Whole Wheat Bread is not bad. Its how it is processed/made that causes issues today.CrimsonRose said:wow great info! Gluten is the stuff in flower right? so is whole wheat bread bad?
I ask because my kiddos do have issues with ADD (so do I!) and I'm slowly trying to switch us over to homemade foods when I can... I now make all our bread but try to add in some whole wheat to the recipe (sub in for the white flower) or oat flower... I tried 100% whole wheat and it was just too much so I'm slowly adding it in till we can get used to the taste...
I have mostly switched us over to real butter... (hubby won't let me give up the tubs because it spreads so much better and especially with homemade bread it tears it up fast with the hard real stuff) I did find a neat device that allows you to keep butter fresh at room temps called a butter bell... I have it on my wish list to order when I get a few extra dollars... and hope that will help with the spreading issue so we can toss the fake tubs of stuff...
I don't have access to raw milk yet either but have been buying milk at aldi's (whole milk) they say it's not ultra pasteurized and hormone free! and for now that's the best I can do... the kids do love yogurt (I need to make myself eat it more)
my worst thing is pop! no matter how hard I try I just can't give it up!I love coffee but it hurts my stomach sometimes... especially in the mornings when I have an empty stomach... and no matter what I add to it or what type I try I just don't like the taste of tea... And mama needs her caffeine to get going in the mornings...
a can of pop is so quick and easy...
my kiddos biggest thing is breakfast cereal! it's just so quick and easy and something they can make on their own... I did make homemade granola a few times and they LOVED it... But as kiddos they are wasteful (pour big bowls and only eat half ect...) and it was expensive to make! (maybe once I get our bees up and going and have free honey it won't be so bad) but I averaged the cost to be about 12 bucks a batch... that feeds us for about 3 mornings... while 4 bucks worth of cereal will do the same... and even though it upsets me when they waste a bowl of cereal... I would be devastated if they wasted my granola! money wise and the time and mess it took to make! hahaha They do like bagels from time to time and toast with homemade applebutter or pumpkinbutter on it... but their FAV is cereal... I just haven't found anything to replace it yet... :/
Prepared properly, no. But almost all bread bought in the store is improperly prepared.so is whole wheat bread bad?
I have made homemade soda before and finally found a recipe I like... but homemade soda is lacking the caffeine I crave in commercial crap...Bubblingbrooks said:If you want to work on the pop/soda issue, get yourself a Kombucha Scoby, and or learn to make homemade fermented sodas.
For cereal, we LOVE this recipe!
http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/200 anola.html
I tried to make a wheat sprout bread once and failed horribly at it... instead of bread it came out soggy and smelled like rotton cooked spinich... It SOOOO was NOT bread!Wifezilla said:Prepared properly, no. But almost all bread bought in the store is improperly prepared.
Grains need to be soaked, fermented or sprouted to deactivate anti-nutrients.