I do still have to YELL at her now and then - she's fine with the chickens until she see's one RUN - then her instinct kicks in and she wants to chase.. but she's been very good - only wants to play with the ducks - cause they're more into the water and digging in mud like she is.Beekissed said:My GP/Lab mix is simply terrified of horses! Somewhere in her past she has definitely been traumatized by some evil, rabid horse...I'm just sure of it.
Great pic! She does well with the poultry then, this is always an added bonus...especially after reading all the post about this subject on the BYC. Great looking dog, BTW!
Thank goodness, my horse LOVES dogs for some reason - my horse is a rescue I don't know her back-ground. She was TERRIFIED of chickens when I got her, for a year - I would try ride her past a persons coop and she would FLIP OUT - well now she has them in between her legs and all over...
My horse - Rosie, actually GOOSED a chicken the other day - I laughed so hard. Rosie was eating an apple, and the chicken was picking around after the little bits falling - rosie put her head back down to pick up her drops - and nudged the chicken out the way - it was SO funny. (chicken was NOT amused)