Sorry, issues, ya know. Yes, it involves placing an object under the shoulder cape of the hide, tying a rope around it on the opposite side of the hide, and attaching said rope to a vehicle or 4-wheeler and yanking that hide. Will remove the hide easily, even if deer has hung awhile. Also cuts down on the amount of hair left behind on the carcass. Must peel hide down the shoulders a bit, cut off legs and let 'er rip!
Originally, folks used a golf ball but we use a hammer, seems the claw keeps the hide from slipping off and you can tie the rope tighter. Next deer we do, I'll try to take a pic of it. The hammer goes on the hair side of the cape, in case there is some confusion, and the rope is tied around the head of the hammer on the icky side of the hide. Nice, thin nylon rope works best for this. This will peel a hide and even skins the tailbone! Looks funny, to be sure. Any questions?
You girls are so crazy I love to read your posts to each other. Anyway, GOOD JOB ROO I am very proud of you. My hubby does the hunting in the family and I just reap the venison rewards. I told him one morning when he didn't have anyone to help him that I would go with him... We got up started getting dressed and I said to him "...But you can't shoot anything..." He got undressed and went back to bed.
That was a few years ago and now It's ok with me to do all those scary hunting, butchering things.
I still haven't shot a gun so I will try next year for sure. Just have to get up the guts.
HAHAHA first time I shot a shotgun it tossed me back on my derierre! Dh laughed so hard! Then he looked at my target and said, "You missed it." I calmly replied, "Of course I missed...I closed my eyes."
NEVER has my DH yelled at me like he did that day NEVER cLOSE yOUR EYES SHOOTING A GUN!
Well, guess you could call me an early bird, or spring chicken LOL
I don't like being up that early, but DH is up every morning for work at 5 am. This morning he yells at me to get up, sounds like something is after the chicks (that something being the PITA cat) so I leaped out of bed at...4:15 am!!! to rescue my chicks from...NOTHING
So I figured since I was already awake I would get a headstart on my day. Put on coffee, packed DH's lunch, hopped online.
Tomorrow I should get to sleep least I had better!