Lovin' The Homestead
How do you propose to make it okay? Jobs pay what the market will bear. If they could get CEOs to work for what farmers make, surely the corporations would do that. I never said that farming doesn't require brains. It requires many things, brains, heart, luck. So does being an executive, a surgeon, an attorney. People choose the occupations they choose and pretty much know going in what the rewards might be. So what do you propose? Legislation to make all jobs pay the same? To punish someone for succeeding while others fail? I guess I am not sure what you propose to do to change the way life shakes out.me&thegals I don't want to be rude said:enough[/b].
It's not okay, though, for so many people to have so insanely much while others lose their jobs. The jobs they were educated for, trained for and worked hard at. And they lose health insurance. Are you really okay paying more tax $ to support these unlucky people while the lucky guys pull down the big bucks?
Life is not fair. But that doesn't make it okay.