Just trying to learn about the all the other people here on this site, and on my trip thru OFG's journal I read your entries there, so I'm just trying to fill in the picture
BTW, you still going to school? you dance right?
I almost forgot...
What part of Colorado? I have cousins in Dillion, so different from the farmlands here in Indiana.
Yep, finishing school this week. And I LUBS to dance!!!!!
ETA: Finishing my CNA classes.... I will have to state certify on the next available. I don't wanna go to long term school even though I would love to be a CIA analyst and figure out secrets. I just can't handle real schooling.
Momma and I flew out there last May (I think it was May) We had some free airfare that we had to use, so Momma and I made it a 4 day week end in Denver, went up to Dillion 1 day, spent another day just driving thru the mountains, ended up at Golden, CO took the Coors Tour WHOOT!!
Also went to Lookout Moutain were Buffalo Bill is buried, it was 60ish down in Denver and snow storm up on the mountain, we saw Elk and Buffalo, so it was pretty cool. Drove all along SR 6, curving around along the streams and valleys, it was just an AWESOME couple of days!!
The Avalance were in the playoffs, but baseball was going on too. We went to see the Rockies play Saturday afternoon, then the Avalance that night. My cousin works "UP" the mountain at a ski resort, couldn't tell you the name. She started out years ago as a Chef, but now is the resturant manager.
Hey Deb, We love old barns too!! That was one of the things that drew us to the property, and when they said they were going to tear it down, we were like NOOOOooooo, but we saved it.
I thought I did, but I can't find them, I'm having Momma try to find them for me, and will post them later. It doesn't look so old from the outside anymore since we put the metal on it, but it's still a cool old barn.
Thanks for checking in!!! We like Lefty too. We almost put him down when he got hit, but he was getting around so well w/ his leg in a sling, we decided to take a chance. So far so good, but the vet (who is GREAT) warned us that it might be hard on him as he gets older, being such a big breed, he's just 1 1/2 and over 120#'s But he's so good w/ the kids, and Momma jus loves him We'll just take our chances and see how it plays out.
I've known many three legged dogs. They get around amazingly well. The other front leg becomes pretty important however, be very careful not to stress it....I won't tell you why I warn you about that.
I think it is funny his name was Lefty before he was "left legged". Everyone probably assumes he was named after the amputation.
Yep, almost everyone thinks we renamed him after the accident
But he does get around so well, he still runs and jumps and carries on like a BIG pup. The vet told us it "might" cut down on his overall life expectacy, but we'll just go w/ it and see where it takes us!!
I've been reading your journal too!! Still having the virtigo??
I know it SU#KS, I fell off a roof, got a compression fracture in my L1 and was layed up for almost 3-4mths, then when I was healed from that and off all the meds, vertigo kicked in, and kicked my butt for another 6-8wks. It was AWFUL!!! I would just lay in bed and hold onto a pillow and spin some days. Other days I'd start out fine, go to get out of bed and fall flat on my face as I got up.
It's better now, but I still get flashes of it (maybe 1-2min) I went thru balance therapy and that seemed to help!!