Always doing laundry
What's worse that biting into an apple and finding a worm?
Finding HALF a worm!!!
Seriously, though, I am reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, same author of Omnivore's Dilemma and it has really changed my thinking about food. We are trying to stock up on meat which seems to be a big part of our budget. The big thing with harvesting your own meat is to package it the way you use it. If you only cook 2 or 3 chicken breasts at a time then why would you freeze a pack of 12 only to use a few and have the rest freezer burn before you can eat them? That kind of thing. We are also grinding our own meat for the first time this year and I can already see that the $90 I spent on a grinder was well worth it!
I have seen my pantry change over the past year from lots of pre-packaged convenience foods to more fresh fruit and veggies and frozen veggies instead of canned foods that have started to taste like mush to me. We are getting goats in the spring to supply us with milk when they are ready. We have switched from tub "butter" to real butter, we now make our own bread and planted our first garden this past spring. I am now convinced that quality is better than quantity. My 4 yr old and 2 yr old ask for carrot sticks and beg for apples and oranges all the time now where before it was cookies or goldfish or some sort of something from a box made with stuff I couldn't pronouce.
I am trying to store enough food staples like meat and veggies and some frozen fruit for a couple of months at least. I figure getting the meat taken care of is a major step and it seems that people really are moving away from fake food to stuff that is recognizable in nature. When people found out we were raising our own chickens it seemed we had people coming out of the woodworks wanting to buy them from us. Now we are trying to figure out how we could supply them.
Cheap food generally means poor nutrition. It doesn't matter if you have a years worth of processed crap on your shelves if you are too sick to eat it.
What's worse that biting into an apple and finding a worm?
Finding HALF a worm!!!

Seriously, though, I am reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, same author of Omnivore's Dilemma and it has really changed my thinking about food. We are trying to stock up on meat which seems to be a big part of our budget. The big thing with harvesting your own meat is to package it the way you use it. If you only cook 2 or 3 chicken breasts at a time then why would you freeze a pack of 12 only to use a few and have the rest freezer burn before you can eat them? That kind of thing. We are also grinding our own meat for the first time this year and I can already see that the $90 I spent on a grinder was well worth it!
I have seen my pantry change over the past year from lots of pre-packaged convenience foods to more fresh fruit and veggies and frozen veggies instead of canned foods that have started to taste like mush to me. We are getting goats in the spring to supply us with milk when they are ready. We have switched from tub "butter" to real butter, we now make our own bread and planted our first garden this past spring. I am now convinced that quality is better than quantity. My 4 yr old and 2 yr old ask for carrot sticks and beg for apples and oranges all the time now where before it was cookies or goldfish or some sort of something from a box made with stuff I couldn't pronouce.
I am trying to store enough food staples like meat and veggies and some frozen fruit for a couple of months at least. I figure getting the meat taken care of is a major step and it seems that people really are moving away from fake food to stuff that is recognizable in nature. When people found out we were raising our own chickens it seemed we had people coming out of the woodworks wanting to buy them from us. Now we are trying to figure out how we could supply them.
Cheap food generally means poor nutrition. It doesn't matter if you have a years worth of processed crap on your shelves if you are too sick to eat it.