Today's "to-do" list

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
1. Work more on stalls Done, not as much as I wanted to, but it's better than nothing.

2. Go to the feed store and TSC. I have to get feed and a gate. Done. Looks like Stormy gets to eat for awhile longer, and I have the gate I needed.

3. Do some more work w/the laundry. I ironed a bit this morning, took a load off the line, and have a load in the washer now. I didn't get home early enough to hang it on the line.

4. Work on garden! Done. I'll be spending more time on it tomorrow evening, and Saturday morning.
OK, my list for tomorrow is partially dependent on how long it takes me to clean out these stalls, so I'm not sure I'll get it all done, but here goes:

1. Finish cleaning out the stalls.

2. Install gate between Misty and Stormy's stalls, and put the one door back on. This gate will be closed when the horses are eating, but at other times, it will be left opened. That way, the horses have a 10x20 ft area to get out of the weather, or for shade. And, w/it closed, I'll no longer have to tie the horses up when I feed them.

3. Get rid of Mt. Manure.

4. Use tractor to clean last part of pasture that I never cleaned.

5. Redo fence between my field and CL's field. If I get that done, I'll have one small section left to do, but can't do it until RU gets home. I need to move the fence some, but don't know how she wants it.

6. Work on laundry.

7. Work on garden.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
hwillm1977 said:
1. finish weeding - done
2. build trellis' for beans and peas before they are growing across the yard - peas are done, beans not so much
3. harvest rhubarb and process into jam and sauce, I'm hoping for 24 pints of each but won't finish those all tomorrow... that depends on the rhubarb. - I have seven pints of rhubarb sauce done, but ran out of sugar.
4. help Aeryn practise walking, try drawing, sing some songs, give her a bath, dance around the living room, read a book, and have her try a new food. Done (this is the easiest part of everyday) She LOVES broccoli cheese and potato blended together
I'm not making a list for tomorrow... it's supposed to be nice and I'm just going to play it by ear...

I wanted to grow a 'house' for Aeryn out of sunflower walls with morning glories growing up and across twine for the roof... I got all the seeds but haven't gotten around to planting so maybe that will be my job for tomorrow.

Also planting 20 pounds of seed potatoes, I need to dig a trench for those.

So I ended up with a list anyway :)


Jun 18, 2009
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My list for tomorrow.

1. 5:30- let ducks out, feed chickens, feed sheep, feed and milk goats. Done
2. 6:00- make coffee get ready for the day. Done
3. weed 1st garden done
4. get hair cut- YAY!!! me time. done
5. finish sanding deck, prime and paint deck Done except paint
6. clean cottage
7. start mowing lawns, all 7 of them Not all done
8. animal chores done
9. make dinner done
10. finish loose ends from the day.

These could all change in the event of rain or lambing.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
I am surprisingly non-sore after yesterday's marathon painting session (my heels are getting MUCH better). But it is supposed to be sprinkly/showery all day (I wish we'd get a quarter inch of real rain, we could use it, aside from the mosquito issue) so I think my agenda is like this:

-- go to feedstore as I'm flat-out of chickenfeed DONE

-- see if Canadian Tire in town has acceptable ceiling fan DONE - they didn't

-- if not, go to Newmarket and hit Habitat for Humanity (but their stuff is usually very high-end and priced accordingly) and then, if that produces nothing, the usual suspects (Lowe's, Home Depot, Home Hardware) DONE - scored apparently-identical one to what was broken, for $109 but could be worse)

-- one last time hill up the potatoes that are in bud mostly DONE

-- plant. those. darn. pole. beans!!!! DONE!

-- work on deck joists, hopefully start putting decking on.



Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
We also bought a beautiful 5 blade ceiling fan with remote from Crappy Tire. I think it was $80.. They should have some there.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
miss_thenorth said:
We also bought a beautiful 5 blade ceiling fan with remote from Crappy Tire. I think it was $80.. They should have some there.
I did look, but everything the local store had was either very foofy-looking or had the several individual sconce-style lights rather than a single dome light. (Our ceiling is too low for the sconce style to be practical)

It's funny, I have looked at A LOT OF ceiling fans this morning :p and they ranged in price from $50 to almost $500 (no foolin!), and you know what, if you took the tags off and lined them up side by side, I could never in a million years match the correct fans with the correct part of the price range. Well except that the very extreme bizarro looking ones are all expensive (my 4 year old son was very taken with a $350 model that had red leaf-shaped blades and red flame-shaped lights :p) It's just so random.

I'm HOPINGHOPINGHOPING that this really is the exact same as the broken one... cuz then, instead of replacing the ceiling mount and remote unit too, which as I recall getting the remote unit in there *and working* was the biggest PITA, we would just have to put the blades on the actual fan part of the new fan and connect the wires and screw it in place (WITHOUT DROPPING this time!) and be in business.

Still waiting to see if husband will do it or if I have to do it myself. (Electrical stuff is one of the extremely, extremely few things he'll do around here, so I tend to encourage him to think of it as his type thing to do... but I can connect the red wires and the black wires and so forth the same as any other ten-fingered person, when necessary)



Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada

-- move sheep electronet, first thing, they really need new grass DONE

-- water beans planted yesterday, also water the shrub I moved DONE

-- be available to help husband w/ ceiling fan if another hand is needed (he appears to be going to put it up tomorrow, is putting the fan together right now) DONE

-- re-mow path to back field, low enough for wheelbarrow and child access later in week DONE

-- take kids to splash pad if it gets too hot in p.m. no- it's actually cool, breezy, nice out

-- finish removing weeds and stuff under pine, lay out outline of new path/bed DONE


-- actually do something with deck construction, in a.m. before sun swings around and it gets too hot DID SOME

-- help w/ replacement ceiling light for kitchen DONE

-- probably other things too :p just little puttering-around bits and pieces

Hope everyone has a good weekend (productive or not, as per personal preferences :)),


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
1. Finish cleaning out the stalls. I got done Stormy's stall, and had started on Misty's when we had a storm blow up. So, I had to quit. That means, I wasn't able to get to #2-5. :( So, I'll be working on those next week-except for #5. Think I'm going to hold off on that one for a couple of weeks, then see if I can get hubby to help me.

2. Install gate between Misty and Stormy's stalls, and put the one door back on. This gate will be closed when the horses are eating, but at other times, it will be left opened. That way, the horses have a 10x20 ft area to get out of the weather, or for shade. And, w/it closed, I'll no longer have to tie the horses up when I feed them.

3. Get rid of Mt. Manure.

4. Use tractor to clean last part of pasture that I never cleaned.

5. Redo fence between my field and CL's field. If I get that done, I'll have one small section left to do, but can't do it until RU gets home. I need to move the fence some, but don't know how she wants it.

6. Work on laundry. Done

7. Work on garden. We didn't get much rain here, so I was able to work on it. Unless it's soaked, I'll be working on it more in the morning.
OK, my list for tomorrow:

1. Work in garden. I have GOT to finish getting it ready, or I'm not going to be able to plant anything!

2. Work on laundry. I think the stuff multiplies when I'm not looking.

3. Work w/KN on her scooter skills. Don't know about other states, but in NJ, you need a motorcycle license to ride one on the road. She has her permit, and takes her test on Friday, so I'll be helping her. That way, she'll be able to get out to the farm during the summer, so I won't have to take care of the stuff she normally does.

4. Spend the night in the tack shed so I can work on getting the cats used to each other.

ETA: 5. Make a chocolate mayo cake for after church snack. Don't think I'll have time Sunday morning to make it. (I'll just have to hide it so no one eats it!)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
What a great idea, patandchickens! I keep a written, daily journal of to-do but it rarely turns into a ta-da! :gig Jumping on the wagon:


-Get coffee together and hit auto (great alarm clock): Done

-Get soaker hose around Winesap apple...had rain didn't worry about it

-Re-fence Red or Golden Delicious apple...maybe tomorrow, moving pix from dh's laptop to my desktop

-Soak rescue blueberry plants and mulch: Done

-Do dishes...that's what paper plates are for

-Sweep floor...sigh

-Move feed cans to new shed: Done

-Plant peppers and watermelon plants, add soaked newspaper and mulch

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Only problem I have is I forgot what I wanted to get done today, so I had to get on to check. Plus, I needed the recipe for the cake. While it's cooking, I'll be working on laundry. Then, I can eat, then go to the farm and I'll be done everything on my list for today!

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