Tips for keeping up with everything


Power Conserver
Nov 17, 2010
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I feel so overwhelmed everywhere with everything!

I have never been, and will never be a wonderful housekeeper. I don't mind a lived in look at all, so being an "overachiever" is not my issue. I just can't find the time to keep up with anything anymore. I already know and employ a few shortcuts with the whole housecleaning thing, but I'm looking for more tips/shortcuts that can help me keep my home presentable.

What I have on my plate:
I work a full time (sometimes overtime) job.
I am a Mom and a Grandma. We have 5 kids, two live at home full time. One is in and out (usually here when he has his baby for the weekend) so I can babysit for him while he works.
I raise chickens (layers and meaties), rabbits and a garden.
I compost.
We fish and hunt for our meat.
I believe in making home cooked, nutritious, quality meals for my family. Food preperation is a huge daily chore for me.
We can/freeze everything that comes from our garden.
I have things I want to add at some point, like goats for milk, but feel so overwhelmed at this point, I am second-guessing my decision. I enjoy the work, but just can't keep up.

My hubby gets up at 3:30 every morning to go to work, and works until 3:30 in the afternoon. He is the breadwinner in the family, has a very demanding job, and is usually too tired to help out during the week. On the weekend, he is just as busy as I am with things around the house. He helps me out a lot, so it is not that I am doing all of the work on my own. Part of the problem, I think, is the hours I work. I work banker's hours, 9-5:30. It doesn't leave a nice uninterrupted period of time in which to get things done. I have a 45-60 minute commute to and from work everyday. So, I leave at 8, get home around 6:30, later if i have stops to make. I cook, we eat usually around 8ish, do a little kitchen maintenance, and it's off to bed (cuz hubby starts so early). I usually stay up later than he does, but only work on quiet chores so that I don't disturb him. By the time I get my outside chores done, it is sometimes 9 before we are eating dinner. Things are a little easier when we employ the crock pot.

I am looking for tips, silly ones, good ones, etc. to help me get back on track and maintain it. When life gets crazy is when I get behind (I think everyone does), but it takes me FOREVER to recover from it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
I hate cleaning. HATE. Refuse to clean. Thankfully my clean freak BIL moved in..hehe.

Dishes: set them in the sink all day w/ a solution of something, we used ajax. That way after dinner you just rinse and put into the drying rack.

Do a simple, but not thorough sweep of kitchen & dining room every AM. The more you do it, the faster it becomes.I had to sweep a horse barn every day in high school, I'm super quick at the small spaces at work, AND you get a workout. Just do a quick sweep, don't wprry about corners until you vacuum.

We vacuum once a week, that's when we do the fine tooth comb stuff.

Get a swiffer duster or ostrich duster, this will be your "quiet" chore. Jog around the house or maybe do lunges aas you are dusting. Or walk, you said nothing about working out but its good for you anyways.

As for messes, go grab those laundry bins from BBB. One has shoes, one has backpacks/purses, the other holds random laundry. All are placed in corner or closets. Looks much more "tidy".

That's all I canthink of for now :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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North Central Florida
The only good tip I have is to get rid of clutter. It's amazing how much easier it is to clean when you're not cleaning/cleaning around unneeded items. I also find myself much more motived to keep up with the little things once I de-cluttered. Keeping up with smaller housecleaning chores makes the "big" chores easier and less time-consuming. Getting rid of "stuff" has been liberating and uplifting.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
Oh! Btw, get the RIGHT cleaning tools! My boss bought us two nice brooms that make the world of difference. Someone threw out the ostrich feather duster at work, I can't stand fauxfeathers so she's buying me a new one.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Enlist the help of those who plant their tails on the couch :D My kids have and always have had a chore list. They complete 1-3 chores daily. One big one, two small. Now I'm down to one child at home, but if she didn't do what she does chores wise I'd get behind big time. Every person under the roof helps make the messes, and my theory is every person under the roof should help clean the messes. :hu I work only part time, but feel it would be a disservice to my kids to just wait on them hand and foot and clean up after them myself. They are more independent, and less messy individuals for having had a list of things to do all these years. You said you have two living at home...have them help, don't give them an option, just tell them you want ______ done on _______ day because you can no longer do it alone. You'd be suprised how much help having them do one load of laundry per day will be, and they learn to take care of themselves that way.

Another idea....hire a maid once a week. TONS of people have a person come in weekly and do a list of household chores that have your type of schedule. TONS of folks are out of work and looking for things such as this as well so it shouldn't be hard to find someone you already know and trust that would be willing.

Another idea....get automatic feeder/waterers for your animals and just do an afternoon sight check instead of having to lug out feed for everyone EVERY day. It'll shorten the chores you have.

That's all I got for now. :hu


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
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Spotsylvania, Virginia
I also work almost banker hours, 9-4, sometimes till 5. I commute about 30 to 45 minutes one way, more if traffic is heavy, and waaay more if I have to run errands. DH works nights, so it is incredibly difficult for me to clean and maintain.

I try to get up around 4:30 to 5 am. That give me time to tend all animals, straighten or clean a bit and hang out some clothes if weather permits before I have to leave the house in the morning. It's also a great time for crock potting a meal if I know I have errands that day.

Planning my errands has been wonderful for me. It not only saves time, but sure aleviates some stress about keeping up with things at home because I end up with more time at the end of the day. I highly recommend this. If you live in a town with traffic, this could really help.

The mornings are a GOD SEND to me. If I didn't wake up early, I'd never get anything done. When I get home, I check homework, cook if it's my turn (DH and I take turns or we go straight for the plates and munch on crock potted goodness), then we straighten, bath DS (6 yrs) and DH and I stay up a bit and talk and then we hit the rack. There reall isn't time for anything else unless I stay up all night and then I tend to over sleep in the morning.

Let it be known here and now, I've been known to go to bed at 8 some nights and a few mornings I have been known to sleep till 10!!!! I'm not the type that can go without sleep. :D But I do feel much more refreshed and feel like I got much more accomplished without everyone underfoot in the morning.

Also, everyone at my house helps. Even DS who is 6. My moto is I AM NOT YOUR MAID.

I hope this helps.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
I'm one for getting rid of crap you don't use or need. And I'm talking furniture even.

We finished our basement a while back (which added to the # of rooms to clean :/ ) but it was amazing what it did to the upstairs living room. I refused to buy any more furniture and it's super easy to keep it clean. A simple sweep with the swiffer (love that thing!) and the room looks 100% better.

I'm with Wanna too - employ those kids that are still home.

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
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Tacoma, Wa
Your situation is very similar to mine, only my schedule is mixed & most of the time I work nights.

Have you given your kids some chores to help you out? If you delegate a few things, even small simple things would lighten your load a little. Even very young kids (2 or 3) can atleast pick up their own toys, clothes into hamper, etc

Can you spend say one of your days off preparing/cooking for the rest of the week maybe? So most of the hard work is done & on work nights you just have to 'heat & eat'?

Maybe sit down & make a list of all chores & how often needed, then put in 'priority' order. Some chores may even not be needed at all, but something you've taken on for whatever reason and may be able to drop all together.

In other words, get organized & delegate & don't worry about the little things but do what you can when you are able to do it.



Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
lot's of good advice here already

just wanted to add that I am learning to cook in bulk/quantity

either double or triple recipies so that you can freeze the rest or serve left overs for a few meals

and sometimes I just cook several things at once, like hearty soup, while I bake a chicken, while I make meat loafs...(and since the oven's on I make a box of brownies too)

also, if I make potatoes or rice or pasta I always make tons extra to use for breakfast, or lunch or dinner the next day too

that way the next couple or 3 dinners(and lunches) are done and ready to go(or then frozen) , saves me time,


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