to a few weeks ago. It had rained really hard the night before and little g decided to walk in an area that was plainly nothing but mud. I called to him to tell him not to walk in that area, but he hopped on in wearing his cowboy/biker boots and ended up loosing both. With white socks on. He was NOT happy.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Ugh! Hope you all get well soon. It's going around here too and I've been supplementing in hopes of fending it off. The neighbor kids - who rarely come over - spent last Sunday here and of course on Monday they were projectile vomiting.

popcorn chicken

Power Conserver
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
NE Indiana
Ugg, yeah the projectile vomiting was in full force w/ my oldest and youngest girls were both in rare form Thursday and Friday, and the oldest is in the top of a bunkbed. Can you say MESS!!! :sick :sick
But now at least their wall and curtains are clean at that end of the room :barnie

BTW Gleno Nice Flower beds!!! whoot!!! Those were some mighty big root balls you dug up!!! Good thing you had your "Ultra" helpers :lol: Any luck on the cheese? maybe you're not cutting it right :lol: OFG may be able to help w/ that :gig

Java, I saw that cheese recipe, I've got to try that, sounds pretty easy!! When did you add the salt or herbs? what do you use this cheese on/with?

popcorn chicken

Power Conserver
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
NE Indiana
Looky Looky :lol: We got Shoom's!!


This is only about a 1/3 of the total, my BIL and a buddy went out Saturday morning and found these in about an hour. WHOOT

Then we got home and this is what I see in the barn



Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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But they're cute! (Though at first I thought it was a pic of a few bats!)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT cute! They look pretty old, though...did you not go out into the barn for a few days?!?!? :p

I have not yet ventured into cheese. My first attempt has scarred me...that and I'm a little discombobulated with a ton of other stuff that has/needs to get done.

But, I always have my Ultra helpers with me so life goes on one cap at a time :cool:

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